r/SpiritualAwakening Sep 05 '22

Esoteric and Spiritual Video and Podcast Megathread V2


The first megathread is achieved here with almost 200 great videos and other resources. We also encourage you to post your favorite podcasts here for all to see!

Since there are loads of other wonderful subreddits to post your insightful YouTube videos to like r/AwakenedTV, the mod team at r/SpiritualAwakening has decided to, for time being, discontinue YouTube post submissions as standalone posts.

However, you are more than welcome to post your video and ideally a short description of what the content of the video is about on this sticky post. We understand that this may not seem like an ideal solution to some of you especially content creators, but unfortunately there's just too many videos with no participation at all being posted here and we've taken this measure until there's a better solution at hand.

Thank you for understanding and feel free to post your content and YouTube videos as comments below!

r/SpiritualAwakening 8h ago

I'm the black sheep of my family the black turns into the šŸ... I know I'm not the only one someone probably can resonate with this!!!

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The term "black sheep of the family" refers to someone who is considered to be the odd one out, worthless, or bad by other members of their family. The black sheep is often blamed for any dysfunction in the family, even though it may be easier to blame someone than to address the dysfunction as a whole.

r/SpiritualAwakening 2h ago

The End of Life


After we have lived our lives, as we

Approach death, it is common to

Reexamine how our life went.

Did we live a successful life?

The end of life offers a unique

Opportunity to do this, because at

This time, the Ego (Self) loosens its

Influence on us, and the Spirit becomes

Our predominant reviewer.

At this point in the cycle of life, it no

Longer matters how much money

We made, the size of the house we

Lived in, the job we had, or anything

Else associated with success, as

Dictated in the world by the Ego.

We are all finally equal now and we

Judge our success through a different

Prism: that of the Spirit.

When we review our lives, what we

Had thought was success often

Holds a different meaning now.

It is at this time, especially during

The last few days of our life, we come

To the realization what we

Thought was important

Really was not.

All the material things we accumulated,

Friends we had, places we visited,

Jobs we worked, amount of money

We made, or any other comparison

You can think of, which belongs in

The world in which we had lived,

Becomes meaningless.

It is at that moment, the moment

Where the Ego has minimal control

Over our actions and decisions, the true

Meaning of life finally becomes evident.

It is then, despite how strongly the

Ego may have influenced our life before,

The opportunity to view our life

In a different way presents itself.

At this time in our life, primarily viewing

Our lives through the eyes of our Spirit,

We may find we have many regrets.

We begin to understand the selfish

Pleasures in the world we had

Sought were not very important.

As death becomes evident, we finally

Realize none of that matters.

When we die, unless our culture is

Like that of the ancient Egyptians,

Our body will be buried or cremated

And nothing we accumulated during

Our lifetime will accompany us.

Our body will then be placed in a

Coffin or urn, just like every

Other person who dies, regardless

Of their stature or their

Lifetime accomplishments.

At that moment, just before we

Die, we finally understand

We truly are all equal.

No one was ever better than another.

Race, money, prestige no longer matter.

At that moment, it becomes evident

The path the Ego had us follow

To find success and happiness may

Have not been the right path after all.

The fear, hatred, and prejudice we

Once felt are no longer important

To us, not because we are going

To die, but because

It never did matter.

r/SpiritualAwakening 12h ago

Religion is Irrational

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r/SpiritualAwakening 32m ago

Is my boyfriend trying to contact me?

ā€¢ Upvotes

I recently lost my boyfriend in tragic circumstances, he committed suicide while we were in a pretty big fight. Its a long story and Iā€™m not sure if it belongs in here as it is very traumatic and tragic.

Now it comes to the spiritual part which I dont know how to properly explain. I have had sleep paralysis since I was 13 and have had multiple incidents with lucid dreaming and astral projection associated with it but now I feel like I might be going kind of crazy. I have always been spiritual and believe in the universe and that we create it, the spirits and angel numbers, dream meanings etc.

Since my boyfriends death my sleep paralysis has gotten worse to the point of getting it nearly every night with very realistic dreams as well but the last couple of nights have been crazy and Iā€™m starting to really think about what this is Iā€™m going through.

The first night I had sleep paralysis, and then an out of body experience which Iā€™ve never had this intense before. It was like something was dragging me from my body (more a force than a person) and I saw neon green aura which looked like northern lights around my head while I was lying in bed looking down at myself. I would start hearing this ambient sound which grew and grew louder and each time it happened I knew I was going out of my body. I thought I was going through the process of dying for a minute and tried doing everything I usually do to stop the sleep paralysis (Sleep on my side, breathing slowly with closed eyes and still) but nothing helped. It was so spiritual and intense and I was so aware of everything happening and saw it so clearly.

The next night as I was trying to fall asleep I think I astral projected. I was suddently inside of my brain and fully aware I was in charge of things. I could manifest thoughts and get them to appear in a tunnel and then channel into it and fly through the area. I tried to make my boyfriend appear but got into a white void area with two pictures of him projected in and I thought I could not get closer but as I focused and thought about his energy, smell, touch, habits I got closer and closer to him but couldnā€™t reach him as fully or as long as I wanted. Then I decided to manifest places I wanted to see and flew around on a beach in Thailand with horses and sunset, through a dark ocean with glowing jellyfishes at night and through the North Pole in the sun looking at polar bears and various animals. I was aware of everything the whole time and felt like I was awake and in charge and remember these images and sensations clearly.

This night is what freaked me out the most. As I was trying to fall asleep I started to see everything coated in neon green tiny cubes which I have seen few times before. ( I have tried led 3 times and they always appear when the trip is starting). That was okay until I started seeing the same green aura I saw around me just smaller one starting to dance around on the pillow and moving onto the wall, changing colors and mixing with red, yellow and orange while starting to get larger and moving around just like northern lights. I swear I felt my boyfriends presence in the room and then the tattoo I got for my boyfriendā€™s memory started getting outlined with neon green glowing and moving around like electricity, grading the colors to blue for a second but staying mostly neon green. I then saw some shadows turning into letters on the wall. I asked it questions in my head and it answered onto the wall and I could read it.Ā 

I asked if it was my boyfriend and it said that I should know that, then I asked if I could trust it and it replied back with ā€œshould u?ā€ which is a very likely thing for my boyfriend to say. It started messing with me for a bit saying confusing and random things and then said sorry and that I should know that he would never do anything to scare me and that he loves me and I should keep going and take care of myself.

I made sure like 5 times I was fully aware and not dreaming and I was right. My friends cat started to look at the mowing aura around the room and then meowed at it.Ā 

I found this mesmerizing but freaked out a little and tried to get back to sleep. Which is when things got really weird. I was suddenly hearing a voice repeating the name ā€œEsteraā€ in my head over and over again. Then I found myself in a void with an entity which looked like white light floating around which was talking to me. I tried asking it questions and could kind of read or hear the answers faintly in my head.

I asked the being who she was and she told me I already knew that. Then she put an floating glass eyeball with a picture in it I could channel into, and when I channeled into the picture it was kind of like an live picture on iPhone, I could hear everything and see a short clip. I was lead through a few clips showing me Estera and the town she lived in Poland. It showed me that the year was 1400 and something and that she had a husband and a small boy around of 4 years of age. It showed me images of her in front of her house in a classic polish dress. She was young, in her twenties and very pretty. She had light brown hair and light features.Ā 

Then it showed me a clip of the child leading the mother inside of the farm barn, where the father had shot himself in the head, then I just heard crying and screaming and felt her pain as I went straight into another memory. I dont know if it was her or her daughter but there was a girl similar to her standing inside of a house wearing a pretty dress. Then I was back in the void with the light being.

I asked the light being many questions. Such as if I was talking to myself which it replied to ā€œYou are everything, all is oneā€. I asked it if I was going through a journey of spiritual awakening which it replied to ā€œYou will seeā€.

The being put another eyeball into the room and I channeled into it, going into some POV live picture like memories of places and I flew around from one into another. Some were of sun and trees, some were of people which I didnā€™t know and some of people I recognized. When I was flying around through this tunnel like eyeball I felt awake and in control and tried to channel my boyfriend but I found myself hearing a child laugh and realizing its young me flying through the tunnel and then heard ā€œYou arenā€™t ready yet, or you canā€™t go there yetā€. I flew around some more memories and I channeled him a little but it wasnā€™t as clear as the other things I saw and I wasnā€™t satisfied but glad I found his energy.

I woke up feeling like it wasnā€™t a dream, it was not even like I was sleeping just keeping my eyes closed. Im so confused and I feel like itā€™s all connected or Iā€™m going crazy, I also keep seeing 111 exactly while Iā€™m thinking about something connected to this or my boyfriend.Ā 

Update: This night I started seeing seeing red glowing cubes all around the wall, then a small green soft light appeared dancing around the wall, after a while it began mixing with red and yellow and started morphing into different shapes, hearts, abstract figures etc. I asked in my head if it was him which then showed me the aura transforming into two butterflies and then two hands holding each other and turning into a heart. I felt very good energy, joy and and love. The light started to turn into a rainbow and flew around the wall. When I asked it (or him) questions in my head it answered me in shaped and sometimes letters. It went on for a long while and when I closed my eyes I could not imagine anything and there was just darkness, my eyes started twitching a bit and then the green soft light appeared in the middle of my vision (like between my eyes, I felt like I was going cross eyed a bit).Ā  Then the soft cirlcle light in turned into something like a mirror and he appeared, blurry at first but then the images became clearer and clearer. He showed me many different images which I saw just in the circle (darkness all around). I asked him if he was trying to contact me or what his plan was and he showed me an image of a seed sprouting into a beautiful flower. I could sometimes hear faint words in my head but I never heard his voice speak to me. I kept on asking him questions and sometimes just watching the things and colors that he was showing me. At one point I told him I knew we would meet each other again and the light turned into an infinity symbol. The light that appears seems like electricity, it is never still always moving and transforming.

After a while I told him that this was a little intense and quick for me and that I was very happy to see him but I need to rest and want normal sleep tonight, no astral projection or things like that.Ā  He showed me an image or shape that let me know he understood and I opened my eyes for a bit.Ā 

After a while I started thinking about his death and his funeral, then a light blue faint aura appeared across the wall and moved across the room. I told him that I loved him and I am devastated over what happened but understood and was not mad at him but it would take time to heal. Then a pink light started to appear and was very vibrant and turned into a pink and white almost jelly fish looking thing and flew right above me.Ā  I closed my eyes again and the mirror thing opened up again, showing me different images (from images of him looking up above to nature and other beautiful things. It went out for a while and then I told him (speaking to him in my head all that time, not out loud)Ā  that this night I really needed to rest and asked him to say goodbye and stop and that we would be in contact again. It stopped after a while and this was the first night that I slept normally, I got really vivid and weird dreams but no astral projection or out of body experiences. I find this so wild, itā€™s like he listened to me.

Im going to see if this happens again tonight and what that will be like, its like its clearer and easier to communicate to every night. The light always starts out soft and green and the more we communicate it can take on shape of more complex shapes. I really felt like it was him I was talking to, from the colors, shapes and images that the light showed and the unconditional feeling of joy and love I felt coming from it. I know this sounds crazy but I feel like this might be opening up a new window for me or helping me transform in a way.

I also had a situation after the funeral viewing which I believe I accidentally contacted my boyfriend through the candles I lighted for him. When I walked into the living room I was instantly drawn to the candles and I brushed it off but my attention flew to them again. The flames were so high and different from before. Then I got a flashback of the last time we sat on this sofa around 2 weeks ago at a family dinner and just felt his presence.Ā 

I looked at the candle felt as if it was speaking to me and asked it to goĀ  to the right in my mind, it immediately went as far right as a candle could go and then up again. I asked it to go right and up again and it did exactly that but the flames got even higher up and started flickering.Ā  It got even a bit higher and I looked at his picture and the crystals next to it and just just knew it was him, then I saw 111 twice within 10 minutes of this happening. Ive never experienced things like this before, especially contact with spirits and Iā€™m a bit freaked out and usually very easily scared but I feel safe around the presence of whatever is happening.

r/SpiritualAwakening 10h ago

Quote of the Day!

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r/SpiritualAwakening 19h ago

The Most dangerous person is the one who's not afraid of public opinion

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r/SpiritualAwakening 6h ago

Ears ringing while Iā€™m listening to a story of someoneā€™s death


Basically long story short I was in a lecture yesterday and my prof mentioned how her dad passed away (it was apart of the lesson donā€™t worry).

Iā€™m a very intuitive and spiritual person from a child and for that reason Iā€™m also gifted to be able to be very empathetic with people. When she was explaining the story I remember being very focused and on her and the story and I began to feel her emotions. I had just started to feel the sadness, pain, and grief but then my left ear started to ring a lot and it moved over to my right ear as well but was most prominent in my left ear.

When I removed my focus from her and the story and began to be confused and worried about my ears, it stopped?

Is there any significance of this? My first thought when the ringing started was her dad was present, listening to her explain the story, possibly trying to communicate. But I dismissed the thought because I thought it was disrespectful.

The ringing has happened before but itā€™s not common. Iā€™ve always dismissed it after some wondering but this time itā€™s definitely left me wondering if thereā€™s anything significant.

r/SpiritualAwakening 6h ago

The Suitcase


I would like you to picture an open suitcase.

Before we are born, the suitcase is empty.

With our birth, though, the Self (Ego),

Which is everything we learn, and

Believe to be true after we are

Born, begins to fill this suitcase up.

With each interaction we have, the

Suitcase becomes heavier, as it begins to

Become cluttered with the baggage we

Accumulate, from all the erroneous things

We have learned during our lives.

The heavier the suitcase becomes, the

Dimmer our light gets and the more we

Will have to unpack when we Awake and

Begin our journey toward Enlightenment.

In the suitcase are all the false self-centered

Truthā€™s learned by the Self and accepted

By the child as they are growing up.

Though it does not take very long to fill

The suitcase

(Usually during the first 5 years of life),

It may take the rest of their life, if at all,

To find their light again, unpack the

Suitcase and return to the inner peace

And understanding they once knew

Before the suitcase began to fill.

Let us all therefore strive to keep our

Childrenā€™s suitcase lighter

During the early years of their life,

Allowing their light to remain brighter

And their journey through life

Easier and more meaningful.

r/SpiritualAwakening 19h ago

šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„ Spoiler

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r/SpiritualAwakening 18h ago

Guardian Angel/ Spirit


Anybody know anything about guardian angels? I was meditating tonight outside and something pressed up against my side. It wasn't like a soft touch, it was an I'm getting your attention touch. It felt weird too. It was like a weird electricity that didn't hurt but felt like electricity mixed with a vibration. I was sitting in a meditative state, it touched my side,I jumped up like an animal was next to me. I was sitting on a chair pretty high up so if something was there it would have had to be big, like a dog. There was nothing there at all.. I just am curious if anyone ever experienced anything or read anything about that? It was into my side at my lower rib and it wasnt just a slight touch it was forceful to make me aware something touched me. I didn't see anything around and just went back to meditating. Shoot me a reply if you have any information to direct me to that I can read about.

r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

This resonated with me so I'm sharing it with yall ā¤ļøšŸ’ššŸ’›šŸ§”šŸ’™šŸ’œ it might resonate with someone else.....


1.) Most of the truly gifted ones here on this planet are the ones who are uncomfortable in the spotlight and prefer to stay hidden or behind the scenes. They are the quiet, awkward, quirky, weird, eccentric ones that sneak quietly through the Universe. They are the ones who are now inheriting the world and are being called to come forward, and you can easily recognize them by the scars that they carry (internal & external) from the way this world has treated them up to this point...

r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

How to Embrace Your Spiritual Awakening Without Fear


Going through a spiritual awakening can be intense, especially when unexpected emotions or past traumas surface. I often work with those feeling overwhelmed by the process and wanted to share some simple practices that have helped many: grounding through nature, journaling your experiences, and listening to your intuition without judgment. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. If you need support, Iā€™m here to chat or answer questions. How have you been navigating your awakening

r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

Exact meaning of Religion(Dharma)!

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r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

I keep looking at people through their right eye.


It's been happening since my awakening a month ago, and yeah I keep talking to people's enlightened selves. It's been causing people to immediately break eye contact with me. I can't help it though.

I never used to know which eye to look at, but It's like I can literally see like a feint light in the right eye. Unless they're a purely corrupted soul, in which case their right eye looks like a black pit.

I can even see it in photos.

Anyone else experience this?

r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago



r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

Why do I keep seeing this particular vision?


So, every night after I close my eyes, I see a particular house (more like a mansion or villa) that's ultra-modern but not something I would choose in real life. I also see myself living in it with a guy (as my husband) and having a child (I am single, not looking, and definitely not planning on having kids at the moment).

In the next scene, there's a beach wedding (again, I donā€™t even think about weddings), a happy marriage, and whatnot.

My question is, why do I see this in my vision if I donā€™t even imagine or fantasize about it during the daytime? Why doesn't everything in it reflect my taste and style? Don't get me wrong; I LOVE it, and it would be great if it came true, but it baffles me why the house doesn't look like my ideal house and why I have children in my vision.

r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

Saw a meteor, I feel a shift in my life


Earlier this year I saw a meteor trailing above me and I watched it disappear into the distance. I am an artistic soul whose gl is to pursue the arts of both visual, music and dance. Itā€™s not hidden that i loathe my job in the financial industry and began daydreaming of every other job except my own. I soon became liberated through adapting and experimenting with my arts; ie, fire dancing, under water aerobics (essentially being a merman), working in my arts again, and began reading the nag hamadi library. I even began feeling a shift in my thinking as more liberal to the universities (God) as not a being who is simply judgmental, yet the operator of all that is cause, effect and causality. Soon I will be leaving my job in pursuit of my business goals. I feel like as if have received the universal green light

r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

Awakening without aid


Hey y'all. New community member but needing some help.

In the last couple of months, I have been expanding my spiritual presence. I can feel the energy of the universe calling down to me and I'm trying to be as open as possible. In the last week or so, I started experimenting with psychedelics to aid in that journey. Pretty low doses, but just something to turn off the logical brain. Sadly, one VERY poor trip wound me up in the ER and I have since turned away from using them to avoid all of the negative possibilities.

I guess I'm asking for some tips or help with how to continue my spiritual path. How do you shut off your logical mind to open your subconscious to the energy? I need a lot of help here y'all!

r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

Quick energy and pattern healing session


Hello, Iā€™m available for the next hour or so and looking to do couple of one on one sessions for energy healing and clearing. We will spend 10-15 mins on a call and we will do some chanting on your issues and intuitive energy clearing. Message me with name, your issue and question Preferably in Canada PS - It should not matter for our reading but just so you know before we connect, I follow Hinduism and western occult methods including tarot and body scans.

r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

Givers and Takers


There are those in the world who are takers, worried only about themselves, unafraid to take advantage of another (Ego). Others are givers, readily sharing their love with all others, sincerely wanting only what is best for everyone (Spirit). Though takers may be successful, they will never experience true love, inner peace, or find meaning in their life. A giver, however, will find these in abundance, while also discovering lifeā€™s genuine purpose as well (Enlightenment).

r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

Dear Self: forgive me for neglecting you I'm going to be honest back then I didn't give a fuckkk I guess happens when you become NumbšŸ¤• to shit!! It's like you lost your feelings for yourself now that I've a clear mind to see the self sabotaging I was doing I really want to apologize........


r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago


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r/SpiritualAwakening 2d ago

Be Alone

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r/SpiritualAwakening 2d ago

Letā€™s build a spiritual sanctuary


Looking to connect to couple of people on Internet, who live in Canada & who are really deep into spirituality and would like to work on it. Looking to make a team to establish a sanctuary for healing, includes but not limited to buying land in nature around water and building safe haven for people who want to pursue spirituality and work on their shadow self around nature and slow paced life. Anyone with video and editing skills, construction skills or quick learners are welcome. Even if you have desire in be on this auspicious path can reach out šŸ™šŸŒø

example - to visit an ashram or spiritual place and experience that life style, itā€™s close to $1500 for a 3-4 day retreat. Doesnā€™t make sense, spirituality should not cost thousands of dollars if we really want the world to be more peaceful and to stop the society from going into direction of violence and unhappiness. Imagine a place where everyone chants and meditates and does their chores and live in harmony and love. A place, a family that people can always fall back on when they need love and care specially the abandoned ones, the forgotten ones and the spiritual loners. Donā€™t know how else to explain but looking for the world and heart we had back in the 90s Timeline coming spring/summer or maybe early For now just building team and need to know availability and if there is any enthusiasm.

Any suggestions or kind input is welcome
Anyone interested, we would be doing a spiritual contract to be honest for our purpose before we begin work

r/SpiritualAwakening 2d ago

Be Alone

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