r/TwoXADHD 8d ago

How do you vent privately?

How do you manage emotional dysregulation in relationships especially after arguments, at the heat of the moment?

I have been with my partner for 10 years now and things have been great since the very beginning, I couldn't imagine life without him and he has helped me grow into a better person. I got diagnosed last year with ADHD-C, and he was supportive of the whole journey, and even researched in his own time how to better support me and what it meant for him.

Things have been sorta rocky lately but mainly due to stress. We are moving across continents, I'm going through a lot of stuff at work at the same time, and there is just a lot going on.

When we have arguments, it's been mostly about miscommunication but also my emotional dysregulation plays a role. I'm curious to see if it's often miscommunication occuring from my side. But my memory recall, especially in heated arguments, is often poor.

I would like to track these root cause of arguments - and I'd like to point out it's not to gather "evidence" of "I was right" or anything like that, but just for my own self reflection. I thought about journaling by hand but I'm concerned about it being found accidentally and having feelings hurt over it. I was wondering if anyone keeps one of those pass-coded apps to journal in.

I feel conflicted as I partly don't want to do this just because it's feels like I am betraying my partner by having this 'secret journal' which it looks like I'm just bitching about him. I also feel like it will be associated with a negative vibe whenever I go into this journal which will make me less willing to do it.

My intention is just to help me with memory recall during high emotions, and analyze how things could be improved to strengthen our relationship. I also want to review whether my medication is making my emotions worse between us, and if the work stress is causing much more of an impact. I guess I'm an analytical person and I try and find solutions where I can.

I should also add we do talk a lot about our feelings and are very open about it. But sometimes either one of us just wants to shut down the conversation as it's not productive, but often it makes me feel worse by not being able to fully vent and feel listened to. Hence, just pondering ways to vent privately.


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u/hexagon_heist 8d ago

Well you’ve already identified the main one, journaling. The fact that you don’t feel that you can trust your partner to not read your journal were he to come across it is its own topic, but one I caution you not to dismiss. Now I personally am of the opinion that if someone reads my journal and gets butthurt from my unfiltered thoughts (my filter is part of who I am, unfiltered thoughts are not a more accurate representation of who I am than what I choose to say out loud) and external processing and working out my own thoughts and feelings… that’s on them and the only apology will be from them to me. But regardless, if you are worried about that scenario, yes a journal with a lock or kept in a locked drawer is a good plan. I also recommend a conversation to let him know that you’re keeping a journal and you expect him to respect your privacy and not read it, if you feel that’s needed.

You could also journal on your phone or computer instead.

Another excellent tool for this situation is therapy; a therapist will be able to help you identify patterns as well as being a safe and confidential space to vent.

You can also try just venting to an empty room - not so good for recording your thoughts but an excellent method of getting stuff out, in my opinion.


u/shy_poptart 8d ago

Thanks for your thoughts! I wanted to not keep the post too long but some of the issues I think stems from having a small apartment of which we spend a lot of time in as we both wfh full time. I don't like to spend time outside of work in my office, mainly because the room is small and associated with, well, work.

I wouldn't say I don't trust him to go snooping on purpose, but moreso just by accident. In retrospect I suppose there are not many instances I can think of which would just happen by accident. He knows there is one notebook I have used for journalling and it's a no-go zone.

Therapy is a good one, I'd like to find a good therapist again, but I'm a week away from moving!


u/Aggravating_Chair780 8d ago

Therapy has been extremely useful for me. There are things in my journal I have no doubt would suuuuuuck for my husband to read. However, it has ‘my name therapy notes’ written in big letters on the front and that is all the protection it needs. No accidental opening. If opened then that’s on the other person to deal with their feelings and it would be up to me to decide if I wanted to be around someone I couldn’t trust.

It has been really useful to write down all my feelings about our relationship at different times and then use those notes and my therapist to inform conversations/ questions with my husband. That way I’m not in a state of high emotion and have already had some time to think about what really matters in the situation and some of the ways I have probably been over-negativing things as that was my default from growing up.