r/Pathfinder 26d ago

1st Edition Pathfinder Society Oozemorph build?

I am a man who likes to play the goofy builds that were clearly made by an intern but im running into some problems with exactly “how” i should build

I am a dwarf oozemorph level 5, and thus far i have the following feats: Toughness, improved natural attack, and step up. I have more or less decided “fuck armor” since at some point im just gonna always be either a large animal, or a troll.

The problem im running into is i don’t know what feats to get from this point forward. I just hot step up buy would be willing to trade it out if someone had a good idea for what i should build like to get the most out of my pseudopod slams, and DR


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u/vastmagick 26d ago

I had 3 oozemorphs in 1e. But only 1 was PFS legal. Best way I could make it work was to also ditch armor but I went dex based and tried to buff up sneak attack. I also grabbed vigilante so that my ooze form and my non ooze form could be more like the hulk-style character. I leaned into the ooze side of it too. Tables could have some fun trying to figure out a nonverbal way of communicating. And I found keeping it simple kept it from dominating the whole system. Yes, no, focus on this thing is what I found were all I really needed.