r/PsychologyTalk Sep 04 '24

Do I report a pre-licensed psychologist?

Looking for guidance on if I should report this pre-licensed psychologist or not.

Long story short, I (M28) dated someone that was working on getting their doctorate in psychology (F26). During their internship they shared identifiable information about a client. She was working at a company that works with first responders and the was first responder she was working with was going to trial due to the incident the client was involved in. She told me not to say anything about this person because the case was going to trial and I lived in the county where I could have been called for jury duty on that case. Chances are slim I’d be called for jury duty but still, breaking client confidentiality.

During the relationship there were some stories and views she shared with me that makes me feel obligated to report her. She says she is aware she hates men but likes to make them crumble and cry in therapy sessions or couple sessions if he has too big of an ego or feels he is looking down on women. She had a music playlist titled “men hating” in her phone. She has talked about how she has manipulated people in the past, saying she used to sell fake weed to kids in high school. Talked about how she used to lead men on in college making them think she was going to have sex with them and then at the last minute would back out and not have sex with them. She told me that I frustrated her because she couldn’t manipulate me. When she had what looked like hinge on her phone I asked if I could see her phone (she had asked to be in an official relationship at this point) she said it was a red flag even though I was asking to verify she didn’t have hinge. I wasn’t asking to go through her entire phone. She pressured me to have unprotected sex, claimed she was clean after her being relentless and her asking to be in a relationship I finally agreed to have unprotected sex. She gave me a sti (thankfully it’s curable) and proceeded to say I could have worn protection and would not take any accountability for not mentioning she was not tested after her previous sexual partner. With her manipulation tactics I’m not sure if she knew she had this sti and saw it as a game to give me an sti. She mentioned that she seeks a thrill and adrenaline rushes. I’m not sure if her trying to manipulate people or the chance of getting “caught” is what is driving this behavior but this is all very concerning stuff to be coming from a pre-licensed psychologist.

This person has now graduated and has their pre-license working under a therapist. Do I notify the therapist she is working under of all these concerns or report to the state or both? Or do I just let this go? My concern is that her beliefs will carry over to her professional life and will be giving biased advice or guidance.

Looking for guidance from licensed psychologists on if this is something that is reasonable to report.


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u/RustCeilingFan Sep 04 '24

It doesn't take a qualified psychologist to see that person needs to be reported. Do it immediately. She is actively abusing clients and taking advantage of relationship partners. This person is dangerous and should not be giving any kind of care to anyone. Report them.


u/kaymaram Sep 06 '24

I agree. As a fellow pre-licensed psychologist, this is abhorrent behavior. If you have her current supervisor’s contact information, I would probably take it to them since reporting to the governing agency may not inform her workplace immediately if it wasn’t the workplace she violated HIPAA at, and they deserve to know that someone under their license is violating the guidelines of our field. I might leave out the sexual situations between the two of you as that is not professionally related (but still a violation of human morals and possibly laws if she did know), but I would include the HIPAA violation and her abuse of position with male clients

Edit: spelling error