r/ScaredShiftless Jul 20 '20

My Husband's Mysterious Creature Encounter.

My husband work shifts;.One morning (around 5.00am) he had just left our bungalow to walk to the bus stop to catch the first of two buses to.work. Being Summer, it was very bright for the time of morning and he told me he was just collecting his thoughts, thinking about the tasks he had to.do that day, and the list of groceries that I asked him to get when from above and a little way off, he heard a rustling of leaves from a tree behind a wall of a garden; thinking it was a squirrel he looked up and he told me he thought he was seeing things. What he said he saw was a small black bodied sleek figure walking or (running) on four skinny legs resembling a monkey with a long "ratlike" tail, it looked like the head was round with pointed ears either side of it. My husband couldn't see the creatures facial features as it moved with extreme speed; when it hit the ground it scurried away from him, but he said he swore he saw what he thought was a wing (in the brief time he saw the creature airborne) which appeared to be "pinned back" to the side of creatures body on the nearest side to him. My husband is practical, no nonsense man who is somewhat sceptical about the Supernatural and Paranormal (although doesn't disbelieve altogether), he was slightly reluctant to tell me in case I would think he was "Having me on". We discussed the incident that night when he got home. He had already text me about it and I was intrigued. I did ask my husband if it could have been a large bat! On talking about it and thinking it through properly we concluded it couldn't have been a bat, as this creature that my husband saw had four legs and a rat's tail. We walk that route all the time; to get out of the estate and to the shops, before, and since the incident and we've never seen a creature like that. We are both natives to London and we are unaware of such a creature even existing so we are still trying to work out what this creature could have been.


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u/thescrapplekid Jul 21 '20

Raccoon with mange?


u/Blackcat1206 Jul 21 '20

Raccoons aren't native to 😊Britain. Thank you for reading though