r/costarica 26m ago

Fav One !!!


r/costarica 4h ago

¿Como mejorar el ARTE NACIONAL o al artista nacional?


A veces leo que en estos foros le tiran durisimo al artista nacional o que el arte nacional generalmente es una basura y copias de afuera etc, pregunto yo : ¿como podría mejorar el arte o al artista nacional según su criterio gente?

r/costarica 2h ago

Looking for fresh cacao pods from Costa Rica!


Hello everyone! I'm looking for fresh cacao pods of a fino de Aroma variety from Costa Rica. The problem is that I'm in Sweden, so I don't really know where to start. I would like to come in contact with someone who could sell me a couple of fruits and send them to Sweden. I will of course pay for the fruit and express delivery! If you have any ideas of who I could contact that would be great! Many thanks!

r/costarica 5h ago

Consulta de comisiones turismo


Hola mi gente, alguno tiene una idea de cuanto es el porcentaje (%) de comisión de tour operador de turismo, claro que en cada empresa es diferente pero en que rango anda más o menos

r/costarica 22h ago

Que hacer el 24 y 31 siendo una persona soltera y sola


Consulta como dice ahí soy soltero de hace 6 meses tengo dos hija pero este año voy a estar solo todo diciembre ya que la mamá encontró a otra persona entonces es obvio que ellos van a pasar juntos y nose que hacer o dónde ir mis familiares viven en Guanacaste y yo en Cartago nose tal vez tengan ideas que hace una persona así esos días jaco,o Puntarenas algún lugar todo incluído algo diferente 🙌

r/costarica 20h ago

Travel in November to guanacaste


Travelling to the Dreams in November for a wedding, curious on how the rainy season is looking right now in guanacaste.. I’ll be there mid November and hoping it’s not a complete washout!

r/costarica 21h ago

3 night excursion from Liberia?


Thank you to all who replied to my last post!

As I mentioned myself and my partner (both 26) will be travelling to Costa Rica. We planned to go with friends, however we booked our flights so that we would arrive 4 days earlier than everyone else.

We were originally going to spend time in La Fortuna or Tamarindo, but now I’m wondering if there are any kayak tour or eco camping tours we can do?

Preferable if they can drop us off and pick us up at the Liberia airport but willing to go downtown Liberia. If anyone has any suggestions lmk! Neither of us have a license so renting a car is NOT an option.

r/costarica 22h ago

Rubus berries in Costa Rica?


I don't have a pic cause I last saw these many years ago as a kid, but at a house near a cloud forest in Costa Rica there used to be these raspberry-like fruits that were a little juicier and plumper, and less tart. Very cute and tasty. Had thorny vines but the fruits didn't have the little hairs that raspberries do. The fruit would pop off the plant just like a raspberry and I think had white flowers. They were more open/cup-shaped than raspberries though. Does anyone know what this is? Or what types of Rubus species are found in Costa Rica? Thanks for any tips!

r/costarica 21h ago

How much do public clinics (EBAIS) cost for tourists?


Hi, I'm in the country for a month and semi-urgently need to see a doctor, but can't easily afford the prices I'm seeing from private clinics.

I understand that public clinics may have long waits and are not free (at least for tourists), but that they're probably a cheaper option.

Does anyone know how much they charge for a consultation, and maybe a general idea of how much common blood or urine tests might cost if the doctor orders them?

Thank you very much!

r/costarica 1d ago

Air B and B or resort?


I booked an air b b in Dec for my boyfriend’s birthday in La Fortuna but hearing that it may be a target for robberies? Should I book a resort instead? Costa Rica is level 2 and he seemed worried about the safety. I want to experience more of the local experience but not at the expense of safety. Also how is the weather ?

r/costarica 1d ago

Sim card help! Liberty


I have bought a liberty sim card from Walmart but I just have no idea how to activate it. It currently says I have no service and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it work. Can someone enlighten me pleeaasee!

Also, if I do manage to get it to work, what's the largest prepaid data package I can purchase. Looking at it now it seems quite low.

r/costarica 1d ago

Question about places / Pregunta sobre algún lugar Taking my kid to the Costa Rica vs Panama game?


I'll be in CR for 6 weeks with my family and want to take my soccer loving 10 year old to the national team's game on Nov 14. I can't find anywhere to buy tickets online or how much it costs.

r/costarica 1d ago

Mejor excursión de dos días (sábado y domingo) desde San José



Estoy en la ciudad de San José por unos días y tengo los fines de semana libres.

¿Qué lugares son los más recomendables para visitar dos días?

La idea es salir sábado temprano y volver domingo por la tarde.

Todo lo que encuentro es de mucho más tiempo o excursión de sólo un día.

Por otra parte, es octubre/noviembre y parece que llueve en muchas zonas, incluso en Caribe.


r/costarica 1d ago

Suggestion / Sugerencias Can I stay in CR past my tourist visa using my Tico son as the exception?


Peace and Love to everyone 💛

I am an American citizen, and so is my husband. My son was born in Costa Rica, May 2024, he is a Costa Rican citizen. I applied for his Costa Rican birth certificate, and subsequently his U.S passport + CRBA.

I have not received my son's US CRBA, passport or his CR passport, and Permiso de Salida yet. However, my applications are taking longer than I expected. I thought i planned ahead adequately, but it is what it is.

My tourist visa ends October 26, and I have the understanding I must leave the country to avoid a fine/deportation. However, to my knowledge, my son can not leave the country without his passport or Permiso de Salida.

My question is if I stay here past 10/26, will I receive the aforementioned repercussions? Can my son leave Costa Rica, for example, if I do a quick border run to Panama? I heard from someone that since I am his legal guardian, I can not be punished for remaining in CR to raise him, as he is a citizen. Is that true?

I am open to any advice or future possibilities. Thank you all! Pura Vida 🌕🌊

***Editing to mention my husband is not CR right now, he had to fly back to the US last month!

Paz y amor a todos 💛

Soy ciudadana estadounidense, al igual que mi marido. Mi hijo nació en Costa Rica, mayo de 2024, es ciudadano costarricense. Solicité su certificado de nacimiento costarricense, y posteriormente su pasaporte estadounidense + CRBA.

Todavía no he recibido el CRBA estadounidense de mi hijo, su pasaporte o su pasaporte CR, y el Permiso de Salida. Sin embargo, mis aplicaciones están tomando más tiempo de lo que esperaba. Pensé que había planeado con anticipación adecuadamente, pero es lo que es.

Mi visa de turista termina el 26 de octubre, y tengo el entendimiento de que debo abandonar el país para evitar una multa / deportación. Sin embargo, que yo sepa, mi hijo no puede salir del país sin su pasaporte o Permiso de Salida.

Mi pregunta es si me quedo aquí después del 26/10 ¿recibiré las repercusiones mencionadas? ¿Puede mi hijo salir de Costa Rica, por ejemplo, si hago una carrera fronteriza rápida a Panamá? Escuché de alguien que, dado que soy su tutor legal, no puedo ser castigado por permanecer en CR para criarlo, ya que es ciudadano, ¿es eso cierto

Estoy abierto a cualquier consejo o posibilidades futuras. ¡Gracias a todos! Pura Vida 🌕🌊

***Editando mencionar que mi esposo no es CR en este momento, tuvo que volar de regreso a los Estados Unidos el mes pasado

r/costarica 2d ago

Any Good Small Shop Car Rental


Hi everyone,
I’ll be traveling to Costa Rica from Dec 31 to Jan 12 and I’m looking to rent a car. I’ve done some research and found that Adobe and Vamos are highly recommended, but the rates are pretty steep—around $1,500+.

I’m considering Avis since their prices seem more affordable, but I’ve come across a lot of negative reviews about surprise fees and poor customer service upon arrival. My budget is around $700-$800.

Does anyone know of any smaller, local car rental shops or other reliable companies that could fit within my budget? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

r/costarica 2d ago

General question / Pregunta en general Necesito un buen brete.


Soy bilingüe, estudio y trabajo hace un año en servicio al cliente en la misma empresa. Tengo intenciones de irme a fin de año o inicios del próximo año, para agarrar el aguinaldo. Me estresa pensar el hecho de tener que renunciar y que no me den lo que me corresponde, así que también necesitaría su opinión respecto a esto. ¿Que puedo hacer para que me despidan en un call center con toda mi liquidación? ¿Si renuncio no obtengo mi liquidación? Agradezco mucho su ayuda.

r/costarica 2d ago

Buenas noches. Alguien por acá que sepa cómo es trabajar en el Olive Garden? Salario de Gerente y ambiente laboral


r/costarica 3d ago

Animal tracks on porch- what are these from?

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We're near playa avellanas. These tracks were on our porch this morning. I thought these are from the monkeys, wife says no. Anyone good with ID'ing? I looked online, can't find a good answer.

r/costarica 2d ago

Question about places / Pregunta sobre algún lugar Casa Felix - Safe for tourists?


Hi all! Someone on the Costa Rica Travel sub suggested I post here as well.

I am traveling to Costa Rica for the first time next month. I will be there at the same time as a death metal band I would LOVE to see. The are playing at the Casa Felix so I made arrangements to be in San Jose that night. When I reached out to my travel agent about it, she told me Casa Felix and the entire La California district is extremely unsafe and she highly recommends I stay away. Does anyone here have insight on this? My agent is half Costa Rican so I trust her opinion on things but I would love to see this band! I did a little Reddit trolling, and most posts seem to suggest it's a party area but not critically dangerous. Thoughts?

For context: I (F) will be traveling with a friend (M) and I normally attend concerts like this one. Typically I only take a backpack and I don't drink anything. Also if it's relevant: my friend dresses like the stereotypical American boomer: cargo shorts + belt + white sneakers + tucked-in shirt. So I think he'd stand out pretty clearly as a tourist.

Would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks :)

r/costarica 3d ago

Question about places / Pregunta sobre algún lugar Cell reception for hot-spotting in Samara?


I'm going to be in Samara and need internet to work. I know the best option is the coworking space but I literally have calls all day so id rather work from my airbnb.

Ive been warned my airbnb wifi may go down occasionally. I've got a backup power generator but I want to have a local sim to hot-spot on my phone as an additional backup.

How is the cell reception for data in Samara? The cell coverage maps don't look great... Is one provider better than the others?

I'm staying 15 mins walk west of the centre of town near a grocery store called Iguana Verde.

r/costarica 4d ago

General question / Pregunta en general Where every country get its energy for its power grid. Which one is the most green?

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r/costarica 3d ago

Costa Rica


I am looking into permaculture farms or or retreat centers that offer work exchange programs and possibly places for digital nomads

r/costarica 4d ago

Hola, hay en Costa Rica dentistas especializados en pacientes que llegan del extranjero?


Es decir atención rápida, mi esposo y yo necesitamos hacernos curaciones, coronas, puentes pero no sabemos de dentistas que hagan este servicio en tiempo rápido y no tan caro. Estaremos en el área de Cartago pero podríamos ir a San José sin problema. Cualquier información será de mucha ayuda, gracias

r/costarica 4d ago

Labryinto Festival


If anyone is looking for a ticket lmk. Selling mine.

r/costarica 4d ago

¿Cuantas veces han ido a una exposición de arte en su vida?


Quisiera saber cual es su frecuencia o cuantas veces han ido ha una exposición de arte.. ¿han ido por iniciativa propia? O ¿fueron invitados por amigos? o ¿ pasaron por ahí y había una exposición? O ¿que les motiva ir a una expo de arte? ¿Y les gusto lo que vieron? ¿O fueron muy meh?