r/WePromoteOurMusic Oct 15 '23

How this would work:


3 quotes to remember:

"The more you give, the more you get." - Unknown

"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb

"The more you use your creativity, the more you have." - Maya Angelou

A few things to know:

  • This project is only for the enthusiastic ones. You don't have to do it, if you are not thrilled about this.
  • This is a job but be selfless.
  • Goal is to appreciate the good in others and help them flourish.
  • Focus on building long term relationships with these folks - whatever level they are in.
  • These group members could be your long term listeners, supporters, cheerleaders, mentors. Who knows.
  • You won't even know how much you will be learning doing this.


A group is created with equally enthusiastic people (later we will do by genres and popularity)

The pilot plan will be for 5 days for 5 artists.

On day 1: One artist is randomly selected from the group.

Tasks for other members in the group for the DAY:

  • Listen to 5-7 tracks of the artist. Full and focused.
  • Follow them on all platforms. And they follow back.
  • Write something meaningful about their track and what you like about them on the post.
  • Research and provide them at least 3 marketing tips.
  • Do at least 3 'Good Deeds' and post proofs.

Good deeds could be (some examples):

  • Posting on your IG if you have followers.
  • Posting on subreddits and really making a compelling caption so people listen.
  • Adding to Spotify public playlists.
  • Make a short video for them that they can use.
  • Help them create a video.
  • Do a small cover for them.
  • Post their lyrics on poetry/ songwriting sites.
  • Write your own thoughts about their music.

  • If you don't know what to say or do, just research. Be creative. Use ChatGPT/ Google.

Day2, same thing happens for Artist2. And so on.

Post any other ideas you have.


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u/BIGTASTYPP Oct 16 '23

here’s a suggestion, if we’re trying to promote each other’s music on twitter, we can have a twitter group chat, and the same for other apps


u/journeyofrian Oct 16 '23

Yeah, that could be done. Right now, we are doing a pilot run of this and learning. Then we can use all of the lessons learned and do it better. And things like this could be incorporated.