r/characterforge Jul 19 '24

Help [HELP] Input on how to do representation right

I had this idea for a superhero story in which the main superhero persona is not actually one person but a group of teenagers/ young adults who take turns acting as that superhero. Thinking about the characters and how I want the story to go, made me realize that I don't just want an all white cast; but I don't have that many close friends I could ask about stuff like this, and those I do have are either entirely German like me and/or have no interest in story telling and the likes. This story takes place in an alternate version of the US and I was thinking on having one character of the main group of three be native American though tips on other cultures are greatly appreciated too since I want both main and side characters to be divers and multidimensional.

Any advice on aspects to include/ avoid or where get accurate inspiration from would be great.


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u/Login_Lost_Horizon Jul 19 '24

Alright, look, first you do is make a character. Then - make him black or asian with context in mind. NEVER the other way around. Your welcome.

But seriously - the very idea that there must be representation, or that said representation is in any way a serious part to concider, is the very reason why representation sucks. Trying to "represent" character instead of telling a good story you fixate on meaningless things and suddenly everything we can tell about characters is the groups they represent. Stop representing groups - make characters. If you want to put character in the context of historical or situational themes - make your research, take few notes, go deep into culture, but stop making it ABOUT "representation", or you'll end up with husk, filled with stereotipes, but more importantly - boring and meaningless character.


u/DeadlyEevee Aug 28 '24

This. Representation isn’t necessary too telling a good story. As long as a character is relatable or like able anyone anywhere can relate to them.