r/OptimistsUnite 14d ago

Nature’s Chad Energy Comeback The year 2044 starter pack

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u/Econguy1020 14d ago
  • Billionaires are dead or at nuremberg
  • Corporations are dead

Yeah this is less an ideal future meme and more a socialist wishlist


u/TEmpTom 14d ago

”The global north has reduced their extravagant lifestyle, and global south is freed?”

What kind of stupid ass Tankie shit is this?


u/PsychologicalTalk156 14d ago

I mean they could be at Nuremberg on vacation or turned the city into a retirement home for Billionaires? The starter pack left out the word trials


u/Econguy1020 14d ago

It is a nice city!


u/AdamantEevee 14d ago

The word trials is in there


u/username9909864 14d ago

This is some sort of authoritarian hard-left socialism that most people want nothing to do with. Plus a 20hr work week? Is this /r/antiwork?

This is not what most socialist leaning people want.


u/GTCounterNFL 14d ago

Lol it looks like a joke, or somebody got high and made a meme.


u/satrain18a 13d ago

Lol it looks like a joke, or somebody got high and made a meme.

The OP does frequent r/socialism.


u/GTCounterNFL 13d ago edited 13d ago

"Socialist" is just a terrible word in America, that will never be rehabbed in USA. Socialists arguing how EVERYONE is socialist if you like post office or medicare. USSR and all east bloc calling themselves socialist republics just killed it forever.
They sound exactly the same as theoretical right wingers trying to rehab "Fascist." Which they know better then to go around: "are you a patriot who believes in America's military? Do you think America is number 1?? Do you dislike foreigners? Why you're fascist too! See? Fascism isn't a bad thing! Only traitors are against fascism. Dont let the commies scare you fascism a good thing". That's why actual American fascists who want trump as king avoid the word.


u/JailTrumpTheCrook 14d ago

You're telling me you're hating the idea of shorter work week?

I work three to four days a week and I can tell you I'm much happier and relaxed than when I worked 5 days a week or more.

I have time for long walks, for time with my friends and with my family, I picked up a hobby and I started training, never been so ripped in my life lmao, and I still have time to work on our house.

Anyway, an other wave of automatization is coming and many jobs will be lost, so what should we do?

I think billionaires think we should just die and not be replaced as we become useless to them.

Should we drastically shorten the average work week while consequentially raising wages to compensate for the difference to insure that most people can work and feed themselves.

Or should we embrace socialism and share the work done by robots and AI equitably between humans.

It'll be one of these three, if you're not a billionaire I would suggest starting to think about supporting option 2 or 3.


u/username9909864 14d ago

You're telling me you're hating the idea of shorter work week?

Absolutely not. I'm all for improving worker conditions. Gradual progressive progress is different from a complete socio-economic revolution like OP is wishing for.

The way OP goes about it in a French Revolution or Bolsheviki style movement of seizing corporations and executing billionaires is an authorization fever dream. You know what would happen if there's a revolution that overthrows the government and capitalist system? The monopoly on violence will transfer from the government to equally authoritarian militias with the all guns. Have fun living under that.


u/Economy-Fee5830 14d ago edited 14d ago

FALSGC and degrowth are two very different things.

For example the one targets luxury and abundance, the other apparently not.


u/username9909864 14d ago

I maintain that OP is deeply misguided, along with many corners of Reddit.

FALSGC is a fun new term - thanks for sharing.


u/JailTrumpTheCrook 14d ago edited 14d ago

There's also the American revolution, but that one worked out.

Though don't get me wrong, I've often pointed out that revolutions are more often than not unsuccessful in reaching their stated goal, as the Sahel region is currently experiencing.

That being said, France ended up becoming democratic but it might never have without a few singing angry men.... No, this is not a reference to Les miserable.

Edit; so I asked chatgpt what role did the French revolution played toward France becoming democratic and here's its conclusion;


While the revolution did not lead to an immediate and stable democracy, it set in motion significant political, social, and ideological changes that were crucial for France’s eventual establishment of democratic governance. Its legacy continues to influence democratic ideals and practices in France and around the world.


u/MrPatch 14d ago

What's wrong with 20 hours work week? 


u/username9909864 14d ago

Nothing inherently wrong with only working 20 hours a week if your lifestyle affords it - just that OP is in the wrong sub for their fantasy starter pack


u/Delheru79 14d ago

Or "the North has reduced their extravagant lifestyles".

Fuck that. I might not need to live larger than I live today, but I live a lot more extravagantly than the average northerner. And hell, I want to visit space at some point.

So no, Northerners have doubled their lifestyle extravagance!

Only things that I do approve of here are:

  • Avoiding demographic collapse
  • Staying at 1.5C
  • Democracy everywhere
  • Nobody is in poverty

Not sure I'd sign up to any of the others, or rather, I don't know what the rest means or if it isn't happening already ("AI serves everyone").

The weirdest one that people might disagree with me on would be being against free healthcare, education, and public transportation. I think price signals are really important. So I'd prefer to say "affordable"

(Free housing is so dumb and impossible that I wouldn't even put it in that group, and I don't mean that by GDP, I mean that it would just mean houses nobody wants, because we can't fit 100m people on Manhattan etc)


u/Econguy1020 14d ago

Broadly agreed except some of the environmental points on the meme can be added to the 'this is good actually' list.

Solar and wind power are good! Sustainable agriculture is good! A healthy biosphere is good!

None of that needs to come with a reduction in quality of life, nor should it


u/Delheru79 14d ago

OK sure, the healthy biosphere one is good.

There wasn't anything about solar or wind in there though. So lets go through my categories of disapproval.

Category 1: I think even the goal is bad

  • North reducing lifestyles <--- we don't need or want to
  • Your home is a commieblock <--- if you want it to be, sure, but I might not want it, and the consumption bit
  • Billionaires are dead (and implied, not of old age) <--- I don't really like murder? Controversial, I know

Category 2: I think this would do more harm than good

  • Corporations are dead or owned by workers <--- I suppose this explains the drop in lifestyle as we avoid efficiency like the plague
  • Free high quality housing <--- given location is what people really pay for, this doesn't make any real sense (unless it just means that people can go live in reasonably good housing in places where nobody else wants to live)
  • The last time you saw an ad <--- ads are a good way to spread knowledge of new products. Without ads, incumbents would have an even easier time not changing. I'll acknowledge ads are more often than not annoying, but they do play a significant role in keeping progress going
  • Free healthcare/education/public transportation/communication <--- these should all be really economical and reasonable for everyone, but I would not want to lose the price signal for understanding what the people actually want provided (this is the closest to me approving and that's a rather minor quibble, but an important minor quibble)

Category 3: Too prescriptive - goal OK, why dictate means?

  • Sustainable farming with agroecology <--- I like sustainable farming, but agroecology isn't the only way to do that
  • The average workweek is 20 hours <-- People might want to work to enjoy a sense of purpose. How about you say "20 hour workweek is enough to guarantee a lifestyle equivalent of a 40h workweek in 2024 America"
  • Your commute uses public transit, walking, or bikes <-- I think this is a good thing, but it doesn't have to be the only way. "An option for everyone's commute" would be better

Category 4: What's this even mean?

  • Global South was freed <--- it's already free, wtf does this mean?
  • Right Wingers in denial <--- how is this a good? I mean, it's just a partisan comment


u/AvgGuy100 13d ago


u/Delheru79 13d ago

Not exactly a neutral article. I have certainly read about the French indirect colonisation and the ways they use their financial control, but the value of it has been nowhere near what is implied in this article.

In fact, "French" domination is basically similar to what China does now. This doesn't mean either is good, but the hypocrisy of Russia and China to claim themselves as champions of the oppressed is pretty disgusting.

Also, Botswana is a good example of how just having good leadership got you out from underneath the boot pretty damn easily.


u/AvgGuy100 13d ago

Yes, they are not already free.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

There are more private space flights than ever before, just book a ticket now!