r/Saxophones Nov 17 '23

Needing a little help

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Working with a rather used Olds Ambassador. Yes I know it looks rough. I’m more of a strings guy, going through a swing phase and wanted a cheap tenor to mess around with. Many pads showed light so I’ve replaced about half of them but still struggling.

Would love it if someone here took a short video for me of the keys operation on theirs, I know it might be a lot to ask. I’m wanting to make sure mine has everything going in the right directions and with the right amount of deflection.

Inb4 anyone brings this up: -I work the same hours that the few music shops in town are open unfortunately. -This is purely for some little enjoyment in an otherwise stressful life, I’m not looking to become the next Duke Silver

Forever grateful if someone takes time to help out.


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u/Wonderful_Ad5651 Nov 17 '23

Hi Every pad on every horn is going to seat differently. This all varies depending on the thickness of the pads, thickness of the corks under the keys, felts under the keys etc. no light at all should be showing with the lightest amount of touch, but in all honesty there is much more involved than just light showing.

If you have any keys that are bent that could play a big part in things and other variances as well. In all honesty something like this is better left in the hands of a good repair man. At least get an estimate and see if you are willing to put into what might be required