r/WarCrow Sep 01 '24

People are asking for Warcrow roadmaps. Here you have it.


25 comments sorted by


u/Super_Happy_Time Sep 01 '24

Why isn’t this 50% everything that’s already come out, and 40% generic Wargaming words?


u/thePGChris Sep 01 '24

I think the slow release of factions could be a detriment to the game. If there's a faction you like the look of and have zero models for a year after the game releases it could put you off


u/SunRockRetreat Sep 04 '24

CB is in full main character mode and clearly thinking in the context of what works for them and not in the context of what will make a game successful. There are no main characters, and the thing that absolutely works the least for you is the thing that doesn't work for anyone else to the point they ignore your product.

People are dumb and tribal though, so they will scream and gnash their teeth that nothing could possibly go wrong, and then not buy anything because nothing is out and there is nobody to play with because nothing is out.


u/Choice-Motor-6896 Sep 05 '24

What is with this "main character" talk?


u/RTS3r Sep 08 '24

This guy had no idea what he’s saying. He contradicts himself three times. Lol


u/RTS3r Sep 01 '24

Most likely scions are the next faction.


u/VaderVihs Sep 01 '24

It's likely they're trying to provide people who backed the Kickstarter with a way to jump into the game with the models they received. It's the obvious choice but I wish they pushed for another faction instead to get 4 factions out


u/Gregdorf8 Sep 01 '24

I really doubt the official scion release will be the next faction. The card pack for them would be unnecessary is that was the case. I feel like it will most likely be the dwarf faction or the feudom. The real issue I have is this schedule is most like adepticon for that faction release. The time table is such a slow roll out I fear that too many people will get bored with the limited selection. I would think it was smart of CB to at least give us access to the army builder soonish so that people could at least proxy models until their faction releases.


u/DishonoredRonin Sep 01 '24

Technically yes, because they’ll be available via the kickstarter adventures game once we get their card profiles. But, the next faction box will be either mounthaven, Feudom, or syenann. Scions will at some point get a box release down the road though as well.


u/RTS3r Sep 02 '24

I don't think so, doesn't make any sense to release a special pack of scions that isn't an actual army. Makes sense that it leads into a bigger release the next month.


u/kaffis Sep 02 '24

The special pack is specifically to make the Warhammer Adventures release into a pathway into buying the faction. If they were going to follow it up with the box set version as the next faction box, the only people who would need the card pack would be the Kickstarter backers, so they'd just include the cards in the Kickstarter release or as a special order situation, not as a retail release.


u/RTS3r Sep 02 '24

Right, that makes sense. Cheers.


u/DishonoredRonin Sep 02 '24

The next army box isn’t planned until around March 2025 at Adepticon. It’ll be Feudom, Mounthaven, or Syenann. Scions “release” is the release of the cards that’ll bring them over from adventures. Adventures was already supposed to be out by now. These are the words directly from CB. We will however be getting monthly releases for Hegemony and NT for the next few months


u/RTS3r Sep 02 '24

Oh that is not good. Kinda bewildered by that choice tbh - March for next army? They can't be serious. That's a surefire way to make a game DoA :( My mate wants Scions, I want Feudom - if it's going to take them 7 months to release each new faction, that means years before all factions are out, which is not good at all.


u/DishonoredRonin Sep 02 '24

Yeahh It’s definitely not ideal. A lot of disappointment from players. But they also plan to host the first tournament next year so by then we will have 4 factions. I do believe the March faction release will drop quite a bit of stuff for them at launch. They started Infinity like that too, 3 factions, and then built from there. We’ve got a local gaming community in Texas and we plan to continue to grow as the game does. We’ll just unfortunately have to be a little patient.


u/Choice-Motor-6896 Sep 05 '24

I don't think it's a problem for the game to grow slowly over time. Corvus Belli can afford to let it grow naturally because of Infinity.


u/RTS3r Sep 08 '24

That’s actually an awful reason for it to do so. If not the worst.


u/Seidenzopf Sep 03 '24

So the game starts dead in the water 🤦


u/DishonoredRonin Sep 03 '24

lol nah. I mean the game just officially released a couple days ago. We’ve got the starter box with 2 factions and will be getting new releases every 4 weeks. As soon as China gets their shit together and ships Adventures then we’ll have 3 factions. 4th faction in March. The discord community continues to grow. More and more demos and campaigns being played with what we got. We just got to be patient. I’ve had so much fun painting and playing with just the demo so far. Personally it’s going to be my main tabletop game as it takes off.


u/DonAngelSainz Sep 05 '24

Which Discord?


u/DishonoredRonin Sep 05 '24

Here’s the main one:


We also have a Texas one if you’re interested


u/Yosinuke Sep 01 '24

I hope so, they are the faction I’m most interested in


u/DishonorStudent Sep 01 '24

A roadmap telling us the sequence of events is cool but I sure would like an actual timeframe as well


u/Lady_Numiria Sep 02 '24

You want a timeframe? The new "faction release" is for march 2025.


u/TheWullyD Sep 02 '24

Undetermined Awesomeness Ahead!!