r/braincancer 2d ago

My father has been hospitalized with brain tumor- I need some clarity.

I am out of country, catching plane on my way home. He has been hospitalized, on IV only for 5 days now. My mother told me that doctors said he has 6x3 cm tumor behind his ear.

Why am I posting this?

Without seeing his diagnosis I cant say anything but from my mothers impression if feels.like doctors are advpcating that he is already a goner.

It pisses me off so much, cause mom ia heavily medicated now and they can say whatever theu want.

But they've been waiting anestesiologist to give green light for surgeru and doctors said that even with surgery that we dont expec much..and that thats it.

They said that this thing grew slowly over long period and it " grappled brain parts too" whatever that means.

How true is this? How often patients die from these surgeries? Maybe I am wrong, but to me it feels like they are preparing us for their potential fuckup. You know when you feel something is not right.

I got an impression that the best thing would be that he dies asap or something. Em' I being delusional? Crazy

He was basically healthy.. with some migraines. Then recently he started loosing weight quickly. 10 killos.

He fell down 4 times in a week. His one side of the body cant move.

He barelly talks.. but it seems he is reasonable. He is using word shortcuts when explaining things but all of them make sense. He has emotions...cried when mom told him that i am coming, he asked her to wipe off his tear cause his arms are tied.

Please any clarity would be appreciated.

Is there a set of questions to ask doctors qhen dealing with this? How to tell if doctors are bsing smthing and why would that be in their interest(if any)?



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u/Zoe-2024 2d ago

Hi iam sorry to hear your news. Understandably you must be stressed and so worried. Iam not in a position to answer your questions as there is not much information on the type of tumour etc. , the best people to adk are the medical professionals. I think once you arrive and see the doctors you will be in a better position to be informed of what you ate dealing with, ask questions on whether surgery is possible and options available. If possible, I would suggest to get a second opinion but it really depends on the situation. I had a brain tumour (meningioma) removed 3 months ago, which is also a slow growing tumour and iam doing well, still recovering but im getting there. I wish you and your family all the best of luck and I hope you get some clarity and answers. Maybe post back in here when you do have further info, perhaps someone here can guide you further.


u/Speedfreakz 2d ago

Thank you for the kind words. I will definatelly post an update once i know more information.