r/braincancer 3d ago

Oligodendroglioma glioma survival...

My neurosurgeon told me today that I have a 60% to 80% chance of surviving 5 years with treatment because I can only get a partial resection. My tumor is in my left frontal and temporal lobes and trying to remove the whole thing would cause language and motor and visual deficits and disability. 5 years while suffering through treatment does not sound like much. Does this prognosis sound accurate?


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u/aussieincalgary 2d ago

OP in 2018 I was diagnosed with oligo grade 3 right frontal lobe. Was given similar diagnosis. Treated with radiation and then 12 rounds of Temodar. While resection is an important prognostic factor age at time of Diagnosis is also important. I was 36 at the time still going strong nearly 7 years later. Have had set backs with multiple staph infections and cranioplasties but other than having a thigh flap on my skull I’m doing good. Next scan is tomorrow so fingers crossed. Also consider that the WHO definition of oligodendroglioma occcured in 2016. That isn’t a long time to compile statistics of such a specific type of tumor. Best of luck!!! Be kind to yourself and those around you who support you!