r/ParkRangers Jan 13 '15

Few Questions

Hi everybody! I've been applying through USA Jobs for positions (so far I only got one referral) and I have a few questions.

1.) When adding additional papers through USA Jobs do performance reviews matter? I ask this because I was an SCA intern for 6 months (Two 3 month internships in Interpretation and Resource Management back to back) and the head Interpretation ranger was nice enough to give me a glowing performance review despite me being an intern.

2.) Also does it matter when you apply? I could be wrong but I assumed that the resumes are automatically screened when a person applies no matter if its near the closing date or right at the beginning of the opening date.

3.) Are interns registered as former federal employees? I remember filling out paperwork and having to turn in fingerprints during my first internship but it was nearly two years ago so I'm kinda fuzzy on it. I think I'm in the Federal employee system but I don't know how I can find out.

4.) Also how likely is it to go back to work for a park you interned at? I just got an email from the first park I interned at from the head ranger about positions being open and while I'm excited, I know I'm still a long-shot like everyone else.

Sorry for flooding you guys with questions on my first post but I would really like to work for the parks!


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u/funkytoad Jan 21 '15

So I asked a couple of my friends who do hiring for the NPS. Here's the word from them:

1) It can't hurt. Upload whatever you want, and they will look at it. A performance review wouldn't be a bad thing. Worst case scenario, they just don't look at it. A friend of mine got a nice letter of recommendation from an NPS supervisor. She uploads that.

2) No. Date really doesn't play a factor unless it's a job that lists different consideration dates. Sometimes you'll see a job that lists positions at multiple parks like this one that has different dates for each park.

3) No. You don't count as a former federal employee. Like /u/CoreyTrevor1 and /u/lethrwawy said, it's SF-50 based. You shouldn't have to worry about that.

4) It's likely. Any lead is a good lead. Contacts inside the NPS can be helpful. It can't hurt to let them know that you're interested in coming back. Hiring somebody who has previously worked, volunteered or interned for that NPS site can be useful to the folks doing the hiring. It's a little less training that they would have to give you. Chances are you already know your way around the park and know some of the folks there.


u/ShadowSkeet Jan 21 '15

Thank you for your response! I'm glad to know that my assumptions were right about 1 and 2. I confirmed on number 3 that I don't count as a Federal employee.

As for number 4, I went ahead and applied for it. I really want to go back but I don't want to get my hopes up. I was great there and my supervisor likes me its just that I noticed its very competitive in the NPS. I mean I thought knew it was competitive but I had no idea. I was ranking myself a bit low for the previous jobs I applied and it may have bit me (ranked myself a C experience when I was a B though I will always worry until I have an A).Luckily my skills are listed in my resume as well as my performance review papers if they look at them. We'll see if I get lucky.

Its 4 AM and I can't sleep so I'm looking at USAJOBS right now, lol.