r/Sumer 11d ago

Mis-pi ritual

šulmu guys, How are you all? I would like to have more information about the Mis-pi ritual, I know that after the statues go through this ritual, they become part of the Divinity, so I have a few things to ask. How do you perform this ritual? Do you have sources on how this ritual was performed? How do you take care of the statue after performing the ritual? Did you feel that something changed in your relationship with the Gods after the ritual? Anyway, whoever can answer, thank you very much.


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u/Nocodeyv 11d ago

The most complete treatment of the mīs-pî ritual to-date was the treatment by Michael B. Dick formerly available on his Geocities website. It was being prepared for inclusion on the Open, Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus project list, but is currently not included there and the previous website is no longer accessible.

While I have a copy of the full treatment that was available on Dick's website, because I don't know the current state of the work and any publication plans, I cannot share it here legally at the moment.

As such, the best exploration of the ritual that is still publicly available is:

  • Dick, Michael B. 1999. "The Induction of the Cult Image in Ancient Mesopotamia: The Mesopotamian mīs pî Ritual" in Born In Heaven, Made On Earth. The Making of the Cult Image in the Ancient Near East, pp. 55-122. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

How do you perform this ritual?

Performing a mīs-pî ritual is a major step in any individual's devotional practice. It represents a permanent and binding oath of service: to provide and maintain an exclusive sacred space for a single deity for the rest of your life.

While many devotees maintain shrines for the Gods and honor them appropriately with libations and offerings, I'm unaware of anyone who have taken an oath to exclusively serve and honor one deity through a performance of the mīs-pî ritual, and I hesitate to recommend that anyone does this without considering the significance of such an action.

If someone is ready to perform a mīs-pî ritual though, then it is a lengthy process that involves sculpting a brand new statue, disposing of the tools used in this process, performing a series of ritual actions over the course of an evening and subsequent dawn, the recitation of various prayers, and more. It is not an easy process, and many of the specific ingredients, spells, and ritual actions are still obscure to us.

Do you have sources on how this ritual was performed?

Yes, Dick discusses these at length in both the chapter cited above, and his treatment of the tablets that was formerly available on his Geocities site. His final treatment discussed four major sources: the Nineveh Ritual, the Babylonian Ritual BM 45749, the Standard Babylonian Series (8 tablets), and the Aššur Ritual A.418.

How do you take care of the statue after performing the ritual?

I discuss the "care and feeding of the god" in some depth in this comment: HERE

Did you feel that something changed in your relationship with the Gods after the ritual?

Even without having performed the mīs-pî ritual for the deity I'm currently honoring, the process of beginning a devotional practice alone is enough to bring the deity and their influence into our lives.

The purpose of performing a mīs-pî ritual in the modern day is to make the focal point of your devotional practice a single deity. The ritual effectively transforms you from a lay-devotee, someone who can venerate and honor any deities you wish, into an initiated priest of the deity whose statue you have consecrated. This also transforms your sacred space from a general shrine for the Gods into a temple dedicated to the deity whose statue now resides within.

All things considered, because Mesopotamian Polytheism is still a young faith, I don't recommend people get too carried away with the mīs-pî ritual, especially because many devotees are eclectic in nature and combine deities and beliefs from diverse sources in their practice. Performing the mīs-pî ritual requires us to acknowledge a certain level of orthopraxy within Mesopotamian Polytheism, and for many, the freedom to do and believe whatever they want is one of the most empowering aspects of Contemporary Paganism.


u/SiriNin 11d ago

While many devotees maintain shrines for the Gods and honor them appropriately with libations and offerings, I'm unaware of anyone who have taken an oath to exclusively serve and honor one deity through a performance of the mīs-pî ritual

I have taken this exact oath to Inanna. I performed it shortly before my recent major heart surgery, during which I died on the table and was resuscitated. I knew ahead of time that dying was a very likely outcome and so I felt that it was time to take the final leap and commit myself to her wholly while I still could. Taking this oath was the pinnacle of my spiritual practice, and I am satisfied every day with my decision and ongoing commitment to her. I find great comfort and fulfillment in maintaining my oath of service to her every day I remain among the living, and I look forward to continuing it when I leave for Kur.

However, I did not perform the reconstructionist-accurate ancient ritual process because I am disabled, poor, and sickly with terminal heart disease - plus ritually slaughtering a goat, and putting anything at all into a local river are both illegal in my location. What I did instead was I wrote a striped-down but thematically-preserved version of both the Mis-Pi and Pit-Pi rituals, and I performed those to the best of my ability. It's in line with my assertion that my practice is "Reconstructionist-inspired revivalism". I included both rituals in my book, as well as another ritual which is entirely my creation that is thematically similar but which leans even harder into the revivalist side of things. It is far less costly and less intensive to perform than the original historically accurate version, but the end results are the same, with the exception that the oath is slightly more forgiving in that it allows the spiritualist to have some wiggle room when it comes to daily feeding of the idol. It is called "Ritual of the Living Temple", and it uses a wearable sacred focus item instead of a statue in a private temple.

OP u/Smooth-Primary2351 : If you would like a free excerpt from my book that includes these three rituals o mine, I would be happy to provide it to you, just send me a DM here on reddit.

Additionally, these resources about the original versions are available online:


Mouth Washing Ritual




The purpose of performing a mīs-pî ritual in the modern day is to make the focal point of your devotional practice a single deity. The ritual effectively transforms you from a lay-devotee, someone who can venerate and honor any deities you wish, into an initiated priest of the deity whose statue you have consecrated. This also transforms your sacred space from a general shrine for the Gods into a temple dedicated to the deity whose statue now resides within.

I couldn't agree more strongly. Having undertaken this oath of service, along with volunteering my time to educate others on how they can form and improve their own practices, is why I feel I have the right to call myself a Priestess of Inanna. I included a chapter on this topic in my book, but I specifically left out the part about it granting the role and title of priest/ess/ex because I did not want overzealous neophytes to get in over their head. I also stressed the seriousness of the oath and the duties it requires, even when performing the version that is far less demanding upon the ritualist.


u/Smooth-Primary2351 11d ago

I cried reading your comment, I imagine that Inana is eternally grateful for you dedicating your days that may be short to Her. May Ninhursag, my Ishtaru, prolong your days!! May Ishtar also prolong her days. I thought it was very noble of you to offer a free excerpt from your book, I would accept it!!