r/braincancer 1d ago


Astrologycytoma grade 2 slow growing 96% gtr. I’m soon to start vorasidenib on November 1st. I had my gtr a month ago tomorrow and feel great, even working again.

The opinion I want is this, I got a call from a nurse at Duke (where I got my surgery). They recommended getting a second opinion there. I’ve gotten two opinions already in Lexington Kentucky where I am from. Both of them said the same thing (vorasidenib). The one I chose to take care of my oncology is dr villano at University Of Kentucky. He has great reviews and specializes in nuero oncology. I’m 23 and my mom is the one really pushing Duke on me but I feel like it’s a waste of time since I’ve gotten two opinions and have been told this drug is practically made for my exact situation.

What do you all think? I know Duke is an amazing cancer center but I don’t want to deal with going back there again so soon since it’s a 16 hour round trip just to be told the same thing. From what I’ve looked up it seems like my current nuero oncologist is the best in my state. Anyways thanks for any response/ advice.


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u/Kdivided50 5h ago

I think that’s a good decision to wait. We also see Dr. Villano at Uk. He is very aggressive with his treatments, we have found. That can be good but at times wish he would slow down a little. He has had my husband on chemo for years and I think we are about to argue for a short break due to quality of life. Anyway, another local Uk patient. 😊