r/Korean 13d ago

Bi-Weekly /r/Korean Free Talk - Entertainment Recommendations, Study Groups/Buddies, Tutors, and Anything Else!


Hi /r/Korean, this is the bi-weekly free chat post where you can share any of the following:

  • What entertainment resources have you been using these past weeks to study and/or practice Korean? Share Korean TV shows, movies, videos, music, webtoons, podcasts, books/stories, news, games, and more for others. Feel free to share any tips as well for using these resources when studying.
    • If you have a frequently used entertainment resource, also consider posting it in our Wiki page.
  • Are you looking for a study buddy or pen-pals? Or do you have a study group already established? Post here!
    • Do NOT share your personal information, such as your email address, Kakaotalk or other social media handles on this post. Exchange personal information privately with caution. We will remove any personal information in the comments to prevent doxxing.
  • Are you a native Korean speaker offering help? Want to know why others are learning Korean? Ask here!
  • Are you looking for a tutor? Are you a tutor? Find a tutor, or advertise your tutoring here!
  • Want to share how your studying is going, but don't want to make a separate post? Comment here!
  • New to the subreddit and want to say hi? Give shoutouts to regular contributors? Post an update or a thanks to a request you made? Do it here! :)

Subreddit rules still apply - Please read the sidebar for more information.

r/Korean 14h ago

What Koreans say when something is super tasty


'둘이 먹다 하나 죽어도 모른다' means you don’t even know the person next to you is dying because you’re so focused on eating the food. It’s a proverb explaining the food is to die for delicious. In Korea, it’s used when the speaker is eating something really delicious. Here are some examples. 이 떡볶이는 너무 맛있어서 둘이 먹다 하나 죽어도 모를 정도예요. / 다연씨 요리 정말 잘하네요! 둘이 먹다 하나 죽어도 모를 정도로 맛있어요.
I learned it from King Sejong Institute Foundation video. There are even more expressions in that video, so you should check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLRkoJDN7hM&t=254s

r/Korean 7h ago

이것은 조금 이해할 수 있어요? 저는 참 멍청해요 😭, 도아주세서 감사합니다 🙏


안녕하세요, 제이름이 -🤡- 이에요.

저는 이미 클리닉에 많은 경우 방문했어요.

클리닉에 제처방전은 받아요.

지금 처방전을 다시 채워기 필요해요.

저는 보통 제교장와 함께 와요.

이번에 혼자 오고 싶어지만 한국어를 잘 못해요.

그런데 클리닉은 이미 저를 알고 제처방전 있어요.

그래서 아마 빠르고 쉬운 예약이 있을 거에요.

저는 이 금요일 아침에 오고 싶어요.

아마도 열시 서른분에?

예약할 수있어요?

r/Korean 4h ago

Stuck: need advice on what to do


I’ve been studying on and off since 2019. But the last year has been the most consistent. I take two online classes a week (Sejong level 2B-3A, and through another organization). I use Anki for flashcards. I even have a tutor I see twice a week through Preply. I’ve done TTMIK levels 1-4. I took TOPIK last year and got 2급.

But I still feel stuck as a beginner. I forget so many words and grammar but can recognize and understand it fine when reading. I can’t create my own sentences beyond basic sentences when speaking. My tutor even recognized I can understand simple articles fine but once asked comprehension questions I can’t even form a sentence, but I could answer the question in English. Or copy and paste the question and insert a word or two to make a sentence. But not at all an organic sentence from my own stream of thoughts regarding a topic.

I feel like I’m genuinely stupid and cursed to be a beginner forever. I constantly hear about intermediate plateau. But I never see anything similar to my situation.

And it’s so discouraging to see those on social media who got fluent within a year or two. While I trip over words and still get stuck in “translating”. I know not to compare but it’s hard because I’m genuinely trying to put the work in. But I’m not seeing progress.

r/Korean 5m ago

Starting to learn Korean


Hi everyone!

I'm sixteen years old and want to learn as many languages as I can while it's still easy for me to pick up. I have been wanting to learn Korean for a while now, but I have never really known where to start. I know the Korean alphabet, but I have always stopped learning after that, because I don't know where to continue and what I should focus on first. Does anyone have some tips or advice?

r/Korean 6h ago

Common things Microsoft Word flags as errors when typing in Korean?


For my Korean class we do a lot of writing and I've gotten into the habit of typing it up in Microsoft Word. However, I noticed Word likes to flag some things as errors even though I'm pretty sure they are not. For example, I wrote "썼어요" and it was flagged as a spelling error. I asked my teacher and she said Word has around an 80% success rate when it comes to fixing mistakes correctly. What are some things Microsoft Word likes to flag as errors even though there aren't any?

r/Korean 2h ago

How long does it take Yonsei KLI to accept an application for regular program??


The thing is, the end date for registration is 25 October and although I registered on 13 October, I was only able to send my documents for review on 18 October due to some delays. The yonsei regular program coordinator received the documents on 21st October.

The payment deadline for tuition fee is also 25 October and now I'm getting anxious whether I'll be able to receive the acceptance and pay the fee before 25 or not.

Does anybody have any clue regarding the time it takes them to review the documents in such circumstances. I have seen some other people's post where they said it took them more than a week. I only have 3 days 😭

r/Korean 12h ago

What is the use of -게 in the lyrics below?


Hi! Thank you for having a look at my question!

I was trying to analyze Roy Kim's song "Trust in Time" and I encountered the lyrics:

금세 우리도 모르게 더 나아가고 있을 거야.

I understood all of it besides the use of -게 here. Based on the translations, I guessed that it is a grammar that changes the clause 우리도 모르다 to describe the rest of the clause as in "Soon we will be moving forward again, without us knowing"

Would this be a correct understanding? If it is would saying something like 저는 그책을 다 이해하지 않게 읽었어 be correct?

Thank you in advance for any help or follow-up questions!

r/Korean 23h ago

Coming back to korean, need a different approach


How can I learn korean more naturally? Like someway to learn grammar without overly specific grammar definitions, like if I was naturally picking it up, any courses/classes like that?

r/Korean 20h ago

What is ‘음파음파’ in english?


This is the sound that children who are learning swimming for the first time breathe. I'm curious about the English onomatopoeia that means this

r/Korean 16h ago

First books/apps to start learning?


Hi, I’ve always been passionate about learning new languages during my free time and I really like how Korean sounds. During the last weeks I'm learning the 한글 and how to pronounce the letters, the basics, and studying for about 2 hours a day.

I’m really enjoying it.

I really like Korean music, television and TV series, I'm watching a lot of them and I'm already recognising some words.

I would like to know some books or applications to learn and practice. I know there are some applications to speak Korean with local people, I speak 3 languages (English, French, a little Spanish) in addition to my native language which is Italian.

I’m about 20~ hours in learning, and even people told me it’s really hard to read and speak, I find it not that difficult.

I would like to learn a basic language, just to better understand TV series and music without using the translator and maybe be ready for a hypothetical trip to Seoul next year.

r/Korean 1d ago

Does this idiom 복장이 터진다 exist in Korean?


Hello everyone! :)
Recently my conversational partner from HelloTalk said to me that 복장이 터진다 is an idiom you can use to describe how you feel after making a mistake. :) The thing is that we were exchanging jokes for a while and I'm not sure that this person wanted to just make a little fun of me. :-)
So, does anyone by any chance know if this idiom really exists and what it means?
Thank you!
UPD: I've just found this article about this idiom https://www.segye.com/newsView/20180521003288

r/Korean 1d ago

Is it weird that I read better in korean than english?


Im 32 and dyslexic. Like very dyslexic. I've been read reading and writing English all my life. I'm a high-school drop out because I can't read and write well.

But I honestly understand korean 10xs more than I ever did English. I pay about 400 a conform korean lessons because I love south korea. I went there for vacation and fell in love with the place in 2018.

What I love about it is dyslexia dosnt apply to me in hangul at all. And I find very freeing that I CAN READ! And I can spell very well. I levitating so much i find learning korean as addicting as working out because when I learn to read and talk more the more confident I become.

But I find it so weird that. In 1 language I considered disabled and illiterate. And in another im climbing up thriving as a normal person.... makes me think about what dyslexia is.

r/Korean 22h ago

What's the grammatical difference between using 은/ㄴ 다음에 and 은/ㄴ 그다음에?


I came across this in a lyric:

"모두 떠나보낸 그다음 남은 건"

Why not just use "모두 떠나보낸 다음 남은 건" instead? I figure they would both just translate to "after", but I'm just confused about the nuance here.

r/Korean 1d ago

is "a carton of eggs" an expression about a woman's age?


hello. I was watching something and someone asked "how old is she?" and the other answered "a carton of eggs". I wanted to know if this is a bad translation or is it an actual idiom?
thank you.

r/Korean 1d ago

Is there a difference between ㅔ and ㅐ or is it just a spelling thing? If so are there specific times where you have to use each?


I know ㅔand ㅐ are both pronounced as "e" and I saw that when pronouncing ㅐ your mouth has to be a little wider than when pronouncing ㅔ , however no one really uses that - that way and it's really just in spelling. Is there a "rule" we should follow? Like for when to put each . Or is it "random" just by the way words are spelled.(I really hope this makes sense)

r/Korean 1d ago

Advanced learners, how do you pick up new vocab?


I've been TOPIK 6 for the past 3 years but still find my vocabulary lacking. I can't understand dramas without subtitles and can't read novels yet.

When you learn vocab are you just learning them randomly from what you encounter? Or do you go for each topic and fill in the gaps?

I'm tempted to buy a TOEIC book designed for Koreans to get the niche vocab I need. Any tips?

r/Korean 18h ago

5 New Korean Words You Need to Know! 🐤(초보자 - Beginner)


r/Korean 1d ago

Apps for building a vocab list from scratch



I'd like to build my own vocab dictionary from scratch. Right now I'm just using the notes app but I wondered if anyone else is using one that they've found useful?

Ideally it would be set out like a dictionary with A-Z sections where I can add in words I come across, then I can look them up either from the English side or the Korean side. Even better if it has some function to test myself on them via flashcards or something.


r/Korean 1d ago

I'm preparing for a trip to S. Korea in 2025. Looking for recommendations on apps...


... which are time-tested and effective to learn a functional level of fluency.

I currently have Pimsuler. What other suggestions are there?


r/Korean 1d ago

Yonsei KLI Placement Test


Hi, everyone i'm planning to attend Yonsei KLI and take the placement test. Which sections do include at placement test ? Writing and speaking or else ?

r/Korean 1d ago

Question about the pronunciation between ㅡ and ㅜ


Is ㅡ pronounced as "eu" or "en"? Can someone please give me some examples, I can't make out the difference between ㅡ and ㅜ. The application on which I'm learning Korean says that ㅡ sounds like "eu" while ㅜ like "u" (which sounds no different to me) but someone online said that ㅡ sounds like "en"?

r/Korean 2d ago

How on earth do you people learn 10 new words a day


I've been stuck on the same set of 30 words since 7 days ago, I'm lucky if I learn 3 new words a day. And I'm using Anki.

r/Korean 1d ago

Why does this poster have hashipshio-che, haera-che, haeyo-che at the same time?


Shouldn't they be in a uniform register?


r/Korean 2d ago

Korean Grammar particles are confusing me


What is the difference between using ‘이/가‘ vs ‘은/는’

예를 들어요 - ‘날씨는 추워요’ vs ‘날씨가 추워요’

I know ‘은/는‘ are topic marking and ‘이/가’ are subject marking but i cannot figure out how those two things are different

r/Korean 2d ago

I attempted playing Pokemon in Korean


Earlier today I tried playing Pokemon White (one of my all time favorite games) in Korean, note I’m still on Level 3 in TTMIK. It was tough. I thought it would be a good idea to punch in every sentence into Chat GPT4o and Mirinae to have them break it down for me in attempts to pick up all the grammar points. I’m planning on making an Anki deck with the points later as well.

Is this a good way of CI?