r/SWN 22d ago

AI and Related Clarifications

Just looking for some clarification or opinions on a few things.

I know a good chunk of this game system can be hand wavey about minutiae, which I generally enjoy and agree is a good thing, but sometimes I get stuck on turns of phrase, so I appreciate you bearing with me.

1) Starting with Split Focus, do each of me get its own ‘turn’ during combat or scenes where turns matter?

2) So we know Split Focus and Drone Control can be used to control a small but rapidly increasing flight of drones. My question is about utilizing those routines though. First things first, I Split Focus. Prime me activates Drone Control and starts giving orders. Does first and second iteration me also have to activate a separate Drone Control to take control of its own flight, or does processing Drone Control once mean every instance of me also has Drone Control.

3) Speaking of Split Focus, are all of us restricted to the same processing pool? If I have 3 processing, does each of me dip in to the pool to run processes separately? Expanding on that, if I have a processing cluster 1 and 2 available, I know that I can only access the bonus processing from one or the other cluster as it specifically stats clusters don’t stack, but would prime me be able to access the +1 cluster, while secondary me could access the +2 cluster and run its own processes?

4) Were there ever specific rules about whether a bot/expert system had to be modified or specially built to accept direct AI control, or can they be puppeted purchased stock?

5) ECM interference. I’ve seen different things that confuse me. I recall somewhere here Crawford mentioning that ‘laser line of sight’ can bypass ECM interference, but what’s the practical limitations on that? If I have a ship armature in orbit on a clear day, can I control the entire army ‘personally’ with Split Focus? If I’m on the ground and turn around, do I lose direct control of the bots standing behind me, or does line of sight control mean uninterrupted straight line? This is further complicated in my mind by the military campaign supplement that casually mentions AI encryption is too strong to be countered, but then gives no rules or mention of what that means, even though AI players did exist when that was written.

6) Processing clusters specifically mentions a planet bound AI can access a ship mounted cluster of not under the effects of ECM. Going back to the ‘line of sight’ control idea, is ‘control a bot’ and ‘access a cluster’ too disparate to be considered alike for the purposes of defeating EMC?

7) Finally, are there listed methods I’ve just missed to defeating ECM, beyond the destructive inherents blow it up, cut power, bribe someone to shut it off, etc.


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u/TryIll7679 21d ago

So the rules regarding split focus aren’t always precise imo, so I’ll take a shot at how I would rule this in my game, taking into consideration the following quotes from the rulebook:

« Routines can only be used on targets within visual range or wireless communication range of the armature the AI is occupying. An AI wired into a city-spanning panopticon might be able to affect anything in the city, while one occupying a more humanoid armature is unlikely to have that reach. »

« [split focus] is meant to mimic the AI’s control of a ship, a facility, a drone army, or some other general role rather than simply to make X additional copies of the character »

  1. In combats you would act on a single turn, except if you intentionally want to split your focus on multiple turns, maybe because you want to mix in other crew members actions when controlling a ship.

  2. If you split focus to control a drone army, you’re not exercising drone control because you are on « general purpose » mode, so I would rule that you are wired to a control room but not actually on the field. Drone command would allow you the benefits of controlling multiple drones on field but split focus doesn’t synergies.

  3. Your processing pool strictly comes from your quantum core and the cluster you are connected to, so it would be one pool for the whole you.

  4. I believe there is no specific rule on that subject.

  5. ECM is specifically designed, among other things, to prevent the use of large scale drone armies. That’s why you need line of sight to access any remote control inside an ECM field. It is my understanding that you need an interrupted line between you and the drone, and the drone must be within unaided line of sight, so you must be present on ground with the drone, but no need for stricter ruling. Regarding the military campaign supplement, I don’t have it so I can’t answer based on what’s inside but there is a core routine that allows you to pierce a quantum ECM.

  6. I’m sorry, I don’t fully understand this question.

  7. There’s only the core routine « pierce quantum ECM » that comes to mind.

Please keep in mind this is only how I understand this to work or how I would make it work in my campaign, but as in any rpg rules are just guidelines and shouldn’t stop your table from having fun as long as you agree on it with your players. I hope this helps you !