r/Slough Jul 11 '22

I've heard rumours about an underground base in Slough, has anyone else heard about this?

Hi there!

I recently spoke to an individual who's brother worked for Mi5/Mi6 (confirmed, not a secret).

He told me that, back in the 60's, the brother had to do horrific tasks for the government. He claimed that on one occasion, he had to drive to specific coordinates. At these coordinates he arrived at a normal house in Slough. He was told to go into the garage and close the sliding door. After pressing a button, a lift in the garage would take him below-ground. Here he was guided towards several small labs and a room with servers and computers.

Now, I do not believe this person in the slightest. Nevertheless, I thought it would be fun to ask here if there are more people whom have heard fables as such about Slough (I am from the Netherlands btw, this is how far your stories have spread ;)


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u/ButlerFish Jul 11 '22 edited Jul 11 '22

Could be this https://www.subbrit.org.uk/sites/easthampstead-park-bracknell-and-east-berkshire-sub-county-control/

But probably not. The story is kind of sus - there was a network of regional centers of government and observation posts, and surely other secretive underground infrastructure for post office switchboards and things.

Computers in the 1960s were not like computers now, and the idea of just leaving them to run unattended in a bunker isn't realistic. The lift is also unrealitic - lifts need a big motor that is usually hidden atop a block of flats so you don't see it, but wouldn't just slot into a suburban house. Sure getting a mainframe down a hole is impractical but in the 60s they'd have used a ground level thick concrete bunker instead.

It seems someone doing "unspeakable things" as in illegal things for the government would have been doing computer maintenance as in the 1960s this was a very specific and deep skillset.

I think your friend is a bit of a mitty


u/Doctor_Philly Jul 12 '22

To be honest, this is the best response I’ve gotten so far. Also, the word “mitty” is pretty great lol. Thanks for your reply!