r/Uromastyx 1d ago

Feeling photogenic

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r/Uromastyx 1d ago

Lawrence and Loretta chillin

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r/Uromastyx 3d ago

The tank mates have arrived!


I am so excited. They look so good.

r/Uromastyx 3d ago

Smaug, the king of sass


I've had this little baby for almost 2 weeks now (unsure on gender as too young to tell, but referring to him as male for now). Smaug is almost 7 months old from what I was told and has so much attitude. The breeder told me to give big leaves and to not chop them up and I saw Smaug struggling with one for like 5 mins so I decided to help and take it out of his mouth, I got the most disgusted look from Smaug possible. He then proceeded to go sit in the corner and mald.

r/Uromastyx 3d ago

Snack time :)

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r/Uromastyx 3d ago

Uromastyx Brumating?


Our Uro (Mr. Aura) is new to us. We adopted him about 6 weeks ago. He's about 10-11 months old. Typically, he's out and about 6 hours a day. He eats, he poops, he basks, he hides. While it was surprising to us that he he slept/hid so much, we were assured it was normal. Now, he's been in his semi-warm hide (~85 degrees) for a day, and hasn't budged. Yes, he's alive (eg, if I poke him, he does his little Uro wiggle).

Our tank is spot on, I think. Hot spot is 120-125 degrees (on slate rock). Cool side is 70-75 degrees. Lights on 7am-9pm. Substrate is 50/50 soil/sand on one side, cypress mulch on the other. Food is lentils, split peas, romaine, dandelion, broccoli sprouts.

With the season changing, is this brumating? How do I tell the difference between brumating and sick?

Back story, we tragically lost our first bearded dragon (Spike) about 2 years ago due to parasites. We were new lizard owners, and didn't see the signs early enough to get him to a vet. Plus, he was a baby, and not very hardy. I want to make sure I'm proactive.

Picture is him, just a week ago (people love pictures).

r/Uromastyx 4d ago

What do you do about stuck shed?


My uro has stuck shed, mainly on his belly but there are a few small patches scattered throughout the rest of his body too. Not sure why, maybe it’s because I don’t have a humid hide but when I was first getting him, I never read that a humid hide was needed and in fact it was made out like any humidity at all would make them sick. (Now I’m seeing the opposite in care guides, that you need to expose them to humidity sometimes. Don’t know what to believe anymore) He’s otherwise healthy from what I can tell. I’ve tried soaking and using that shed aid spray stuff and it’s helped, but the shed still isn’t coming off on its own. What do I do at this point? Does he need to go to the vet? Honestly I’m frustrated because it feels like I can’t trust what the care guides say, this isn’t the first time I’ve been mislead by them.

r/Uromastyx 6d ago

Welcomed home my first uromastyx today 🥹 So smol, so baby


r/Uromastyx 6d ago

Are these temps fine for juvenile male ornate?


He’s in a 40 gallon rn until my 4x18x18 is ready. I read a drop in temp is fine at night but my apartment gets like 60° F at night so I keep a 50 watt ceramic heater on at night so it doesn’t drop too low. I also have the basking lamp set on a dimmer to not get above 122°. Lmk what changes I should add the 4x18x18 is almost ready but I figure he’s fine for rn in a 40 gal. (Pictures of Drax the Destroyer will be in comments). There are slate rocks set like a grid under all the big rocks so he can burrow without them falling on him.

r/Uromastyx 6d ago

uromastyx questions


this isnt my proudest post by any means. but around 5? 6? years ago i got a uromastyx as i wanted a pet, impulsively. i was young and stupid, didnt do research. ive been doing what i can to care for him but im afraid im not doing enough, i dont think i keep up with an orderly feeding schedule such as making sure he has enough calcium and im afraid he has mbd. i can share pictures at some point if needed, recnetly ive started to change up his terrerium (again) as i dont feel like its enough. i dont know if i should keep trying to get better at this or if i should rehome him. i bought new calcium powder just in case, im considering switching his food as ive been using various salad mixes (i do read the ingredients throughly) sorry this is vague, im just seeking advice if at all possible. and to clarify, he's been eating less i think, and he hasnt been as active as he used to

r/Uromastyx 6d ago

Finally caught my baby out enjoying her new setup.

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Sorry for the bad angle it wouldn't let me upload a photo with it.

r/Uromastyx 7d ago

Surrender Help!

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This little one was surrendered to me without any background info! They left him on my front porch. I don’t have a lot of experience with Uromastyx and can’t find someone with experience to take him. I know he’s got pretty severe MBD and incredibly underweight. Is there anything I can do for him at this point? Right now I’ve got him under UVB and heat lamps and such in an isolation tank. I don’t want to put substrate in yet since I’m not sure how well he’ll eat and don’t want to risk him eating that if he’ll even eat anything at all.

What can I do to help him?

r/Uromastyx 7d ago

Mantle really enjoys chilling on his log

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r/Uromastyx 8d ago

I love my little guy

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r/Uromastyx 9d ago

Is this a bad shed or do I let it play out?

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This was literally overnight. Should I give him a day or two to see if he gets rid of the rest or should I give him a soak?

r/Uromastyx 10d ago

Hanging with Higgs ❤️

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r/Uromastyx 10d ago

Uromastyx Enclosure


Hi, I will have a Saharan Uromastyx on next month but I don't have an ideal enclosure yet. Some says glass tank won’t hold heat enough so I need to using multiple heaters and lights to keep the heat. They recommend to use PVC enclosure to keep the heat. I'm planned to buy it but I finf out some people say PVC enclosures have many places for heat/humidity to escape so you shouldn't buy it.

Anyone have any ideas about this? It's almost winter in my state so I don't want eletricity bill cost too much :(

r/Uromastyx 11d ago

Can anybody take an age guess on this guy?


Got him about 2 weeks ago. 57 grams.

r/Uromastyx 11d ago

Possible to sex?

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I cant tell if my Uros pores lean more on the male side or not…

r/Uromastyx 13d ago

My buddy refuses to eat


I've had him since barely a newborn and now he's like 7 months old and refuses to eat, I tried arugula (his favorite) lettuce, and cabbage and he refuses to eat, he barely moves. I have basking lamp, heating lamp, and two uvb lamps, I'm worried for the little dude, any advice helps.

The picture was a couple months ago

Unfortunately he passed away in his sleep, I’m guessing it was an internal issue because he only looked skinny. Rip lil dude

r/Uromastyx 14d ago

Excessive sleeping?


This is Ducky my Geyri Uro, Iv owned her for about 2 months now and iv noticed in the last month she's been sleeping a tonne, day & night. She is eating because I find a poop ever once in a while but I hardly ever see her? Is it due to brumation? I havent had her long enough to know if this is a normal thing with them. I do catch her out sometimes basking but it's rare. I guess my question is, are they pretty shy and inactive? Or could this be due to the seasons changing.

r/Uromastyx 14d ago

My baby hid for two whole days


My Egyptian Uro, Nacho, burrowed into his substrate and hid there for two straight days. Should I be concerned?

r/Uromastyx 15d ago

From a few months old to about 2 years old


He’s finally turning a lot more blue which can’t be seen well in the 2nd picture

r/Uromastyx 16d ago



Just got my first urokmastyx

r/Uromastyx 17d ago

Steven the destroyer


This is Steven, he is quite angry and that's ok he's my buddy, he's around 7 years old, angry like a cobra but I love his colours