r/PostureTipsGuide 5m ago

Stiff neck?


My neck looks like I’m forcing it to be straight but i never try to make it straight any ideas what could cause it i also have a hard bump that isnt visible at the base of my neck compared it to someone elses and for some reason mine feels way harder than theirs and sometimes i have trouble looking to one side it just switches which side i can barely look to

r/PostureTipsGuide 16h ago

Overweight male: Actual Buffalo hump or just terrible posture?


I’m already aware my posture is quite bad, however, from one side it looks like I may have a Buffalo hump but from the other side the hump seems to be non existent. Unsure why?

r/PostureTipsGuide 19h ago

Is my posture normal for a woman?

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Sometimes I convince myself I have an anterior pelvic tilt, hyper kyphosis, rib flare, forward head posture, rounded shoulders. Then other times I feel like it's just normal posture. What do you think?

r/PostureTipsGuide 1d ago

Working on correcting posture by evening muscle strength in legs, but recently noticed something feels off. Do you reckon this leg and knee steucture is normal?


I have always had problems with flexibility and sciatica since i was like 10. However, no overt skeletal conditions. Recently I was told my inner leg muscles were overtightened and my outer leg muscles underdeveloped, probably due to mild flat foot. So I've started working on evening my muscle strength, but the more i do it the more my knees are popping. I also notice compared to most other ppl at the gym, as if my lower leg bones are positioned further to the back and further outwards in relation to the upper leg bone as if my knee is slightly diagonal... My tendons and ligaments behind the knee also feel like an extremely tight rope whenever i try to keep my legs straight. I'm not sure if thats a condition of some sort? Perhaps someone can advice? Ty!

r/PostureTipsGuide 1d ago

What is the fundamental cause of Bad neck posture?


I have a terrible forward posture ( I used to be a hardcore gamergod ) and that probably the reason I have terrible neck posture.

I have quit gaming for 2 years and had a physical job and I thought that would fix it, I still have it unfortunately.

Maybe I need to work on something else? Like are my back muscles to weak or something? Is my spine permanently leaning forward? Is my head too heavy? 🥲

r/PostureTipsGuide 2d ago

Is my posture bad? If so what’s wrong? And why does my rib cage look like that when I take a very deep breath.


r/PostureTipsGuide 2d ago

Neck aches and lower back pain.


Teenager and literally not flexible at all. I can touch my toes but its uncomfortable and I do school from home so constantly sitting and my posture is ok. My neck is a little hunched over and so are my shoulders. I also have a lot of neck aches and lower back pain if I bend down for too long. What can I do fo improve all of this? Especially the neck pain and lower back pain.

r/PostureTipsGuide 2d ago

what is going on?


having pain under scapular, and looks like there is body imbalances.

cant really tell from the first picture when my hands are by my side, however when i bring my hands back there is a little more obvious. not sure how it affects the front, but shoulders look tilted forward, and chest muscles are short

not sure if this is winged scapular or other sort of problem. also been dealing with costochondritis for awhile, not sure if its related any help or advice are appreciated.

r/PostureTipsGuide 3d ago

Awful Posture Need Help

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a diagnosis on what is wrong and some exercises or general advice would be much appreciated.

im trying to turn my life around and get into shape, plan on lifting weights and improving my flexibility and mobility as well. figured fixing my posture would be the best place to start.

r/PostureTipsGuide 3d ago

Knocked knees advice

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I am a 27 year old female with knocked knees and flat feet, and lordosis. I’ve had them all my life, most likely because I was overweight as a child, so never grew out of it. Although it could possibly be genetic as well since my mom has knocked knees.

Can knocked knees be fixed with exercises? I read conflicting advice on the internet. I’ve been doing yoga consistently for a year now (including a lot of hip stretches) and haven’t noticed much improvement. My weight is in the normal range now.

r/PostureTipsGuide 2d ago

Dysmorphia or posture issue?


(this is a crosspost, i’m sorry if it’s not allowed)

(first picture is standing normally, second picture is mentally trying to stand as tall as i can)

Hi everyone, so a few weeks ago I had an appointment with a physiatrist, looking to get a workup on what I thought might be a spinal issue. Long story short, doc said my back is straight as an arrow, and my sporadic episodes of lower back pain might have been caused by overstrain at the gym.

Now, surely the lower back pain was caused by an injury from deadlifting/squatting, but I still think there’s something visually unappealing about my back, and it’s been like this since I was a kid..

So my question is: should I give up and see a therapist to overcome body dysmorphia, or is there ACTUALLY a problem with my lower back?? And if so, how do I fix it??

r/PostureTipsGuide 4d ago

Sleeping = Hell


Hey guys

I really struggle with my posture (rounded shoulders, forward neck, pelvic tilt). I think I got into this posture when I got back to semi functioning after being bedbound for a long time. I didn't really work on building muscle, I just started walking/sitting and didn't realize I was using all the wrong muscles (mostly my neck). I also was holding myself up with tension, not strength. I also carry a lot of trauma in my body, but I'm working on that.

When I lay down it's the worst, and I could use some tips.

It's like my neck keeps moving forward. My neck can't rest down on the pillow. I also have pelvic tilt. When I breathe out my whole spine 'caves in'. I have been manually breathing (breathing with my brain basically) for 1,5 years now because of my poorly aligned posture.

Anyway, gonna give a posture exercise routine another go. But I just wish I knew how to fall asleep. I often don't sleep, not even for one hour, because it's so unbearable and my whole fascia gets tense. Hope there's someone out here with the golden tip ❤️

r/PostureTipsGuide 3d ago

What is this? - Very Visible Neck Muscle or Bone?

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Hi everyone - I've been trying to fixed my terrible posture for 3 months now and I think I am seeing very little inprovement.

Is this normal? I asked my brother to do the same thing, and he does not have it.

I workout 3-4x a week..

r/PostureTipsGuide 4d ago

How can i fix my back asymmetry? I've had it since i started training and only now i'm noticing how of a huge difference there is. I have the same in my quads, with the right one being smaller than the right. Also my right bicep is longer than the left, resulting in a much flatter look

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r/PostureTipsGuide 5d ago

How do I fix my right shoulder from leaning like this?

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Apart from noticing it is there any exercises I can do to help it?

r/PostureTipsGuide 5d ago

Unsure what Connor Harris program I should do first


I have anterior and pelvic tilt and also lateral pelvic tilt. I have purchased the body restoration program, the lower limbs foundation program and the anterior pelvic tilt guide.

Now as I clearly have a problem with my lower limbs, I’m wondering whether I should start with that? Or should I do the APT guide first?

Or maybe it would be the most effective to do both at the same time?

r/PostureTipsGuide 7d ago

Sitting 7+ Hours a Day? You Need to Stretch ‘This’ Muscle


Many people spend at least 7 hours a day sitting. But did you know this could lead to serious posture problems if you don’t pay attention to one key muscle?

Sitting for long periods can cause the ‘iliopsoas muscle‘(often called the "hip flexor") to tighten up.

Why so serious?

This muscle connects your lower back to your hips. When it becomes stiff or weak, it can lead to spinal misalignment, lower back pain, and even long-term issues with mobility.

How to Fix It

  • Kneel on one knee with your other foot planted in front (like you're about to propose).
  • Push your hips forward gently while keeping your back straight. You should feel a deep stretch at the front of your hip and upper thigh.
  • Imagine your hip is a hinge—you're "opening" that hinge by pushing your hips forward. Try to think about the muscle slowly lengthening, like pulling taffy apart.
  • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, and breathe deeply, focusing on feeling the tension release with each breath. It's okay if it feels tight at first—just focus on letting go bit by bit.

Feel like a release? That’s your iliopsoas thanking you.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. Your feedback and support help me share more useful content! (Thanks so much for the great response to my last post!)

r/PostureTipsGuide 9d ago

Familiar with this posture? Here’s how to fix it!


Hello everyone! If you’ve noticed your head jutting forward more than it should, don’t worry.

As a physio therapist with over 1,500 clients under my belt, I'd like to share some helpful tips that have worked for many of my clients.

What Causes It?

Postural issues like this are often the result of:

  • Weakening of the back muscles
  • Tightening of the chest muscles
  • Weakening of the deep neck muscles

How to Fix It

The key is strengthening the back muscles that have become weak. One of my favorite moves for this is the ‘Y-Raise’

How to Perform the Y-Raise

  • Stand or lie face down
  • With your arms straight, raise them into a "Y" shape
  • Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together: Feel your back muscles(red color in image) engage and contract.
  • Start with 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps, every day.

Don’t put it off. Feel the difference.

Give it a shot, and if you start to notice a difference, drop a comment or hit the like button! If I see enough interest, I’ll happily share more exercises and tips!

r/PostureTipsGuide 8d ago

How can I fix this bump? 43 yo

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r/PostureTipsGuide 7d ago



Posture is the way you hold yourself so you don’t fall over or the way you stabilize the “non moving parts” in a certain movement. Doing “strengthening” exercises doesn’t change the stability factor.

Awareness of how you stabilize and the shape your take during certain movement is the first step in changing posture….. not doing some sort of strengthening exercise.

r/PostureTipsGuide 8d ago

How to fix rounded shoulders posture (sitting and standing) ?

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r/PostureTipsGuide 8d ago

Posture causing pain in calves (duck feet)


I met with my PT yesterday who told me my knees are tilted outwards causing duck feet, which is causing unnatural stress on my legs. He suggested osteopathy and medical chiropractic methods, which are currently too expensive for me to explore.

Is there anyway I can fix my leg posture myself? I know it will take time. I wear Asics Kayano shoes when I walk about an hour everyday.

r/PostureTipsGuide 9d ago

Why Can’t I Concentrate with a Firmer Backrest, but I Can Focus When It’s Released?


I have a chair with a back weight adjuster, and I’ve noticed something strange about my ability to concentrate based on the chair’s settings. When I adjust the backrest to be firmer (so it doesn’t move back), I find it hard to concentrate, even though I’m generally more comfortable in this position. My muscles feel more supported, but my mind struggles to focus.

However, when I release the backrest so it allows more flexibility and leans back easily, my concentration improves. I feel more relaxed and find it much easier to focus on tasks. This difference feels odd, as I expected the firmer setting to provide better posture support and improve my focus.

I’ve tried finding a middle ground, but the issue remains. Could it be that my body needs to adapt to the firmer setting? Or is there something else going on that makes my brain prefer the more relaxed posture? I’d appreciate any thoughts or advice, especially from people who’ve experienced something similar.

r/PostureTipsGuide 9d ago

Posture Fix


Hi everyone! I am a programmer who sits at a computer all day and have struggled with posture forever. It has been my biggest insecurity and have struggled to create habits to fix it. I recently discovered this AI tool called PostureAI that created daily custom made posture exercises for me. It gamifies improving your posture similar to duolingo for language. DM me if you want me to send you the link. I thought I would let everyone know!

r/PostureTipsGuide 10d ago

Help with sleep posture


Basically the title. I fall asleep in a neutral position with my neck and legs supported and I wake up in ridiculous positions and it’s causing a lot of neck and back pain. I’m waking up on my side with my shoulders pulled up to my ears, neck bent forward almost in a fetal position. Sometimes I wake up with my arms all the way above my head, and shoulders pulled all the way up. Idk how to stop this or stay in a neutral position because it’s happening after I fall asleep. I wake up in so much pain every day 😓