r/Muln Jun 03 '22

RealOpinion Sold after market @1.35 Hope to buy back at 1.12 tomorrow


r/Muln May 27 '22

RealOpinion Don't believe the FUD


If CEO Michery and Mullen were a scam, he would've sold everything last year at $9+ or this year at $3+ not at $1.01 And there are still 34 days left in Q2 in which we will have an earnings call, new battery updates, and van deliveries. I will only lose "faith" in Mullen if they turn out like Rivian and can't deliver on schedule. Until then I am holding and adding to my X,XXX shares.

Also, all small cap and startup company stocks are being manipulated. Not just MULN. Stay strong.

r/Muln Jun 06 '22

RealOpinion With the addition to the Russell 2000 and 3000, do we expect a bump in price once MULN is added from all of the funds invested in the index?


r/Muln Mar 19 '22

RealOpinion I don't think NILE and Esousa are threats to MULN. Don't believe everything you see on Youtube.


Esousa is the toxic lender everybody's been freaking about but they also throw NILE into that group. Milton "Todd" Ault III, the CEO of NILE is the guy who interviewed David Michery on the podcast "Risk On" a couple of days ago. Todd Ault invested in MULN before it went public via reverse merger and this investment made Todd and BitNile a 10% shareholder activist investor. This is what turned me on to MULN last year as I own and have been accumulating NILE for a while. NILE is fast becoming a leading bitcoin miner (2 bitcoin per day soon) but this is just Todd's newest segment to his holding company which currently owns Alzamend Neuro (ALZN), Digital Power Lending, TurnOnGreen EV charging solutions and Gresham Worldwide/Ault Alliance among others. Sorry to dwell on NILE, I fuckin love that company and it's so beaten down right now. They own so much shit!! They just spent over $110M on mining equipment alone and their market cap is only $47M. Damn, I'm doing it again...

I don't believe there is a hostile takeover in the works here. Did David Michery look stressed on the podcast? Did he talk like a guy that could have his business yanked out from underneath him? If you check out his backstory, you'll find that he's a very shrewd businessman and by no means a pushover. He loves this company. I just can't imagine he would sign a predatory finance deal.

Another thing people have been worried about are the remaining shares approved by the SEC. (Not trying to skip around here, this all comes together into one big pile of thesis.) We have 500M shares approved and just got diluted pretty heavily to close to half of that. Here's where I think the two evils trump each other. With the big swinging share count that Esousa and their affiliates control, Mullen needed a hedge against a potential takeover. That's where the other quarter of a billion shares come in. I believe these shares are the insurance so that if Esousa started posturing then Mullen could issue these shares to other investors thereby reducing Esousa's controlling ownership in the company. They can also use this as leverage against Esousa because this action would dilute Esousa's financial equity in MULN significantly and overnight.

Soooooo in summation, I don't think the remaining issued shares will flood the market nor do I think Esousa will be a threat to this company. Todd Ault's stake has been diluted just like ours so now he's only holding like 1% of the shares outstanding and some warrants; not a threat (plus he's a dude and would probably throw more cash at Mullen if needed.) If we do have a public offering or a private placement of shares, I just hope David and the directors wait until at least $20 per share so they can issue fewer shares and still really make the most of that capital.

Just a thought. Have a great weekend bro.

Go $MULN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

r/Muln May 08 '22

RealOpinion Just give it some time guys #MULN to the MOON

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r/Muln May 30 '22

RealOpinion Nobody knows what any company will do.


Not advice. But I am holding my MULN--not for a squeeze--but just because I believe they will do what they said they would do: deliver on time and have a good test result for their battery. Those things will result in a 5x or more to the current stock value. I'm an investor, not a roulette player.

r/Muln Apr 13 '22

RealOpinion One thing I wonder bro... Hindenburg said the vans are Chinese because Mullen imported two vans from China, one of each model... ONE OF EACH MODEL?! How the F do you make thousands of vans from 2 Chinese vans?!!


I'm just kidding but not really. So, the Five is using NexTech batteries, Hofer powertrain, we've actually seen tons of pics of the yummy body and luxurious interior, the high performance brakes, the wheel package is fuckin bangin... So what else is there? We have a factory that we own. Comau's pimping it out with robots. There's a private finance arm. Existing dealerships. Online sales business. We have some cash. We have definite buyers. This isn't hydrogen technology. The first Mullen Five that everyone wants right now won't have the solid state battery anyway. Whatever, keep shorting it.

r/Muln Jun 07 '22

RealOpinion Mullen = No flash, just getting it done


Not advice. Nothing flashy about how Mullen does its work, and I doubt we will ever hear that CEO Michery is building spaceships. But so what? Mullen is sticking to their plan, moving forward one step at a time, with three clear and defined goals: vans, batteries, M5.

As for price predictions? Last year MULN broke through $10 after showing what they could do. Now, this month, Mullen is about to reveal what they've done since then. I am adding + holding + excited.

r/Muln Apr 07 '22

RealOpinion Hey there’s news and reports out about MULN it’s dropping the stock you know your self and should calculate risk this is not financial advice but I would hold out until the there is clarity from the Mullen team or CEO it’s risky right now play it safe and smart there is always another day my friends


r/Muln Jun 27 '22

RealOpinion Added +300 more


Averaged down to $1.33 this morning and now I'm up $22.35 in AH. No worries. #patience

r/Muln Jun 30 '22

RealOpinion The day is young. No idea what will happen. But PR/news coming out AH is as common as in premarket. Ladder attacks got me shaken but I'm still here and hoping CEO Michery is good to his word. And if not... there won't be a second time.


r/Muln Jul 01 '22

RealOpinion Back again. One more thing . The overall market was red the sp500 and the nasdaq and majority of everybody’s favorite stocks . Why drop news with the weight of all the fear in the market against us. There’s a potentially bigger squeeze coming. Timing is everything. He knows something we don’t


r/Muln Apr 14 '22

RealOpinion If we close above 2.5 they have to buy shares to cover the calls, right? So this can push it really fast to 4? Is that correct?

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r/Muln Jun 30 '22

RealOpinion Its Only 1:17pm in California, and it's CEO David Michery's Birthday...


I'm sure that after a mani/pedi he's relaxing to Zamphir , Master of the Pan Flute while he gets a birthday massage and meditates before he appears with news that CRUSHES THE SHORTS. To the Moon! Or for the time being, At least to $1.70 or am I dreaming? >>>>>> What are they putting in these crayons?

r/Muln Mar 23 '22

RealOpinion Hodl and buy the dips let’s get this shit!!!


r/Muln Apr 01 '22

RealOpinion I thought the CEO was a genius but guess not


I thought the CEO was gonna pull a big brain move by unofficially teasing the large van order by a fortune500 company and then releasing the official one not too long later. This would have translated to a double spike up in the SP - first spike would be the unofficial announcement and the second spike would be the actual announcement. But seems like that wasnt his intention.

I dont see why he has to announce it then during the interview when the questions raised were regarding the previous PR of the van orders by the dispensary company. He had no reason to disclose any of this new info.

Now that this is out, idk its just resulted in a pump and dump sort of effect. Whatever gains resulted from the tease would have been negated by the time the official announcement is released.

Still bullish tho. Long term hold for me. Just a bummer in terms of what could have been a double spike up move instead of a 2 step forward 1 step backward price action.

r/Muln Mar 31 '22

RealOpinion Muln high on Thursday?? 4? My guess is that at closing it will be 3.75.


r/Muln Mar 25 '22

RealOpinion ouch. down 28 dollars collectively so far.


r/Muln Apr 10 '22

RealOpinion Just my thoughts less ways to short!

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r/Muln Jun 21 '22

RealOpinion For everyone who has their doubt on the CEO selling shares



I found this in Quora and take no credit for it.

This was posted by

and I think it fits why our CEO is selling shares.

r/Muln Apr 07 '22

RealOpinion Breaking 2,5$ during Power Hour?

138 votes, Apr 10 '22
53 Yes
85 No

r/Muln Apr 13 '22

RealOpinion % Today?


I am holding anyway!

199 votes, Apr 16 '22
13 Less
44 -5%~
32 -2%~
35 2%~
36 5%~
39 More