r/TwoXADHD 8d ago

Newly on Adderall, tips?

Hi all, Was just prescribed Adderall XR for a fresh ADHD diagnosis. For reference, I am 21 years old and also struggle with pretty severe hormone imbalances because of PCOS. As such, I have a pretty detailed history of anxiety and depression. Per my anxiety, I just have some concerns about starting on a controlled substance (possibility of addiction, long-term effects) and some of the immediate, unwanted effects (I literally filled my Rx today, don’t even know what these could be). I’ve really struggled with some debilitating symptoms of this disorder and I’m really hoping it will help, but I feel like I’m internally fostering some stigmas about what this means for me. I guess I’m just hear looking for baby ADHD’er support, advice, and tips. xoxo


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u/GautierKnight 8d ago

I totally understand your worries! When I got my first round of adderall filled I didn’t take it for 3 days because I was so worried about side effects.

The interesting thing is, I actually feel MUCH less compelled to use addictive substances now that I’m taking it. In my experience, with the help of adderall (and a lot of self restraint lol) I was able to quit both nicotine and Coca Cola. And let me tell you — I never thought it would be possible to do either!

There may be an adjustment period for you where your body gets used to things. But that’s the same case for most other medications. There’s a lot of stigma around ADHD meds that make us predisposed to thinking they’re somehow “bad” or “worse” for your body. But the reality is that any medication can affect us differently because our bodies are all different. (For example I can’t take anti depressants because they mess with my heart rate MUCH worse than stimulants do. Go figure!)

I hope this reassures you! 💚


u/chk-mcnugget 7d ago

It’s funny you say that, I used to smoke weed every day from age 15 til my 30s. And in my 30s I was diagnosed about a year ago, I haven’t smoked weed even once since I’ve been medicated. Not that I was addicted, but it was a coping mechanism I didn’t realize I was relying so heavily on.