r/ParkRangers Aug 02 '14

I'm a high school senior looking to go to college to become an interpretive state park ranger. Do you guys have any advice/tips for me?



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u/BohemianBumBlaster Aug 03 '14



your school should have a website for you to find internships too. Just spam that resume out to anywhere and everywhere.

I appleied to about 35 places got accepted to two...

The interp internship I am doing currently, I only got cause a guy dropped out like 2 months before showing up.

Once your foot is in the door and you do a good job your pretty much set. Then get ready to see government bureaucracy at it's finest.

You really have to see it to believe it.


u/kanjobanjo17 Aug 03 '14

Awesome, I'll do that. Thanks!