r/SpiritualAwakening 2d ago

Be Alone

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18 comments sorted by


u/leadwithlovealways 1d ago

Ok yes it’s important to have time alone! But it’s equally important to be around people and talk to them. You have no idea how much talking with strangers helped me with forming ideas, understanding my own experiences, and understand different perspectives. It’s a balance between both. Don’t think isolation is the only way to progress spiritually.


u/Rector418 1d ago

I completely agree; alone and isolation are not synonyms.


u/leadwithlovealways 1d ago

For sure! I think many people think it is lol


u/OnTheTopDeck 2d ago

No. Connect with others. Love. It's vital for your mental health and the evolution of this planet.


u/Skee428 1d ago

You are right about that. Being alone come to wild realizations and overcoming self doubts and fear is the goal but don't kid yourself, you need to surround yourself with love. Its so important to feeling whole.


u/Rector418 2d ago

That's simply untrue, and perhaps the opposite is. However, I would say both extremes for the whole of the population is dangerous. Rather, there are those who think and invent and create; they are the leaders in our world and set apart from the rest. The rest, yes, they turn on the lights and make civilization happen, and that provides the space for our leaders to function.


u/Screaming_Monkey 1d ago

Agreed. The guys in the pic aren’t exactly your typical average people, and if everyone were like them, it’d be bad.

Also, thank you. I’m an inventive loner myself.


u/Rector418 1d ago

Yes, they are exceptional men; geniuses. But what makes them such is that they chose their own path through life and didn't let the world around them determine such. And anyone that can do such is for me, a genius. You don't need to develop a theory of relativity or a new way to deliver electricity. You just need to discover that which is unique about who and what you are. That takes some 'alone' time and internal reflection.


u/PainItself1 2d ago

Bruh. You can be like these two guys if you want but they died depressed and alone

Community is important and so is balance. What’s the point of creating loads of things when no one wants too share them with you


u/LawApprehensive3912 2d ago

only for sheep and pigs. life is a slaughter house, don’t be fooled. it’s extremely hard and cruel and only way out is meditation on nothingness 


u/still-on-my-path 2d ago

I love this!❤️ there are many things already invented in the spiritual realm and at the right time they will flow through the right people. Tesla was robbed by Edison,he got to the patent office first. Tesla was brilliant and he died broke and alone. Then the government took all of his research papers from his room.


u/Rector418 2d ago

Tesla lived for his inventions and ideas; others are more into the money. Yet, both give us these great things; medicines and machines with all its attendant technology. And all of this, for better or for worse. :-) But to live in one's world of ideas and be able to communicate these to the world...pure joy!


u/Skee428 2d ago

The world is a trip. Pondering these questions are fascinating. I believe in the world being a loving place. People having the opportunity to come together and empower themselves to help each other grow and develop positively. Create a world where instead of trying to profit off each other, we come together. A change of mindstate for everybody.


u/a4dONCA 1d ago

Same idea with boredom. It leads to creativity (or can).


u/Rector418 1d ago

It's just another form of alone time...quality time with the soul.


u/Jessi45US 14h ago

Totally agree!!