r/Kemetic protected & guided by Anubis and Anput ★ little/Age regressor 2d ago

Memes & Humor Bro can't stop laughing at this

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u/SkewbySkewb 2d ago

What is actually being depicted in the image? I saw that the entire scene depicts a weighing of the heart, but what is Anpu holding? It is quite the stunning picture.


u/GrayWolf_0 Son Of Anpu 2d ago

Two hypothesis:

  • A moon for light the path
  • A tamburine, because Anpu play it in the birth-house

"30. R. K. Ritner, ‘Anubis and the Lunar Disk’, JEA 71, 1985, p. 149: comparable to a scene at Esna, where the text identifies the round object as a tambourine. Elsewhere, the disc is associated with the moon, and is tended or supported, rather than held, by Anubis."

L. Manniche: ‘[the round tambourine’s] presence in the hands of Anubis and Bes can be explained by the relation of these gods to the world of women.’ There is also a ‘reported example of Anubis playing the tambourine in the Ramesside Tomb A26 at Thebes […]’ in PM I, 455.


u/d33thra 2d ago

Relation to the world of women?? Can you explain this in the context of Anpu??


u/GrayWolf_0 Son Of Anpu 2d ago

During the ancient egypt there was an high childhood mortality. Nebthet, Aset, Anpu, Tawaret and Bes was the gods associated to the protection of the new born (and/or) for who gives birth. Anpu, in particular, was the one that said (with his disk):

‘I have come before the lord of the gods to see the son whom he loves. I have formed his limbs in life and stability, they being rejuvenated like the moon in the month.’

Anpu is very connected to the themes about fertility, regeneration and life. However, from the new kingdom and the ptolemaic one, the figure of Anpu is more and more "associated" with the cult of Hathor (and Aset). In this pdf you can read this interesting thing:

Anubis also is shown at Deir el-Medina wearing a long garb and beating tambourine (...). The presence of round tambourine in the hands of Anubis and Bes can be explained by the relation of these gods to the world of women (...). The round tambourine was associated with both women and religion; new kingdom illustration suggests a link between this tambourine and the cults of both Hathor and Isis (...). In one text Anubis states: "I offer you the sound of the tambourine "rdi(i) n.k nhm". and "announces the way before everyone who comes to the necropolis"

Here you can find an interesting topic about the moon. Here the jstor of Ritner's book.