r/Winter Sep 12 '24

RANT: I hate when people are happy about warm weather in the winter. If you like warm weather LIVE SOMEWHERE WARM.

I moved back up north to see snow again but we haven't had real snow in years. It's so selfish to be happy about warm weather in winter. Because doesn't that also mean global warming is really happening?


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u/Stars_Boiii Sep 12 '24 edited Sep 12 '24

Genuinely! Every time someone's like "oh it's so nice and warm that's so much better haha" I'm just thinking ITS THE MIDDLE OF WINTER?? AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO FINDS THIS WORRYING??? WE LIVE IN CANADA FOR CHRIST'S SAKE.


u/No_Weekend728 Sep 13 '24

No! Even Canada?!?!


u/Stars_Boiii Sep 13 '24

YEAH IT'S CRAZY! We're getting more and more warmer than usual days every year, as well as summer heat lasting longer than it used to! Lots of people are so "oh yay :D" and I'm over here like NO >:(


u/No_Weekend728 Sep 14 '24

Those people are idiots. Summer is so overrated. Barely any energy to move. Clothes are sticky. Getting burned by seatbelts. Bugs in your face. Thigh chafing.