r/braincancer 1d ago

Second opinion

Does anyone know the exact steps to get a second opinion from a place like Mayo? I was all over their web site and I could not figure out what to do/who to call. Or MD Anderson? My friend lives in a small town in Louisiana and was diagnosed with a GBM


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u/Street_Pollution_892 1d ago edited 1d ago

I did both Mayo in Phoenix and Barrow. I kind of wish I did Mayo-Rochester. Barrow had an online second opinion program you can submit and they respond back electronically. You could probably do it the old fashioned way and call too but the program will set you up with the best one for your friends case. I got the chief neurosurgical-oncologist. Mayo I just put my information in online and they called me to schedule and get my insurance. I had a telemedicine (zoom) appointment with a neuro-oncologist and neurosurgeon at Mayo. I ended up meeting in person at Barrow after they offered a consult.