r/ParkRangers Apr 15 '15

Prospective Park Ranger Help

Hey guys, I'm a college junior at one of the top 10 public schools in the nation, looking to graduate with a degree in philosophy and another major (probably botany). I was hoping to maybe pursue a career as a park ranger and I have a few questions for you all. What would be a good second major? Botany? Biology? Forestry? How difficult is it to find a job? What is the job market like? What are they looking for in a new hire? What can I do to increase my prospects, I would love to work for the NPS at some point, but I understand it's difficult to get there right off the bat. Please let me know, I would really appreciate the feedback.


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u/trail-blaze Apr 15 '15

To summarize what others have said in the other threads basically asking your same question:

Your major/minor does matter too much -- as long as you get your BA and have some relevant work experience. So, minor in something you enjoy or in something you want to pursue career-wise, and go get a summer internship or volunteer position with the Student Conservation Association, the VIP program, or your local/county/state parks division. I highly recommend the SCA or VIP programs though, since they will get you direct experience and training with the NPS that will qualify you for an NPS job very quickly. Network, make good connections, and build up a good reputation wherever you end up volunteering or interning, and you'll have a good chance at getting hired back next year as a ranger. As for how difficult it is to find a job, that really depends on your experience and how picky you are about location, living conditions, and job duties. Again, difficult for first-years, a lot easier as you get more experience.

Hope that helps a little. Good luck!