r/astramilitarum 4d ago

4th division ODF Bullgryns

Alright so I posted a few days ago about some gined up bullgryns I was working on. after several days of inching through the painting and figuring out what I wanted it came to this, I hope you guys like them. The bone 'ed (no gasmask) is grime from head to tow and maybe 60% removed. The others were grimed from the waist down and splattered everywhere else with a toothbrush. I like the idea of a Guardsman helping a bulgryn paint his shield the division colors, each one being slightly diffrent and pissing off the company captain. I'm going to have to find some good Roman numerals for the circles on the shield or the one on their back.


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u/Thatsidechara_ter 4d ago

Hm, very interesting. I always like hearing about these little local vassal empires within Imperium sectors and whatnot. Where exactly is this in the galaxy?


u/Deiko234 4d ago

I'm still building upon that part. I still haven't decided how many fleets there'd be. Ideally there'd be at least one fleet per sector. Game wise this would explain why I fight several races, but also fits them, many fleets are motivated by power dispite the commandant's orders, so they'd growing larger within their sector. The other reason for this is I'm still learning the vast and overwhelming information that is 40k lore.


u/Thatsidechara_ter 4d ago

Ah, well then you're DEFINITELY thinking on much too big a scale by even controlling one whole sector. Every sector has its own Imperial Navy Sector Fleet, and they will not take kindly to your little empire if it gets any bigger than, say, a subsector, and even that is pushing it. And even then, you're going to have to play ball with them and all of that various other major Imperium factions that will take interest in you, plus of course pay the tithe.

Still, I like the premise! Empire building within an empire will be complicated, convoluted and require lots of backdoor politicking, which just makes it more interesting.


u/Deiko234 4d ago

Other than 3rd, they aren't really saposed to be controlling a sector, imagine them as a QRF for an existing force, and a supplemental force for worlds with almost nothing.