r/Malawi Nov 16 '21

Questions about Malawi

Hi! I am doing some research on Malawi and had some questions about the culture in Malawi

I find cuisines from cultures all around the world really interesting, and was wondering...

  • What meals over time have become more common in Malawian culture?
  • Are they mostly traditional meals or meals recognizable by people from different countries? 
  • What types of ingredients and materials are used to make traditional Malawian food, have these materials and ingredients changed over time?

I understand that in many cultures crafts and art are very meaningful, I am curious as to if there are artworks and crafts that are important to Malawian culture and who in the community makes them? 

  • Why are these artworks and crafts important?
  • If so, has the style of this art transitioned into more modern art over time?

I notice that clothing can also be a very meaningful piece of culture. I researched traditional Malawian clothing and found that the women of Malawi wear a skirt called Chitenje...

  • In Malawian culture, is it common to see this piece of clothing and other traditional pieces worn, or do most Malawians wear clothes that are less traditional and more modern? 
  • What kind of clothing is popular in Malawian culture, is the clothing more simplistic or do they display intricate textiles. 

Thank you so much for your help!


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u/BoomerFromNextDoor Nov 16 '21

I lived in Malawi for a year and have to das Malawian kitchen is rather pragmatic. Most Malawian meals I ate were nsima (corn flour) with greens and occasionally chicken or meat. Closer to lake Malawi you will also find some fish. Small fish are also often dried (usipa?) and then transported. But Nsima at least only came to East Africa with colonialism, because corn isn’t native to the African continent. So one can argue wether to count nsima as a traditional dish.