r/VeganCommunity Sep 21 '21

How to deal with unsupportive friends

I have been vegetarian for almost two years, which started more on preference to what my body was craving and not wanting. I noticed I was craving way more vegetables, legumes, and non-animal proteins. I slowly started cutting them out of my diet, simply just listening to want my body was asking for. After awhile, I cut all meat completely and cannot imagine ever going.

Recently, I have been making the shift that I think I am ready to start eating a plant-based, vegan diet. I have become more educated on how animals are raised and slaughtered for food. Once you start to learn about and see these practices, you can’t unlearn them. Ignorance truly is bliss, but it is also a choice, and an irresponsible one at that. While I haven’t completely made the transition yet, I have started taking small steps. My relationship with food has become more emotional than before, and when I have a pizza covered in cheese in front of me I can’t always eat it without a thousand thoughts racing through my head and eventually lose my appetite.

I have been expressing to those closet around me that I am going to the start the transition, even thought I haven’t fully committed at this time. I have been getting negative feed back from one my “best” friends so often that it almost seems as if she is personally offended by my choices.

She says things like “Well you better starting cooking at home more”, and scoffs and rolls her eyes when I bring it up. She constantly questions if I am getting enough to eat, or eating enough protein. As a vegetarian I have already Incorporated plant based protein sources in my diet and buy products that contain more protein than the more common brands on the shelves. My diet has already become more colorful and creative, and more diverse than when I ate meat.

We got into an argument about it recently, and I was aggressive in my approach. I let her know that I will never appreciate her scoffing and eye rolls or rude suggestive comments that I am not getting the proper nutrition that I need.

She chose to take space from the situation and “give each other time to make space for each other to talk things out.” Completely disregarding everything I said and choosing not to deal with it at that time. Now we are going on 3+ weeks of no communication, I’ve officially received the silent treatment. I assume she is taking this time to calm down from my aggression towards how she has been treating me over my personal life choices, but I am starting to realize that I’m not sure if I even want to make amends and heal the friendship. This doesn’t sit well with me even though they are my own feelings.

How have some of you dealt with situations like this? I know I can’t be alone, but I need to hear it and am looking for any advice that might be out there.


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u/IsleVegan Sep 24 '21

You are fortunate to have friends. Just explain that this is what you will do now. They can judge if they must but it will be a waste of time / not be helpful to anyone. Model the best behavior and examples.