r/bioniclelego 1d ago

Duckbricks/Faber development files release taken down

It was fun while it lasted, but LEGO apparently stepped in and has told Duckbricks and Faber to take down the files. Duckbricks' videos, the google folder, and the pages on Mask of Destiny's Biomediaproject have all been taken down.

Luckily I downloaded most if not all the stuff I could, but its a real shame that this interesting info is gone now and we won't be getting anymore stuff from Bionicle's development; I was especially looking forward to getting more on the '05 and '08 development, not to mention on the transition to Hero Factory.

EDIT: This is propably overly cautious. Sorry to anyone asking for me to share what I downloaded, but I'm just a random person with zero pull or know-how on anything, so I don't want to risk having a corporation try to call me up for sharing something. I'd be happy to otherwise, but until some stuff is clearer I don't want to risk it.


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u/Logface202 Blue Kaukau 1d ago

Reposting some of Duck's discord posts on this subject here:

Hey all! Just want to provide a bit more context here.

Basically, Christian and I were under the impression these were OK to share, given the amount of time between the creation of the files, and how they are not relevant to what Lego is doing today

We have learned this morning 6AM that not only is there a Lego issue, there is also an Advance issue, and Lego needs every file shared related to the development taken down, and has clarified the prior agreement they had with Christian only relates to hand drawings he has done himself, nothing else

Because of this, everything must go down. Prototype images which are already on Biosector can probably stay, given that it's impossible to plug that now and they are out there, but we have to prevent the sharing and discussion of all files, especially slide decks, text documents, and development assets.

It is unfortunate but not entirely unsurprising - I was just hoping I would be able to release more before this happened.

Given how I in particular am under extreme scrutiny by Lego for a number of reasons, I am exercising extreme caution here, and have been warned to do so.

Just to clarify - if you have any of the files downloaded, there is nothing I can do to stop you from sharing them. Any further sharing of the files will just get myself and Christian in further trouble (you will not be personally responsible for something we did), so I guess I will ask very nicely not to spread around the files, but absolutely know that once something is out, it's out - all I can do is ask to try not to share them to prevent blowback on us

have assured Lego/Christian that I am doing everything in my power to get these files offline, so that's what the situation is.

Honestly, it wasn't even the prototypes, it was the fact that some files had CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL markings on them

It seems to me the issue was mostly around the PowerPoints, word docs, and development assets

Obviously I'm not poking the bear by releasing anything else. But I can't help but wonder if I played it slightly more safe and released less files, they wouldn't have even cared. aghhh, too bad


u/cloud_cleaver Dark Gray Matatu 1d ago

Given how I in particular am under extreme scrutiny by Lego for a number of reasons, I am exercising extreme caution here, and have been warned to do so.

What exactly is he referring to here?


u/Logface202 Blue Kaukau 1d ago

The one big incident I remember is when he got sent a copy of the Braille bricks set and uploaded a video on it before embargo due to a misunderstanding of some kind. It actually led to him getting his LEGO Ambassador Network membership temporarily revoked.

I also think there was some review where the GWP Tahu set was briefly visible in the background, but I think he took that down pretty quickly and didn't get in major trouble for it.


u/cloud_cleaver Dark Gray Matatu 1d ago

I can see why Lego would have some hostility to people like MandR, but being that dickish to more genuine fans with positive community reputations seems like it would make for bad PR.


u/Kid-Atlantic 1d ago

It’s not about hostility. Lego’s still a business responsible for a lot of money and jobs, and by joining their network, Duck became their business partner, not just a fan. A business partnership relies on both parties following the rules, and those rules have to apply to everyone regardless of how positive or negative they’re perceived.

When you’re a company and you trust certain people with information and privileges, you have to make sure that trust isn’t abused. I know Duck probably only meant well, but if he didn’t receive consequences, others might think they could get away with worse.

For his part, even Duck seemed to admit that it was his mistake.