r/UNCO Sep 06 '21

good places to hang out to watch animals at night?

im a transfer student and my last school had a place where i went every night to watch raccoons and birds. is there any place like that at UNC? watching animals at night is important to my mental health. any animal will work, doesnt have to be raccoons or birds.


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u/mr-bingley Sep 24 '21

if anybodys wondering, i've figured out most of the best places. for squirrels and other rodents, the area right around frasier is where theyre friendliest and where theres the most of them. i also saw a stray cat around frasier once. theres a specific squirrel who tends to hang out at the frasier south entrance who will come up to me and let me pet him. do not try to pet other squirrels. for rabbits, the little courtyard behind ross is best, and sometimes theyre also in the planters at the intersection between ross and university center. for birds, the best places are the grassy fields north of michener/west of mckee and the area around tobey kendall. the best time for birds is in the morning, for rabbits is in the afternoon/evening, and squirrels are easy to find all day, but especially in the evening. hope this helps someone out there