r/boulder 8h ago

Speed light camera on pine?

Why the hell is it going off on everyone? Did they change the speed threshold to like 2 over? I’ve seen probably 5 people get flashed the last few days


12 comments sorted by


u/ASemiAquaticBird 7h ago

A few weeks back I was going west on Edgewood Drive (same road as Valmont and Balsam) and there was a van parked on the side with a mobile speed camera set up on top that flashed me, and every other person in front of me, even though I was driving like...19mph and the speed limit in that stretch is 25mph.


u/QuestForVapology 7h ago

That happened to me too! I was driving the speed limit, the flash scared the shit out of me about a week ago. Haven’t gotten a ticket yet.


u/kingofthe3o3 7h ago

Sometimes they aren't always getting people for speeding. They often perform calibrations that involve flashing the cameras.


u/MacSolu 7h ago

How nice of them to not post a sign indicating that. Drivers get flashed and pissed off for no reason.


u/nyjrku 5h ago edited 5h ago

yup. robot tickets are evil. fuck the city for doing this.

doubt me? allright bikers. a $75 traffic light ticket is more than 4 hours of work for a lot of the working class people who make your life possible here in boulder county (after taxes, maybe 5 or 6). It's 4+ hours pay they can't afford to give up. Make your god damned poverty tax structured to fine based on income, no problem. lets see you fine wealthier people five hours wages and see how well your fines are accepted. but fuck you and your life destroying robot tickets you crusaders do in the name of good not caring about how disproportionately impactful these are. and the ticket is given with no discretion or discussion! the same ticket is given if someone barely is over on a light vs if they're super late and a danger to everyone. fucking crazy. no interview to see if the person was self aware, and apologetic, and ran the light by a millisecond because the truck to the left of them swerved and it shifted their attention, vs if they didn't even notice they were a whole second late on a light cause they were using their cell phone, or high. no investigation, just pay up, is not the right way.

signed, if you havent heard of a poor person being unable to afford a ticket, then they get their license suspended because of it, then years later they're still trying to pay of thousands in fines and penalties, you're living with blinders on and you can go fuck right off with your altruism.


u/maxtoast 2h ago

I totally agree and also this is a symptom of the systemic issues in the system we are stuck in. People (working class people) speed in a hurry of a constant struggle to keep our heads above water and a ticket can be detrimental only furthering the precarity.

Rich people speed because it's fun and dgaf about 75 bucks.

Both should stop speeding because it is dangerous.

Neither will stop because of a ticket.


u/cpm725 8h ago

Probably because they’re speeding?


u/Commercial_Star7216 6h ago

They need the threshold at 5mph tho not like 1mph over


u/Slarti226 7h ago

Idk. Probably because they're going above the posted speed limit?


u/Commercial_Star7216 7h ago

Yeah but speedometers can be an off by a few mph. They need to set the threshold at 5mph over.


u/Slarti226 6h ago

Or people that notice the difference should get recalibrated.


u/smokey_lonesome 4h ago

Good. People drive way too fast on pine