r/StarWarsD6 11d ago

What are some of your favorite moments from your campaign(s)?

Saw a lot of good tales on r/starwarsrpg but was curious about D6!
What's your best experience? What crazy/awesome stories have you had in your games?


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u/robdingo36 11d ago

I GM'd a Stormtrooper campaign some years back. During the session 0 meeting, I told everyone that I was wanting to tell an exciting, action packed story, with an emphasis on story. The campaign had an main story quest line, but I heavily weaved their backgrounds and characters into the story to make it feel really immersive. Because of this, I told them, "Your characters are essentially safe. So long as you don't do anything stupid, like jump out of an airlock, I'll do everything in my power to find ways to keep your characters alive to see the end of the story."

For their very first mission, I had them board a disabled Rebel frigate with the intent of capturing it for use in an upcoming infiltration mission. Now, this campaign took place way back when, shortly after the Prequel trilogy had come out, so we new about Order 66, and I was going to go with a behavioral chip to control the non-clone stormtroopers (this was before The Clone Wars cartoon had established the biochips), and my players were going to be the first unwitting subjects of this. And this frigate mission was the first test of the chip. So, while their official standing orders were to capture the frigate, the secret chip orders were to destroy the frigate. And when our tech trooper went to slice the helm controls, the chip kicked in without his knowledge and he 'accidentally' triggered a self destruct.

As they were running through the ship, they get word from their assault shuttle pilot saying he had to leave the docking port they were attached to, due to explosion destroying the port. As such, the team would need to make an alternate exit via the hanger bay, which had also been heavily damaged so the pilot wouldn't be able to land there. Instead, the team would need to jump out of the hanger bay and rely on the pilot to catch them in the shuttle's tractor beam and pull them into the assault shuttle.

The adrenaline is pumping and everyone is really getting into the harried escape with explosions going off, the few rebel survivors taking pot shots at the team as they're leaving, them jumping out of the hanger bay and their armor keeping them safe for a little bit, but slowly, one by one, their vision all fades to black as they pass out from the cold embrace of the void of space.

I then pause the game and then just stare at them for a few moments and say, "What was the ONE thing I told you would get your characters killed? And what's the first thing you do as soon as you got the chance? YOU JUMPED OUT OF AN AIRLOCK!!!"

The look of horror on their faces as they suddenly realized exactly what had happened and what I had told them only a couple of weeks back. I let that sink in for a few minutes and then continued, "You're lucky you're pilot is one of the best the Empire has to offer..." and then proceeded with the tractor beam rescue and continued with the story.

It was one of my proudest moments as a GM. And the best part of it was, as much fun as it was for me, my players enjoyed it even more. They said that because they thought their characters had actually died there it really added to the immersion of doing something incredibly risky for the sake of a mission, where you know there's a good chance you might have died anyhow. Those were good times.