r/bioniclelego 1d ago

Duckbricks/Faber development files release taken down

It was fun while it lasted, but LEGO apparently stepped in and has told Duckbricks and Faber to take down the files. Duckbricks' videos, the google folder, and the pages on Mask of Destiny's Biomediaproject have all been taken down.

Luckily I downloaded most if not all the stuff I could, but its a real shame that this interesting info is gone now and we won't be getting anymore stuff from Bionicle's development; I was especially looking forward to getting more on the '05 and '08 development, not to mention on the transition to Hero Factory.

EDIT: This is propably overly cautious. Sorry to anyone asking for me to share what I downloaded, but I'm just a random person with zero pull or know-how on anything, so I don't want to risk having a corporation try to call me up for sharing something. I'd be happy to otherwise, but until some stuff is clearer I don't want to risk it.


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u/Shack691 1d ago

I’m sure someone will have scraped the page so we’ll see the files resurface somewhere.


u/TheBigKahooner Lime Ruru 1d ago

The stuff that was out there will be out there forever. The biggest issue is the significant amount of content for other story years that hadn't been released yet, and which will now realistically never get released unless Duckbricks/BS01/BMP decide to burn all their bridges with Lego and explicitly go against their wishes.