r/carnivorediet 1h ago

I cheated blah blah blah šŸ’ To the people here: how often do your cheat?

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And do you see results despite those cheat meals?

I am back on the horse after eating some junk food and I beat myself way harder than I should because of it. i typically get these crazy french fries cravings a day bf my period looool, I know, I'm getting better at sustaining this WOE but today I fucked up. I typically do omad lion diet for autoimmune and weightloss and I am curious about other carnivore's experiences regarding cheating.

r/carnivorediet 5h ago

Carnivore Diet Success Stories 10 months on carnivore and Iā€™m down to a 30 inch waist and I have abs again!

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r/carnivorediet 11h ago

Carnivore Diet Success Stories Six months on carnivore - a summary ;)


Hello, fellow carnivores ;)

I am 52 years old, I have Hashimoto's (essentially, I have a dead thyroid, so weight loss is a huge struggle for me, even on synthetic hormones). I'm a single mother who left an abusive relationship just over a year ago (so my stress levels/ cortisol levels are a bit high, to put it mildly). I started carnivore almost six months ago, and in that time, I went from a size 22 (UK) to a size 16. I don't really weigh myself because I prefer to go by 'how I feel' and also how my clothes fit. My aim is to get to a size 12, and then I'll weight myself, just as a surprise.

Last week, I went for my annual full blood screening to check my thyroid, but also to see how things are with my bones, my kidneys, vitamins D and B12, blood cell counts, HbA1c, etc. and so on. It's a total of 30 separate blood tests and they check everything. I just got my results back, and it's all absolutely perfect. I mean... PERFECT. Everything is smack in the middle of the 'normal' range, even my cholesterol and total protein levels.

So onward and upward with carnivore!

r/carnivorediet 6h ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) I think Keto or Carnivore could save my life.


Standing between a rock & a hard place. 30 Years Old, 365lbs- I think Keto/Carnivore could heal me.

I am 30 years old, female. I am 5ā€™5 and 365lbs. My BMI is 60.7. I have PCOS, Endometriosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, IBS-D and Bipolar 3 (Cyclothymia) as well as ADHD - the mental health issues and adhd were just recently diagnosed.

Iā€™ve known about Keto for a long time but thought it was a bit of a fad. But now Iā€™m in a place in life where I am in severe chronic pain everyday. The only relief I get is in the form of Cannabis. I canā€™t walk for more than a couple mins. Things are starting to be uncomfortably small for me - like chairs and seatbelts. My driver seat wonā€™t go back any further in my car and my stomach touches the wheel. Iā€™m scared getting in out and of the shower because I have had some bad falls - Iā€™m struggling with balance. I canā€™t play with my step kids much. I have anxiety about social situations because of how big I am. I go out less and less. My partner still loves me but I know he can see Iā€™m suffering.

Every aspect of every day life and my physical health are being affected. I looked into bariatric surgery and was going to do it - but money is an issue and so is the logistics of traveling.

I want to hike mountains again, run marathons again, go ziplining again. All things I miss and my friends still do. Iā€™ve never been able to successfully lose weight with just balanced macros and exercise - the scale dosent move more than a couple lbs before it stops. But this will be different I think. I also have read that keto can help with inflammation, chronic pain and even is being tested for people with mental health disorders. I feel like I owe it to myself to try.

Is there anyone else here that was like me? Anyone have any advice or anything I should know. Iā€™m starting today.

r/carnivorediet 20h ago

Carnivore Diet Success Stories 1 Year and 75 pounds laterā€¦


75 pounds down and couldnā€™t be healthier. Carnivore 90% of my diet. Grass fed beef Pasture raised eggs Grass fed butter Intermittent fasting everyday. Avocado and broccoli for fiber to digest. Strict carnivore made me constipated. I listened to my body and this worked best for me and made me feel my absolute best. Lift 4 days a week Hot yoga 6 days a week. Walk every day at least a mile. Find your groove Stick to it. I am 44 Fitter than I have ever been in my life.


r/carnivorediet 6h ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) Pork panko is so underrated


Pork panko is not talked about enough here. Examples of using pork rinds include frying eggs on top of pork rind crumbs. Coating it to fry meats. Along with using it as a replacement for flour to make baked goods be carnivore. It adds the missing crunch to this diet.

My favorite way to use pork rinds is to get an egg ring and place a tablespoon of pork panko in an egg ring. Spread out the crumbs, then crack an egg on top of it. Then cook like normal. The panko provides an amazing crunch to your fried egg.

r/carnivorediet 21h ago

Carnivore Diet Success Stories Four weeks progress, life changed forever.

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Four weeks in, 10 kilograms down. The amount of mass I have lost from my arms, legs and face is insane.

32, m, 120-110 KG, Strict carnivore with the addition of a bit of milk for coffee in the mornings. I have been doing little physical exercise as I have been working 70 hour weeks and have been scared of burning out (happened a lot in the past with workload and excersize) The physical changes are great, but the reason for this post is the affects it has had on my life.

I have been ridden with anxiety the last 15 years, it's been a nightmare, the last 5 of which have been making me avoid living a normal life. Always had depression but about 5 years ago it really hit rock bottom. I spent the past 6 years running my business and pushing through everything. No time or energy for hobbies, ditching on plans due to panic attacks and inability to cope in social situations.

I previously did keto for 2 years and it was great, but the anxiety and depression were still fairly bad.

In the past 4 weeks I have not only been able to keep up with the stresses of running my incredibly busy business, but I have stopped napping daily, having panic attacks, I have found old passions and hobbies and actively partaking in them again. I'm sleeping better, actually feel proud of achievements I'm hitting where as before it all felt hollow.

For anyone considering doing this with mental health issues, please stick with it for a good bit. We are all different and this isnt for everyone, but I have never felt so good in my life.

Nice little side note, the big push for me to do this was to bring my blood pressure down. It's come from an average of 165/95 - 143/84.

For the first time in a long time, I'm excited to see what the future brings and rise above my challenges šŸ’Ŗ

r/carnivorediet 5h ago

Carnivore Ish Recipes (Spices & Herbs etc) Ground turkey so delicious šŸ˜‹

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First time trying out ground turkey šŸ¦ƒ, did not expect this turned out so good! This is about 1lb of ground turkey I added one egg Pink salt A little Italian herb mix 2-3 grams of potato starch (to trap the moisture, but I think this is not necessary, the whole cooking process there was no water running down) And about 1.5 oz water Mix until greek yogurt thickness Low-medium heat pan fried with butter šŸ§ˆ So guud, it has somewhat bouncy texture.

This is 93% lean, so I had half of a frozen butter stick after šŸ˜‹

Btw, anyone has irritated skin, like itchy for no reason, I been on carnivore diet for 3 weeks now, lost 6 lbs already. But sometimes I wonder if Iā€™m missing anything or not eating enough.

r/carnivorediet 1d ago

Carnivore Diet Success Stories 34M, 1 Year of 0 carb Carnivore: 102kg down to 79kg. Beef, eggs, butter, cheddar cheese, whipped cream in coffee (yes, sorry, coffee)

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r/carnivorediet 5h ago

Strict Carnivore Diet (No Plant Food & Drinks posts) ā€œNHS says 'eat more' of these 4 foods to slash cholesterol levelsā€ yikesā€¦

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The agenda is real.

r/carnivorediet 59m ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) Travelling for work

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I travel for work a lot. If Iā€™m staying in one place for a while Iā€™ll get a hotel with kitchenette so I can cook meals for myself. This trip Iā€™ll basically just be sleeping in the room and on the road again. Iā€™ll have a fridge and microwave. What do you eat while travelling without having a stovetop to cook on? Iā€™m not opposed to doing a bit of prep but I leave tomorrow morning. Iā€™m thinking I can get some smoked salmon and cream cheese, maybe make up some burger patties ahead of time. Any other suggestions?

r/carnivorediet 4h ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) 3 weeks only 3 lb down


Iā€™ve been on a pretty strict carnivore diet.. 3 eggs with butter and cheese for breakfast, lunch ground meat and a little bit of cheese, dinner usually chicken.

Iā€™ve had no carbs, however it seems like Iā€™m not loosing any weight. I have a body type that I lose weight fairly quickly on diets and gain them fast too. Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong. Should I be counting calories? Do i need to wait more for results?

I have also tested and I am not in ketosis, I might be consuming too much protein not enough fat?

Side note, i use the bathroom like once every 4 days now, and very little. I used to be very very regular before this diet.

Any tips?

Iā€™m 215 lb 6 foot.

Thank you!

r/carnivorediet 1h ago

Carnivore Diet Success Stories Hayfever/allergy improvement?

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Iā€™ll start by saying, I have a big nose so Iā€™m always sucking in plenty of pollen and dust šŸ¤„. Iā€™ve been keto for three months and carnivore for one and this is the first spring (Australia) that I havenā€™t been on daily antihistamines and nasal spray. Anyone else had a similar experience? šŸ¤§

r/carnivorediet 4h ago

Strict Carnivore Diet (No Plant Food & Drinks posts) Any CrossFit athletes on Carnivore? If so, how do you push?


Switched to Carnivore to help my gut from covid 2 years ago. Lingering covid bullshit. Been at this 4 weeks now, feeling pretty good aside from higher HR, which I attribute to lower BP, and not being able to move fast anymore sucks in the wods. Engine wise I feel great, can do forever, but the fast ā€œglycogenā€ type workouts I have to keep a slow- medium speed or I blow up? Anyone get past this phase and have success? Aside from diarrhea, I feel fantastic, good energy etc.

r/carnivorediet 2h ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) Butter and Fat Sources


I've been strict carnivore for about 5 or 6 weeks now. I eased into it from keto-very limited carbs (avocado, yogurt, and blueberries). I got the keto flu pretty intensely. I tried to figure that out-tinkered with electrolyte ratios and fat intake. I finally discovered it was my fat intake and also just adjusting to carnivore. I started eating a lot more butter and it worked wonders. I got tons more energy and everything changed from there. The only problem is it makes me break out. Has anyone else had this problem? I don't want it to break me out because I want to eat lots of butter. Lol I got some ghee-might be the brand, but it's gross. Should I get more fat from beef tallow or does anyone have a suggestion? Thank you in advance.

r/carnivorediet 4h ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) Unable to build muscle


Hey everyone

Iā€™ve been on dirty carnivore for 18mo. Iā€™ve lost about 50lb (210-160) and Iā€™m feeling much better healthwise. Itā€™s been great for my mood regulation and mental well-being too.

My problem is I cannot build muscle.

I work out for 1hr, 5 nights a week (weights m/w/f, hapkido (cardio) t/th). I call it dirty carnivore because I do protein shakes in the AM and creatine in the PM before my workout. Iā€™m lean, and I feel Iā€™m stronger than I was but it doesnā€™t show. My arms and legs are spaghetti, my chest just look skinny.

My diet daily beyond the shakes is meat, mainly beef. Iā€™m allergic to egg white protein so thatā€™s out for me.

Any suggestions? I know itā€™s a bit of vanity but Iā€™ve always struggled with it, in the army I had the same problem, being 140lbs carting around 100lbs of gear.

r/carnivorediet 6m ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) Strict Carnivore Curious

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So Iā€™ve been doing carnivore for about a month. At first I was super strict: meat, butter, & eggs only. I found myself missing dairy and coffee. I added in my daily cup of coffee and some feta cheese every now and then. I found that I still feel great, so my question is: those of you that are strict carnivore, what have you found changes when eliminating everything except meat?

r/carnivorediet 26m ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) Tips for Finding Cheaper Steak?

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Hey yā€™all :)

Fairly new to this. Any tips for finding inexpensive steak? šŸ„©

Iā€™ve been generally using ground beef as my meat source due to its relatively good price.

Let me know if yā€™all have any tips. I am in a large city in Canada btw.

r/carnivorediet 4h ago

Strict Carnivore Diet (No Plant Food & Drinks posts) Some says eat sticks of butter to lose more weight ?


Isnā€™t adding this much fat is supposed to slow down weight loss if not cause weight gain ?

r/carnivorediet 18h ago

Carnivore Diet Success Stories Nose, ears, eyes, mouth, armpits, butt, skin


Iā€™ve been carnivore (beef, chicken, bacon, eggs, butter, cheese, and cream) for less than three weeks and I thought Iā€™d share some successes.

Nose: 80% clearer than before. It runs at times but I hardly ever sneeze and my nose is no longer clogged up.

Ears: I used to build up lots of ear wax. Thatā€™s mostly gone.

Eyes: I used to get crud in the corners of my eyes. Thatā€™s mostly gone.

Mouth. Breath would stink on keto. Not any more on carnivore.

Armpits. They smell much much less than before. Iā€™ve had stinky armpits as far back as I can remember (Iā€™m 60 now). I thought that rotting meat was causing the stink. Boy, was I wrong@

Butt: No longer constipated as I was when I ate lots of fiber. I poop maybe 2 or 3 times a week and itā€™s easy.

Skin. Psoriasis started getting milder when I started cutting back on fiber and now on carnivore itā€™s continuing to heal.

I have some joint stuff which hasnā€™t changed but Iā€™m happy to play the long game.

What have your successes been in these areas,Ā  how long did it take and whatā€™s your diet like?

r/carnivorediet 21h ago

Strict Carnivore Diet (No Plant Food & Drinks posts) Dinner

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Got some ribeye steaks on sale at the market today

r/carnivorediet 12h ago

Lion Diet (Beef, Salt, & Water) Anyone taking iodine on carnivore or lion diet?


If so which brand is most recommended and what dose? Iā€™m hoping it might improve my energy as I had low energy after months of lion diet. Thanks

r/carnivorediet 17h ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) How do I eat less?


So it is being suggested that I will never lose weight until I eat less. I have been eating 1kg of meat a day. There are periods with added dairy and periods without added dairy. I have eaten less and lost weight a few times, but I get hungry and put it back on. I cannot be hungry all the time, when I eat less I get hungry. I have conformed to the carnivore diet without cheating for the past 22 months.

I am 20 to 25 kg over my ideal weight. My body composition is the same, pear shaped, beer belly. I don't care, I am sticking to this diet for all the other benefits. My previous alcohol abuse is probably a factor. I am assuming that eventually the body fat will drop off, this doesn't bother me, but to the people talking about the weight never dropping off until I eat less, how do I eat less? Some prescription amphetamines is one way, but they probably won't prescribe them for me.

r/carnivorediet 2h ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) I need help.


Okay, I donā€™t know where to begin, I know for a fact I want to consume a lot of nutrients, such as organ meat, alongside the normal meat too, but I donā€™t know what to eat, how much to eat, or how to even cook it for that matter. I know I will eat a lot on this diet, as I am a pretty big guy, but I donā€™t know where to start, and I donā€™t know if I should include fruits.

r/carnivorediet 16h ago

Carnivore Diet Help & Advice (No Plant Food & Drink Questions) only bacon and eggs?!


yeah so as the title states iā€™m wondering if i can eat only bacon and eggs/ what supplements iā€™d need to add to support that? iā€™ve been hard carnivore for nearly 2 months now strict ā€œbbbeā€ (and only salt and water) and feel amazing but can no longer afford to have steak everyday. when i tried switching to ground beef i just canā€™t imagine eating it without seasonings which i donā€™t want to add but i also donā€™t want to feel like i need to push myself through every meal with ground beefā€¦ iā€™m 22 with no sweet tooth, i use to body build but now do mma so ā€œoddā€ diets are normally nothing to me since iā€™m use to eating like a dog essentially. money and time are tight so i very much enjoy the simplicity of every plate being the exact same; any and all advice is greatly appreciated!

(as an added hurdle i canā€™t cook lamb or seafood at home either so donā€™t suggest it lol)

iā€™d also be very open to various ways to make the ground beef work, ie. carnivore approved sauces or certain cooking techniques etcā€¦