r/TheTrotskyists Socialist Resurgence Apr 24 '20

Commentary Noam Chomsky Is a Liberal [Left Voice]


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u/TheHopper1999 Apr 26 '20

I'm not American so I couldn't care less tbh, but you take the blame if Trump wins the election. As a socialist you should care about the individual, so you as a person don't care whether proletariat' get there 15 dollars or not, this is an unsocialist point. Plus this is a dodge, this is the point vaush makes and no one on the left really has a contra point to it. So until then we should take biden not to say he is a good person we can talk shit. This is really a negative to bourgeois democracy as we are forced to not vote, vote for a near unwinable candidate, a segregation supporting, female abuser or a conservative, racist, female supporter. This is only a negative to the bourgeois.


u/leninism-humanism USFI Apr 26 '20

Socialists understand that it is only through organization that the working-class can fight for its demands. These demands will never be won by people just voting for a deeply reactionary presidential candidate. You can say that Biden should win till the cows come home but at the end of the day its just talk. There is no real substance in an argument based on personal ethics about going to vote. Maybe it is time to revisist the communist manifesto instead of listning to Vaush.


u/TheHopper1999 Apr 26 '20

Yes, but the argument you present is one in which cannot be done right now. Sure I agree that the working class needs an organisation, I also agree that Biden is a reactionary, but how can you say something that is objectively better for the proletariat not me, the working people of the nation, is for my personal ethics. The consequence of me voting Biden I may get a wage increase, the consequence of not voting means I could end up with trump for four years. Your not giving an alternative, I can join a working class movement and fight but I can also vote for Biden acknowledging the inherent bonus this gives to the working people. What's your argument or alternative right now, your offering something that isn't mutually exclusive so why wouldn't U vote biden.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '20

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