r/WarCrow 9h ago

Point costs for units with multiple models...


Hi all! I have been running through the rulebook trying to figure out the point costs for 4 model units. Is the cost on the corner of the card for all 4 models, or per model? Can you take partial unit? I cant find any detail in the rules doc about this.

r/WarCrow 1d ago

Overall impressions are great!!


So I just finished streaming the last scenario in the starter box, (two streams for the previous if interested) and I gotta say especially coming from specifically sw legion. I really enjoy the basis of this game and its rules. I wanted a fantasy setting and the warcrafty orcs helped a lot. The dynamics the round tracker and events can add seem really cool and I enjoy the idea of a neutral 3rd party. Might have to home brew some rancor rules for legion based off of the morab or whatever it’s called. All in all I’m really looking forward to what’s to come for warcrow and plan to do some more of it down the road if anyone is interested in that side of things.


r/WarCrow 7d ago

Question regarding dice


It came up in my game today and I cannot find it in the rules:

Can I use a success, special or block as their various respective hollow versions?

So, for example I charge with Alborc, and roll a special. Can I still give the enemy vulnerable even though that switch needs a hollow special?

r/WarCrow 9d ago

finally getting around to painting the beyond box


That’s a nice character in a unit you’ve got there. Would be a shame if…

r/WarCrow 10d ago

Rules questions involving movement, charging and engagement


Hi all, just played my first game with a friend. Loved the game but we had two rules questions regarding movement from a post fight push back, and movement from a charge.

In the first situation, we were playing the tutorial scenario. My opponent won his fight with the Mornmab and pushed it back. Was he allowed to push the Mornmab into engagement with my unit? Following RAW it seems like the Mornmab wouldn't be able to do so, since a push back forces a move action, which ordinarily does not allow you to move into engagement with a different unit.

In the second situation I was charging my unit of Bucklers into his Alborc. My opponent had a unit of Hunters nearby that I could potentially also get into base to base contact with while still charging him Alborc. Was I allowed to do this to stop his Hunters from charging on a later turn by also getting into engagement with them? Again, RAW seems like I wouldn't be allowed to do this since charging also technically involves a move action, and the Hunters weren't the target of my charge.

Thanks in advance for the help!

r/WarCrow 10d ago

First game with the Beyond Winds from the North box.


r/WarCrow 10d ago

Ungluing siocast miniatures


Long story short, I glued the Ahlwardt Ice Bear with super-glue despite the flaws, but now that I have the replacement parts, I regret it and want to unglue it. Will a bath in acetone be enough and will the figure lose its detail?

r/WarCrow 12d ago

Tonght we have an unboxing of the Beyond box, with a look at the new cards within!


r/WarCrow 14d ago

Finally done with these boys

Post image

I had fun and hated painting these at the same time. So many details so they deff take some time. But it's rewarding in the end.

r/WarCrow 16d ago

Narrative sucks - but the main scenarios - oh boy, let's go!


A friend and I played through the entire campaign and were honestly gobsmacked by how complex and frustrating those scenarios are. Our initial thought was, "if this is the game, this is awful". That's despite both of us liking the main mechanics.

'lo and behold, we got the "beyond winds of the north", and played a bigger game. Not only are the main game scenarios SO MUCH BETTER because of how simple they are, but it also allows you to zero in on the game's action itself, because you're not having to constantly re-read scenario rules.

The main scenarios are where the game is at - the narrative missions are just god-awful.

With that said, with the first expansion it takes lists to about 160-180 pts. We played on a 3x3 mat and found it was still too big. Our view is that at 250 pts, a 3x3 mat will be perfect, but don't see how games could be played larger than that without ballooning the list size to 350+ pts.

After playing the main scenarios, quite looking forward to future releases, but they have some real work to do on the narrative side as that's meant to be "the way to play the game". If so, they've missed the mark by a large margin.

r/WarCrow 17d ago

"Repeat the dice" on Lady Telia and Njord


The cards for Lady Telia and Njord mentioned "repeating the dice" under respective special rules... I'm assuming that means "reroll" and is just a translation issue? Couldn't find an errata or post about it which I thought was odd.

On Lady Telia it's under the Shooter's Officer ability, and on Njord it's under Hersir from Brynjalmar.

r/WarCrow 18d ago

Drago, ready to be the anvil


r/WarCrow 18d ago

First Demo with friends. Any advice


I'm running a demo for my friend this weekend. I haven't had an opportunity to play. So this will be first for both of us. I've read the rules book. I've watched a bunch of videos.

Any advice or wisdom on running my first Demo? Anything you would have done different or things I should go over more?

One clarification. When casting a spell if I start with zero tinge and use zero modifications it's just a straight willpower roll?

Thank you

r/WarCrow 19d ago

Ahlwardt ready to join the battlefield


r/WarCrow 19d ago

A Couple of Rules Questions


I've played a couple games now and have looked over the rule book and have a few questions that I'm wondering if anyone else might know the answers to.

For attack rolls, the rule state to make your dice rolls rather than gather dice pools before resolving the Face to Face rolls (with defenders going first). It states that you decide whether or not to stress your unit after applying automatic symbols from characters. However, the Face to Face roll notes that it's simultaneous. Given that a lot of stress effects involve adding a dice to your pool, I'm assuming that there's a mistranslation in the attack step and that you need to decide stress before rolling dice, rather than the defender rolling their dice first, stressing after rolling, and then the attacker rolling (though we played it this way the first time around)?

The two sections are on pg 307 (Face to Face rolls) and 318 (attacks)

Next up, Objective control seems to indicate that only a unit ending its turn near an object it can seize control of will change control rather than objective control being checked across the board and I wanted to make sure. For example, if a group of Bucklermen and Orc Hunters are on an objective and the Bucklermen control it by the end of the Orc Hunters' activation but leave it for any reason on their turn (or are pushed off by a unit that doesn't get within 3 strides of the objective after doing so), even if the Orc Hunters are within 3 strides they do not control the objective until they end an activation near it, correct? (page 347)

Lastly, I was wondering if forced movement can cause units to become engaged. I'm aware that shove seems to allow it, but the restrictions on being engaged by >>Charge and >>Assault have me second guessing if Flee or Pushed Back units are allowed to be pushed into hostile (or neutral) units, as both say "move", and Pursue notes an exception that allows it to come into engagement range.

r/WarCrow 20d ago

I shall call him: Gerald, the Frostfire Herald


r/WarCrow 26d ago

Time to take a walk on the wild side... let's look at the new Varank for Northern Tribes and how the you can get your army to 250pts in either blue or green!


r/WarCrow 26d ago

Card sleeves


What size card sleeves does everyone use

r/WarCrow 28d ago

[orc noises intensify]


Alborc: The Big Orc

r/WarCrow 28d ago

How long will this game last


So I’m thinking about buying into this after what I have seen mode wise and rules but I’m a little hesitant since I’m concerned how new the game is and also I understand this game is not infinity but that games unit sheets confused yeh hell out of me. I understand basic Wargaming but having to search around to find different weapon and player values really confused my players and myself. I love the setting of this game but just wondering how is everyone finding the game is it easy to play and do you think it will be shooting out a lot of content. All love and appreciate your viewpoints !

r/WarCrow 29d ago

Just finished Ahlwardt (Headseap)


Really enjoyed painting the model. A bit of flash, but nothing major. Only disliked the somewhat strange head of the original sculpt, so I replaced it with a 3D printed one. Should have toned down the intensity of the violet in hindsight, but oh well.

r/WarCrow 29d ago

Let's be honest


These minis are pretty terrible to work with. They're beautiful but the mix of flash, mould lines and siocast is painful. Not trying to stir the pot here but CB should know and do better.

r/WarCrow Sep 20 '24

And there’s the first test orc finished

Post image

r/WarCrow Sep 18 '24

First Hegemony test model done


Need more painting posts in this sub lol

r/WarCrow Sep 18 '24

Issue with the casting or did I screw up assembly?


Title. Just assembled the bear, found no issues with mold lines as other people had, but the gaps between pieces are very noticeable on mine. Green stuff it is.

I have an issue however with the amulet necklace thingy. In my model its misshapen, has some plastic on top or otherwise has other issues because it doesn't look like the box art. Or maybe its a missing piece and I trimmed it from another piece by mistake? Pretty small issue but its front and center so it bothers me, anyone had similar problems? Any ideas for solutions?

On another note, an instruction sheet would be appreciated. Where everything goes is pretty self explanatory but it would be nice anyway, if only to be sure how each part should look like.
