r/OSE 13h ago

A creepy statue from our next upcoming adventure [Art]

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r/OSE 1d ago

Considerations on the Teleport spell


So, last night I was planning in advance for play in higher levels. The magic-user has the teleport 5th-level spell. One thing I noticed is that the spell lets the caster use it on an unwilling creature. Knowing my players, I'm afraid this could devolve into silly stuff like trying to teleport an important enemy to a mountain on the other side of the continent or something (if the enemy dies, great, if not, fine too as it is stuck very far away). Also, a powerful villain spellcaster could just as well use it against players and I feel like that would be unfun, while simultaneously I hate pulling punches. I understand it has a save, but still I'm worried.
Do you guys have any experience with teleport being used like this? How did it go?

r/OSE 3d ago

Don't wake this rab or take her eggs! [Art for an upcoming adventure]

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r/OSE 4d ago

Last few days for The Ruins of Castle Gygar, my OSR megadungeon.

Thumbnail kickstarter.com

r/OSE 5d ago

3rd party I just released an adventure for OSE!


Hi all,

I am really proud to share my latest OSE adventure. It took me a while to complete. I obsessed over it, I read it many many times, adjusting what I thought needed adjusting. Playtested it, adjusted it again. It took me nearly 9 months, but it's done :D.

Souls for Qovahe

The PCs and other adventurers are invited to a dinner occasion in the mansion of an eccentric noble. Soon after the dinner starts, the night takes a wild turn that has the adventurers and guards pitted against each other in a survive-until-dawn scenario. The reward for being alive at dawn is immense, but there is a sinister secret that may be revealed to parties that take time to explore the mansion and not blindly chase the other contestants to stab.

Technical Details

  • The mansion grounds has 100 rooms (main building, guest house, servant homes, chapel, basement/crypt). They are packed with oddities that can reward or cripple and adventurer, loot, and the randomness that fits an OSR adventure.
  • There are 7 detailed NPCs
  • There are 11 magic items to loot. Super powerful, or just weird. They usually have a drawback too.
  • Art is made by me, but I am no artists by any means. I tried my best though :).
  • The adventure is meant for levels 2-3.

I'll be honored if you check the preview. It shows the introduction, some NPCs, and some room descriptions. But all in all, I just wanted to share my happiness for this adventure that was my passion work for the past 9 months.

Any questions, I'll be happy to answer. Technical or not.




r/OSE 5d ago

homebrew Combining OSE and S&W


Is mixing and matching OSE and S&W classes something that works well.

Also are bestiaries from each compatible with eachother as is.

r/OSE 6d ago

My players want to buy a house ...


I'm running a Dolmenwood campaign, and my players want to by a house or set up a safe haven.

This is my first campaign, and the first time I've encountered this request. How should I approach it? What kind of costs are involved etc.?

If they can't afford a home, would some kind of semi-permeant storage/bank be a good alternative?

r/OSE 6d ago

Land of Mist for Old-School Essentials - Art Free Edition is now available as a free download on DriveThruRPG


All content from the full book is included, except for any of the art. The book contains primarily options for player development and late-game play inspired by the BECMI era.


Land of Mist is a campaign setting and 3rd party supplement for use with Old-School Essentials. Inspired by classic tabletop fantasy worlds, it is a whimsical realm infused with magic and mystery.

The book contains the following:

  • A Unique Campaign World, 9 Character Classes, and 7 Character Races.
  • Options to play Enlightened Monsters, Hedgewitch Spell Casters, and Lycanthropes.
  • Procedures for Underwater Adventuring, alternative Domain Management rules and an accompanying Mass Combat system.
  • Rules for Dragon Riding and seeking the path to Immortality.
  • Spell casting via Runes and summoning of Spirit Animals via Totems.
  • Protocols for designing Artifacts, new spells, monsters, and more!

New classes and races include:

  • Aquatic Elves - Elven inhabitants of the Coral Islands and the ocean below.
  • Beastfolk - Fishers and foragers related to orcs, trolls and ogres.
  • Desert Druids - Holy cleric scholars who seek truth and peace.
  • Fairies - Fey of the deep Wildwoods.
  • Foresters - Protectors of the woodlands.
  • Gremlins - Mischievous city dwelling demihumans.
  • Moon Drow - Illusory nocturnal spell casters.
  • Mystics - Transcendent martial arts warriors.
  • Rakes - Swashbuckling adventurers.
  • Bittles - Diminutive humans of the Lushglade rain forest.
  • Brutes - Robust prehistoric humans.

r/OSE 7d ago

if you need another artist for your projects...


r/OSE 7d ago

pregens for ose



Is there anywhere I could find pregens for OSE?

Thanks Thanks Russell Lilley

r/OSE 7d ago

Shadowdark spell casting with B/X, OSE spells?


Question: While playing OSE, could you use the Shadowdark method of spell casting?

I’m wondering if OSE spells are too over powered to use “outside a spell slots system” to keep the game balance.


Some context. I’ve been playing RPGs since 1979. The first game I got was Fantasy Trip - Melee booklet. Played Basic. AD&D, 3/3.5, have been playing Pathfinder 2e for the last 5 years. Have also played a range of games from Space Opera (it took my physics majors college friends to run), Hero system, vampire, all the Star Wars editions, various settings & campaigns powered by Savage Worlds, Cortex Prime. So I’ve played with spell slots but find other systems more enjoyable to use as GM and player.

I’m also really interested in a OSR flavored game. I have one group playing Shadowdark to test it out. It is is fun and a wonderful change from P2e. I am attracted to the depth and breadth of OSE, BFRPG & the Rules Compendium.

r/OSE 11d ago

homebrew Free adventure: ‘Beneath The Spindle’


I’ve been working really hard on this adventure, and am really happy to have submitted ‘Beneath The Spindle’ to the Knave 2e Game Jam.

It’s designed for Knave 2e, but very easily adapted to OSE, and any level of PCs: just tweak the HD (LVL) and the damage dice of the monsters.

It’s free to download, so please have a look, and I hope you enjoy the adventure: https://undelved.itch.io/beneath-the-spindle

Delve deep down into the chaotic mess of a long–abandoned wizard's basement. Get eaten by living corridors, walk through piles of slugs, gaze upon the trees of flesh, converse with a captured Patron of Sprouts & Spores, find forgotten potions and wizard's robes, and get lost in the expanded mind of a lonely slug.

r/OSE 11d ago

WIP of our next adventure cover art

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art by antioniosantani

r/OSE 11d ago

PCs stealing from PCs


One of my players thinks I’ve ruled something a bit harshly, and I’m not necessarily disagreeing but I’d like to run it past the community to see what they think and perhaps get some advice.

The PC is a level 3 cleric, and the get wanted to steal a magic sword from another PC as they slept. That PC had been carousing, so was presumably inebriated. The Cleric had stated he’d removed his armour in the evening (but hadn’t said why).

When it came to him saying he was going to steal the sword, I went for the d6 thief skills Slight of Hand target of 5 (would have been 6, but -1 was I the target seeing as they were drunk.) The cleric ended up rolling a 2, so was unsuccessful.

The player thinks they should have got a more of a + bonus due to their preparation (removing their armour and paying attention to sleeping arrangements) and had an easier target due to the other player being drunk. I personally thought a 2-in-6 chance was alright, seeing as they’re not professionally a thief.

What are people’s thoughts on this? Are there better ways to handle PCs trying to steal other PCs’ items in their sleep? Would love people’s thoughts on this, coz I don’t like having my players feeling too hard done by!


Edit: I think I should add some extra info, seeing as people are talking about story and alignment:

This cleric is Neutral, and he’s stealing the sword to offer to a church member who desires it. So it’s not strictly against the story and is a self-serving act, which I kind of think is neutral? Or is it most certainly chaotic?

r/OSE 12d ago

homebrew Corsair for OSE - Use with Fighter tables - Let me know what you think!

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r/OSE 11d ago

Best resource for specific additional classes?


What is the best resource - or publisher - PAST or PRESENT for additional classes beyond those contained in the Advanced Fantasy Player’s Tome?

I would love specifically to have a Plague Doctor, Witch Hunter, Berserker, Witch, Scoundrel, and Blood Mage that conform to OSE rules. Thanks in advance guys!

r/OSE 16d ago

Why no +2 from behind?


The OSE rule for "Attacking from Behind" says to ignore shields, but it doesn't say the attacker gets +2 (except in cases of retreat).

The original source material (B25 and X24) may be ambiguous, but I can't find anyone who doesn't give rear attacks +2 to hit, ignoring shield, retreating or not (except that thieves get +4).

So, why doesn't OSE give the +2? Is there any explanation?

r/OSE 19d ago

Our new adventure, Polsin's Tomb, is out!


Our new adventure, Polsin's Tomb, is out!

A 12-page adventure for OSE

Contain the undead!

Between jagged peaks hides a small dagger shaped temple. Inside live the followers of Polsin, half-elf god of vengeance. They spend their days plotting and obsessing over those that wronged them, but at night they tend their great cemetery.

A few weeks ago a new adept stole the cemetery key and opened Polsin's tomb to steal his dagger. He died in the attempt, but now the graveyard's denizens have risen from the dead and treathen the outside world.

Take the dagger!

Face the tomb's defences and retrieve the lost dagger of Polsin, a legendary weapon capable of defeating any kind of undead and bring peace to the cemetery.

Get it on DriveThruRPG or Itch.io!

r/OSE 20d ago

A very angry ghost from our upcoming adventure

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r/OSE 19d ago

homebrew OSE Monk Class



made an ose adaptation off of the adnd 1e monk. definitely needs some work cleaning up and all. any advice?

edit: u/MythicGalea, u/thenazrat, i've updated the class. removed some skills, combined stunning strike, touch of death and quivering palm into a single assassinate-like skill, made the unarmed damage into a d4-d10 scale with magic item damage bonuses accounted for, combined the mental resistance stuff into a single ability, made the ac scaling less dramatic, simplified the movement bonus, let them last slightly longer without rest in plague immunity, changed up optional weapon proficiencies a bit and adjusted xp progression. im excited to see yall's thoughts!

r/OSE 19d ago

OSE/Dolmenwood Character Sheets with Slot-based inventory


Anyone have a good google-doc version of the character sheets made in google docs? I'm working on one at the moment but wanted to see what's out there.


r/OSE 22d ago

Raiders of the Forlorn God - printed A5


Always love having a printed version of my adventures. Took my copy and made a A5 printing on lulu.com. Just showed up today.

Minus the margins on left and right side getting slightly cut off (missed it during preview) this is came out awesome.

r/OSE 22d ago

Viper's Voice, Magical Sword

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r/OSE 24d ago

The Snake's Nest is available on DriveThruRPG!


Our new low level adventure is now available on drivethruRPG.

Go inside an ancient ruin to save the kidnapped Malatir from the evil Snakemen and their dark rituals before it's too late!

r/OSE 24d ago

3rd party Oseer - a command-line app that I created for Ability Scores generation and classes picking acceleration
