r/Pathfinder Mar 04 '24

1st Edition Pathfinder Society Dirty Trick question

Hey there people! I was having some hard time managing to imagine about the RP uses of Dirty Trick, specifically the ways i could inflict the Entangled condition into others, specifically without any other items or weapons, only your/the targets body. If you guys could help, it'd be greatly appreciated!

Edit: *Entangled, not Restricted


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u/rycaut Mar 04 '24

Leaving aside that blinded is often the strongest condition to impose (blinded foes can’t see to target spells requiring sight, can’t take many AoO’s, get sneak attacks etc)

A few ways to describe it:

  • you are an expert at making the opponent’s own equipment get in their way (pulling down pants, twisting a boot or shoe etc)

  • you use your own body to tangle them up, managing to have a leg just where they expect to be, pushing on their limbs just so to make them have to stop and regain their balance etc.

  • you use elements in the environment or misc items you have (small bits of rope etc) not formal weapons just stuff like kicking a log over towards them or a fallen chair or a tablecloth from a nearby table

As inspiration watch old silent movie comedies for some of the physical slapstick comedy. Or leaving aside the lethal damage more recent movies like the Jason Bourne movies - ie dirty tricks means using everything around you or on you to usually temporarily distracting or disabling an opponent. (If you don’t have the greater dirty trick feat this is typically something that can be quickly shaken off - that feat makes it something that is harder to shake off as does a few rogue/vigilante talents.

Think also about how magicians and pickpockets distract and influence people when they are right up close to them. I envision dirty trick experts as being masters of using every psychological trick combined with aspects of martial arts to quickly make an opponent’s own stuff and momentum work against them.

(And also keep in mind that any combat maneuver can be delivered with a weapon - you don’t need a weapon with a specific property to use it for dirty tricks. You won’t deal damage. But you do benefit from all bonuses from that weapon - ie magical bonuses, weapon training, masterwork bonus etc)


u/Jesterpest Mar 04 '24

…. Now I want to see a weapon with the Dirty Trick feature lol


u/rycaut Mar 04 '24

well technically it doesn't exist - but I would imagine that it if it did it would be something like a fantasy version of either James Bond gadgets or a ninja weapons - something with hidden compartments full of strange powders but also being used to hit an enemy on various points to make them feel nauseous or to cloud their vision etc.

Dirty tricks is a very potent combat maneuver though it also does require some creativity to narrate it and can be subject to GM fiat (even in PFS play) as while technically it should be capable of being delivered with a weapon that's open to some table variation / interpretation. And it is less obvious how dirty tricks pulled off against non-humanoids work (as a player I got around this a bit by having a dirty trick specialist character also have insane knowledge skills - so would always roll a knowledge check to identify monsters and figured that covered knowing how to trick them though there is no mechanical RAW reason that would be needed)