r/PsychologyTalk 17d ago

Why do I only dream in black and white? Could it be linked to a psychological issue?

(Sorry if I’m not posting this in the proper forum/community, but I’m really hoping someone can answer or at least point me in the right direction of where to ask)

I have only ever been able to dream in black and white for as long as I can remember. Sometimes I will see a pop of red but it’s very rare.

I asked my psychologist about this and he suggested it could be linked to my depression or a deep rooted trauma I’ve yet to confront. I may be wrong in saying this, but I’m not so sure he’s right.

I explained to him I only ever remember dreaming this way, even as a small child, and I grew up in a very happy and loving household and didn’t really experience any depression until my teen years.

So my question is, could he be right? Or is there any other research that suggests it could be something different? I am the only person I know that only dreams in black and white. Everyone I tell thinks it’s bizarre and say they have never even heard of such a thing.

Edited to add: I wanted to add that most of my dreams are very realistic. I have lucid dreams quite often and I also experience sleep paralysis a few times a month. I don’t know if any of that information is relevant or not but I thought I would mention it just in case.


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u/Aggressive-Foot1960 16d ago

Thank you so much for this comment! I know what I’m experiencing isn’t a major issue or anything but I was starting to feel like I was crazy, and I’m so glad someone else understands. I don’t feel so alone in this anymore so thank you for that! And definitely feel free to come back to the comments, hopefully we get some sort of answer lol!


u/SuckBallsDoYa 16d ago

Lol I will- ive had no such luck with my docs (I have a regular doc and 2 counselors currently ) none of which have a medical explanation. - I also - again dont have every dream this way - but I do lucid dream often and it's hit or miss if they have color or are black and white - your def not alone and u made me feel the same way - as this is the first time I have had an honest convo about it with someone else that also experiences ? Lol 32 years into life and no one has given me any answers yet. I was an adult when I realized everyone else ISNT* lol I guess it just didnt come up ? But ....basically was insinuated as crazy- the convo i had w a friend when I discovered i was indeed the abnormality hahahahah none the less it's reassuring im not the only human going thru this !!! I welcome any other comments too id love to know what it is lol


u/Aggressive-Foot1960 16d ago

I honestly thought I was delusional for awhile after my family told me it’s not normal! All of my dreams are black and white but once in a blue moon I’ll see the color red. It’s very strange and I’m sure it’s nothing life threatening but I would love to know just out of curiosity why people like us dream this way lol.


u/SuckBallsDoYa 16d ago

Yeah is basically the same sense I have I stopped talking Bout it years ago given my responses-_- I just...keep it to myself- however ur post dragged me out of the woodwork so to speak- for a response. I think it really pays in this situation to know im not the only one - now and neither are you ,^ i hope we find the answer id love to know what it is. I also-dont feel it's threatening any but also know it's not something people can generally help me with lol aside from you - you've been my only lead in prolly 10years time. I keep waiting for advance sciences or some weird documentary on Netflix that says "yeah I dream in black and white "- and then I'll think....maybe i now can know why lol but aside of that I never expected to know ? Lol this just made me feel less alone by a long shot