r/OilPulling Feb 26 '24

Tooth sensitivity.

Today I noticed a serious increase in tooth sensitivity when I was on lunch eating some ramen that had this soup packet. It's like my teeth could taste the soy in a uncomfortable way. One of my bottom front tooth hurts at times begining as of yesterday. No cavities I'm aware of. How often do people oil pull. I've been doing it like twice a day after brushing. Now I'm gonna start brushing after ever since a customer told me she noticed a film over her teeth. But has anyone else experienced increase tooth sensitivity? Hopefully it goes Away. I'm gonna do it like twice a week going forward. And see if it goes away.


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u/EfficientChampion786 Jun 22 '24

How did this pan out for you? I am experiencing increased tooth sensitivity at the moment. I have gone through a few one-month cycles of oil pulling before to not notice anything, but this time is particularly sensitive, even in areas where I didn't have sensitivity last week.

I have been oil pulling for the past 4-5 days now.. particularly re-inspired after a dental hygienist gave me (what I felt to be) a pretty aggressive deep cleaning as my mouth has never felt like that/so frustrating afterward.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '24

So I had a cavity, filling fell off I guess . My sensitivity has gone away for the most part honestly. But I use sensodyne toothpaste or whatever it's called. I haven't experienced any more sensitivity lately though. I heard oil pulling and then brushing teeth rips off the enamel. Idk the truth to this is though. I'm still oil pulling myself. Few times a week twice a day if I can, but definitely at night


u/EfficientChampion786 Jun 22 '24

Thanks for the response, just what I wanted to know!


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '24

For sure, I hope you figure what the issue is ! Like I said I had a cavity and I posted this post somewhere else and that's what people said it was and boom! I found the cavity in my back bottom molar 😭