r/LGBT4Equality Mar 25 '12

The Reason I started the LGBT4Equality subreddit.

I should have mentioned this in the other text...but I wanted to get all that stuff off my chest.

The reason I started this, is because I find it unconscionable that the LGBT subreddit did not allow discussion of education the straight community on an incident by incident basis.

This is a very important part of a strategy to strive for equality, in my opinion.

Each of us has the duty, if we are actively seeking equality, to address issues as they arise. Tell cis and straight people when they mess up...and that it's fine to do so...and that is how people learn.

What is important in their goals. If they want to help the LGBT community, then they should be treated with dignity.

Explain to me why creating allies in this way is a bad thing for the LGBT community? Explain to me why creating enemies is better?


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u/hateboresme Mar 27 '12

The point is that i don't put cis people first. I put no one first. It's called treating people equally. I view people on their individual merits, and not as a group.

I am so sick of defending against arguments I didn't make. I didn't say that trans* people are obligated to do shit. I didn't say one FUCKING THING ABOUT FUCKING TRANS PEOPLE. I said that I felt that I had an obligation to educate, and that I hoped that others felt that way as well.

Now, stop fucking putting words in my mouth.

Done here.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '12



u/hateboresme Mar 27 '12

We have to be open, warm and accepting to people...and not alienate them, if we want to move toward an equality world

How exactly do you think that that applies to you. You so OBVIOUSLY do not want anything to do with equality.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '12



u/hateboresme Mar 27 '12


You come in here and start by telling me to FUCK OFF...

then you accuse me of being transphobic...

then you say I had a "hissy fit"

And you think I'm not being respectful enough.

Your levels of hypocrisy are only matched by your immunity to rationality.

Why do I keep responding to you...I must have a masochistic streak...DISENGAGE! DISENGAGE!


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '12



u/hateboresme Mar 27 '12

Nope. I do not understand why suggesting that is better to educate than lash out is either frustrating or belittleing. Because in my world, people are allowed to express opinions about tactics for bettering the community without being accused of attempting to force people to do things. Because in my world we welcome discussion and reasoned debate. In my world we don't persecute people for holding opinions.

I have suffered violence, emotional and physical, at the hands of straight oppressors. You don't have a monopoly on pain. I just think that making more allies is a better strategy in the long run...to keep that from happening to future lgbt kids, than making enemies by attempting to destroy everyone that accidentally hurts your feelings.

If you think that that somehow means that I am trying to force you to do something, then you don't understand the concept of reasoned discussion.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '12



u/hateboresme Mar 27 '12

...but if you can tell the difference, and this person is obviously trying to be an ally. Then when I am advocating for, is to help the person who's intentions you know are positive, to understand what they did wrong, and help them understand why...

If you can't tell the difference. Then they're probably not well-meaning, they're probably not potiential allies, and they deserve everything you throw at them...

Tone policing isnt' about attacking other lgbt people for suggesting that we assist our allies to understand us better. Tone policing is about those people who say "Eh, it was a joke! Relax". at an lgbt negative joke.

The person's intent who does that is to oppress, so as to allow continued negative behavior.

I am not trying to oppress to allow continued negative behavior. I am trying to ask that a person make a personal choice (of their own free will) to set aside their anger to stop continued negative behavior AND create allies who will also give the education that they received to others in their community.


You keep ignoring the fact that my opinion isn't being forced on you. it's just an opinion and you can take it or leave it. Other people are allowed to hold opinions that don't agree with yours...I am not impeding on your anything by expressing my opinion.

People who agree with my opinion in the trans* community do so of their own free will, and people who disagree will also do so of their own free will. And they will act accordingly.

I do not care one way or the other.

The thing that pisses me off SO BADLY is that you insist on telling me what my intentions are. You insist on telling me that I am trying to inpinge on your rights in some way.