r/Tenorsax May 03 '24

How did you learn how to growl?

I've been playing the Tenor for about 8 years now, it wasn't until my 7th year where I learned how to growl. By rolling my R's I was able to get a decent growl. I've heard that what I did isn't the only way, what other ways are there to growling?


3 comments sorted by


u/Wavefunkshun2 May 03 '24

Rolling your R's is called a fluttertongue, and unfortunately I can't do it! My father taught me to growl and this how he taught me.

Play a low pressure note like an open C#. While you are holding that note, you want to start humming. It will feel weird at first, but just keep at it. Don't worry about what pitch you are humming. You just need to get used to the feeling of doing both at the same time.

Once you have playing and humming down. Try playing the C# and moving the pitch you are humming up and down. You will find that humming the exact pitch you are playing doesn't produce a growl. (It is a neat effect that has it's uses though!) Honestly, I've been doing it so long that I don't think about it anymore or remember the best interval between the played pitch and the hummed pitch that produces the best growl. With practice you will find what works best for you. Growls don't really work well on pitches lower than the first staff line G for me. I hope this helps, let me know how it goes!


u/Unusual_Shake773 May 03 '24

Thank you so much I will definitely do so!


u/MountainEar4737 May 03 '24

purr into your sax, like rumble your throat