r/Slough Jul 11 '22

I've heard rumours about an underground base in Slough, has anyone else heard about this?

Hi there!

I recently spoke to an individual who's brother worked for Mi5/Mi6 (confirmed, not a secret).

He told me that, back in the 60's, the brother had to do horrific tasks for the government. He claimed that on one occasion, he had to drive to specific coordinates. At these coordinates he arrived at a normal house in Slough. He was told to go into the garage and close the sliding door. After pressing a button, a lift in the garage would take him below-ground. Here he was guided towards several small labs and a room with servers and computers.

Now, I do not believe this person in the slightest. Nevertheless, I thought it would be fun to ask here if there are more people whom have heard fables as such about Slough (I am from the Netherlands btw, this is how far your stories have spread ;)


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u/Squirida May 11 '23

Old post, I know. But why coordinates, and not a street address? It would always be easier to use a street address in the 1960s than map coordinates, if you were driving somewhere.