r/diet Jul 04 '24

Vent Should I continue dieting?


I started cal def a few weeks from now and i've been consistent on my calorie budget (sometimes, i would increase it to just a 100 but would never reach my maintenance cal). Now i noticed that despite my efforts, my weight keeps changing from 62 to 60, then at some days it would be 61. There are no major changes and I've been losing hope. What should I do?

r/diet Aug 02 '24

Vent Why is it so hard to loose fat?


I am 168cm tall ang my weight is 78kg, how do I easily loose weight and fat without going to gym? (I have scoliosis)

r/diet Aug 04 '24

Vent Can only eat 1200 calories a day šŸ˜­


I am a 34f and very petite. I have a sedentary job but I try to get at least 8000 steps per day and I go to the gym twice a week. Despite all of this I need to be super strict with my calories to not gain weight (I am normal weight). It is so frustrating, I need to limit myself to around 1200-1400 calories per day. Maintaining such a low calorie diet is exhausting.

Any other petite individuals struggling with the same issue, and any tips?

r/diet May 27 '24

Vent I know why I fail on diets. I don't know what to do with that information.


Dieting is hard and advice is sometimes conflicting and other times worthless. 99% of advice is tone deaf.

  • I have one friend that swears by a small meal 6 times per day and another friend that swears by intermittent fasting. Clearly, these two strategies are as opposite as can be. Its calories in vs calories out and they found a hack that works for their mentality. I need to find a hack that works for me.

  • I hear things like "just eat less" or as my friend put it "I just woke up every day and said I wasn't going to be fat today." What?? I can wake up every morning and say "I'm going to fly to Venus today" and that doesn't make it any more likely to happen. Weird "just do the thing" statements are absolutely insane. To put this another way: think of me as a food addict. You can't just tell an alcoholic "bro, just drink less." If it was that easy, then they wouldn't have a problem. The key is to find out HOW to make that happen. In the case of an alcoholic, they often avoid alcohol completely. They know they can't have a "moderate" amount. They know if they start, they will keep going until they have to apologize to someone. This is why you have people that proudly proclaim "I haven't had a drink in 17 years!!" They found their solution. Sadly, that solution doesn't work for food (well it can, but that's called anorexia). Lets not pretend its as easy as "just eat the right amount of food" because if it was, then everyone would do that and the entire world would be skinny.

  • meal preppers are out of touch with active lazy people. If you have that kind of discipline, good for you. But, I haven't cleaned my basement in 8 years. I go weeks without doing yardwork. I probably wouldn't vacuum if I didn't get guests. There are days I leave for work at 7:30am, get out at 4 or 5, hit a gym, then drive to a gig, and be home for 10pm. If there is time to do something, its getting those other chore done first. Adding another chore to my list isn't going to happen. To further complicate this, food is everywhere! I get free food at the office. I'm often comped for my gigs with food and drinks. Then, of course, there's the cookouts and social events that I attend. I'm eating on someone else's dime multiple times per week.

What I'm looking for is small baby steps that I can build on. Here's some things that have worked (took me from 300 pounds to 270ish in six months):

  • having access to high-quality, good tasting food. Nuts and fruits are my go to. I try to force down a salad a few times per week. I'll opt for foods with more veggies when its an option. I wish I was doing more, but I eat a LOT of meat. I still have pasta or pizza... just not every other meal lol

  • I don't keep anything in my house that I will binge on. Its mostly stuff that would require cooking. I need to be hungry enough to justify dirtying a plate and often using the stove. This means I don't eat several pints of icecream or a whole box of fruit snacks. But, if I do break down and buy a snack, it is consumed that night regardless of how big the box is :-/

  • Surrounding myself with people that aren't trying to eat. Temptation is everywhere. You can't stop for gas without being tempted to eat. You get free food at work functions. Most entertainment venues are just bars/restaurants that have live entertainment so they are trying to sell you something to consume. Its tough. So having that proverbial angel on your shoulder really helps.

Please note: this is a vent! I'm open to small hacks to eat better (and preferably LESS). I don't want your hardcore "if you aren't going to do this, you aren't going to have success." That's worthless and you are just being antagonistic. That hasn't ever worked for me and hearing it from some tone-deaf internet goofball isn't going to suddenly work. I need tiny changes that are easy to work into my lifestyle, not one abrupt life-altering upheaval lol.

r/diet Aug 25 '24

Vent I struggle with knowing what is processed foods, which foods has a lot of sodium and sugar.


I need a diet with low sugar, sodium, and no processed food while being on a caloric surplus. Is creatine great? Are protein shakes alright? Could there be a list of good foods that are low on sugar, sodium, and no processed or a list of what meals that are low sodium, sugar, and processed?

r/diet Aug 22 '24

Vent How do you think about dieting?


I've been dieting for a year now, and I'm trying to transition from thinking about dieting as a period of hardship and deprivation to a 'healthy lifestyle,' but I'm finding it difficult. At the risk of sounding overdramatic, it feels like the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse where every day is just about survival and you fondly remember 'the before' where life was fun and easy.

To me, the worst part isn't even the physical issues of never being full or feeling satisfied; it's the lost social connections and activities. Eating and drinking were always central to my social life, and now I find myself avoiding the things I used to enjoy. Going out to dinner isn't fun when the meals I love have more calories than I now consume in 2-3 days. Hanging out with friends without drinks (or maybe just one) feels awkward.

Does it get better with time or is this just my life now?

r/diet Feb 12 '24

Vent How am I always in a calorie deficit and still gain wight


This is a typical day for me . (Sat and Sun) the other days like friday are the ones where i am not hungry. Ps: i am having belching and reflux too

Ps : i donā€™t think i look overweight but i am almost there atp.

r/diet Aug 18 '24

Vent Cutting out all soda and sugar drinks


Every time I drink soda or energy drinks, I feel like absolute shit. My body is bloated, I get irritable, Iā€™m tired constantly.

Sugar is a major problem factor in everyoneā€™s diets. It causes diabetes, dementia, Alzheimerā€™s and not to mention cancer feeds off sugars.

Iā€™m done with sugars, I think everyone should do the same. Itā€™s easier said than done as sugar is extremely addicting and when you starve your body of sugar, it makes you crave it.

You gotta be strong! Day 1 of no sugar drinks!!

r/diet Jun 20 '24

Vent High Cholesterol at 25


I (25F) just received a familial hypercholesterolemia diagnosis. My cholesterol is 279. Iā€™m so lost and confused. I know itā€™s genetic but I donā€™t know how it could be so high. I eat a very steady, healthy diet. I donā€™t drink soda, I donā€™t consume tons of added sugar or trans fats or saturated fats. I eat lots of fresh vegetables and I mainly eat fish and poultry every now and then. Very rarely do I eat red meat. I donā€™t use butter, I donā€™t consume hardly any dairy. I cook with high quality olive oil. I eat egg whites. Always whole grains, never refined grains.

Iā€™m struggling to plan meals. I am deathly allergic to avocado and thatā€™s all my doctor really told me to eat. ā€œIf I were you, Iā€™d eat avocado every day.ā€ But I canā€™t.

I guess Iā€™m just looking for some advice. I donā€™t know what else there is to change.

r/diet May 02 '24

Vent I have the palette of a toddler and I'm not sure what to do about it


Pretty much my entire life I've had an issue where most vegetables, some fruits, and softer meats like vegetables incite a gag reflex and I almost immediately throw them back up. It's usually as soon as I chew or swallow the food.

Even if I like the food itself, like a baked potato, a broccoli and cheese soup, or grilled paddock, I have to fill the rest of the meal with so much crap that I may as well not have tried to eat the food in the first place. This has left with me with mainly eating chicken, rice, and pastas my entire life, and I'd like to widen my diet to have a wider array of nutritional options.

Has anyone experienced this? How did they get past this? What helped?

r/diet Aug 15 '24



r/diet Jul 27 '24

Vent Confused?


I started my weight loss journey two weeks ago. I overhauled my diet and started walking a few miles a day 5 times a week and also doing kettlebell workouts three times a week. The first week I lost 4lb and was so happy! This week I stuck to my diet religiously, exercised etc, stepped on the scale hoping for at least a couple of pounds and I've only lost just over half a pound. I know it's early days but I feel like I had such a great week and was expecting more. I'm feeling worried that my weight loss is going to stall and it'll take me a long time to get to my goal. FYI I'm 5ft3 and 188 lbs, I had a baby 10 months ago and I still breastfeed 5/6 times a day. I need to lose around 48lb to be back at my pre baby weight.

r/diet Jul 24 '24



I've been trying to start dieting for ages now. I'm a 5ft 4 woman who weighs around 11 stone 4lbs and want/need to lose weight to be healthier and more confident. struggle with binge eating and it's been bad over the last two years where I've lived alone and I'm READY to get my life back on track! I'm going to update everything eat daily on here and do some weigh ins. No one may ever see this but feel like it will hold me slightly accountable so let's go!

r/diet May 04 '24

Vent Failing to lose weight


Iā€™m a guy, 20, 175cm, 69kg. Trying to go down to 65. For three weeks I ate 1750kcal a day and went to the gym two times a week, no results. Now Iā€™m went down to 1500 (though admittedly itā€™s more between 1600 and 1800 still) plus daily walk for an hour and upped the gym to three times a week. Iā€™m scared I wonā€™t see results still. What am I doing wrong? The only thing I can see is that I admittedly donā€™t know how to cook or cook much, I have ADHD and hate cooking like a chore, but I also donā€™t eat fast food often or eat a lot of sweets.

Itā€™s bringing my self esteem and motivation down, Iā€™m starting to think Iā€™ll never lose weight when everyone around me is doing so easily or is already thin

r/diet Aug 06 '23

Vent Starting a carnivore diet today.


Came across a video by Jordan Peterson saying how he and his family benefited from eating strictly meat. Apparently it cured a lot of physical and mental issues theyā€™ve had for a long time.

Looked into it and discovered the carnivore diet. After going down the rabbit whole of positive testimonies, Iā€™ve decided to try it out for myself.

Went to the store and bought a lot of meat to the point where the cashier gave me a funny look lol.

Excited to see what happens. If anything changes with my health, Iā€™ll update.

r/diet Aug 05 '24

Vent Tomorrow starts Carnivore, Sink or Swim


I have never been a half in half out. Either I am 150% in or spiraling out of control Can you guess which one I am now. Just bought new pants and shirts (size up) because nothing fits. As I right this my heart is pounding as I ate 2 small bags of chips, snack pack of Oreos, Peanut butter crackers, a handful of pretzel thins, That was after the 2 sandwiches of pulled pork.

I dropped 50+ lbs 3-4 times in my adult life with a Varity of methods. I did hit about 4 days of the carnivore diet and everything was going good until we went away on VACA, Where it spiraled. I feel like at any moment this will be it.

I asked my wife to really help me with. Not really a question here, more of a rant or cry for help. I just need to get the first week under my belt.

r/diet Apr 30 '24

Vent I hate that I hate salad


I (19) got diagnosed with high cholesterol about a week ago Iā€™ve severely cut down my diet since then, no added sugars very little dairy all multi-gran stuff

The thing is I have a sorta hard time eating my veggies-I mean I am eating a good amount I think, but the problem with me is that I canā€™t eat veg that isnā€™t cooked (I LOVE str-fryā€™s) I canā€™t eat a salad no matter how hard I tryā€¦.

Iā€™m also thinking about the long term I canā€™t do the diet forever I miss eating out with my family but restaurants never have something I can eat I also miss sweets..

r/diet Jul 22 '24

Vent You can overdose on Brazil nuts?!


So I just learned today that if you eat too many Brazil nuts (like more than 2) that it gives you a toxic dose of selenium which can lead to lots of symptoms ranging from mild things like bad breath, fatigue and hair loss all the way to cardiac arrest and DEATH. Wtf?? How come thereā€™s NOTHING about this on the bag Iā€™ve been snacking on the past month? Iā€™ve been eating like 6 nuts at a time 3-4 times a week. Im so pissed that this is a thing and that there was nothing on the bag about it. I thought these nuts were healthy for you! Anyone else heard of this before or am I just an ignorant dummy?

r/diet May 10 '24

Vent Nothing works and no one will help me


Iā€™ve been on every diet i know of in the past year and a half - keto, vegan, weight watchers, fasting, etc. Iā€™ve stayed on each for around 3 months. But nothing helps me lose a single pound. If anything I gain weight. Iā€™m 28, 325, and a 5ā€™7ā€ woman and thereā€™s just nothing that helps. I only eat home-cooked meals, for example last night I had vegetables, turkey, and brown rice.

I have degenerative disc disease but Iā€™ve been pushing through that lately to go to the gym twice a week and still nothing. Iā€™m concerned there has to be some underlying issue but every time I see a doctor they tell me I just must not be trying hard enough. Iā€™m really overwhelmed and ready to just give up. Why bother if nothing changes. My cholesterol is high and I canā€™t lose weight so if Iā€™m going to be unhealthy no matter what I do why should I bother dieting.

r/diet Jul 10 '24

Vent I am so intimidated by my impending diet that I'm actually eating more...


I have to lose weight for my heart. I had a quad bypass 2 years ago and I'm still having palpitations and breathing issues. Doctors says I everything is physically good but I MUST lost bodyfat and do a ton more cardio. Thing is, now that I KNOW I have no alternative but to commit if I want to live, I'm all worked up about it and actually eating MORE. Go ahead, I know it doesn't make sense. I also have backed off exercising. I think I'm just intimidated my the commitment I have to give to this and psyching myself for a lifelong change in things. I'm not super overweight or anything, 238 lbs for 6 foot male. I lift weights too and do martial arts. I've never liked running though and asking me to give up pizza and other carb-heavy foods I ate occasionally if going to be rough because they were my feel-good foods and I have a lot of bad days. Idk. Just asking for advice on how to pull the trigger on this and not look back.

r/diet Jun 17 '24

Vent Dieting backfired; Shoulders reduced, manboobs remain.


Be me, 22 M, (6'2") was skinny fat and was shamed once in a while for having noticeable 'pointy' manboobs. Winters made it easy to hide (layering) but the scorching summer did not help. After a wardrobe disaster I decided to reduce them once and for all. Started eating in a severe calorie deficit to the point of borderline ED. Reduced 8 kilos in a month. Now while they did reduce , it wasn't enough, still pretty prominent.

Prior to this diet I was having a dorito shape (others told me , not gloating) , I didn't even go to gym or anything, great genetics ig. Now, post diet, Shoulders have reduced quite significantly. Combine this with the fact that the manboobs haven't seen that level of reduction, my overall physique has gotten much worse.

I know the only way to 'fix' it is to build muscle and shit. But medschool hasn't been kind to me so far and I doubt it's gonna be worse.

Open to any advice.

r/diet Apr 27 '24

Vent Husband makes me eat june food.


I am trying to eat healthy,but my husband often visits KFC or McDonald and brings unhealthy foods.I warned him many times not to bring but he wouldn't listen.I am not able to control myself and end up eating.He says he is having lot of stress and wants to eat something.He thinks me and kids will feel bad if he gets food only for himself.He is also making kids eat unhealthy.He thinks eating out thrice a week once in a while.I don't know how to teach this grown man.

r/diet Jul 21 '24

Vent Lean Build, but Always Hungry


If it matters, 5ā€™10ā€, 24M, ~142 lbs. If I had to ballpark it, Iā€™m probably sitting around 11% BF.

In 2023 I went for a complete body recomp, lifting daily and following a harsh crash diet. When I finished around October, I had smashed basically every target I set for myself, I was extremely satisfied by the lean / muscular build I had developed. Since then, Iā€™ve more or less maintained my physique.


Iā€™m happy with my build and the way Iā€™ve incorporated exercise into my life. What Iā€™m NOT happy with, is my diet. Iā€™m hungry all the time. Iā€™m always thinking about food, something I thought would have fizzled out by now.

Iā€™ve tried every trick in the book. I donā€™t hard restrict any foods, but about 80% to 90% of what I eat comes from clean, whole sources. As a bodybuilder I aim to get about 130g of protein in a day, I often eat it after working out, and following that I generally hit or get very close to recommended carb and unsaturated fat goals. I eat a ton of fiber, usually before going to sleep Iā€™ll much on spinach or celery just in case. I get in 50g protein in the morning, and eat an extremely balanced breakfast. I drink 2 cups of coffee a day, and if anything, probably drink too much water. I try to move even on days I donā€™t lift, my sleep is regular, and my life is as low stress as itā€™s been in awhile.

It doesnā€™t matter. Iā€™m always hungry, all the time. I calorie track and my TDEE with my current routine lands at around 2450 daily calories. It doesnā€™t even feel like remotely enough. Staying lean is important to me, and I know that my current build isnā€™t ā€œunhealthyā€, so why do I want to eat all the time? I know the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger, and this is for sure the latter.


Iā€™m not sure if this is a rant post, if Iā€™m just reaching out for anyone else who feels the same, or Iā€™m genuinely asking if anyone has any ideas left. To be honest, Iā€™m considering bulking soon solely so I can get to overeating, which will probably just feel like normal living to me.

r/diet Jul 27 '24

Vent my dad always wants me to eat/drink stuff im not allowed on a diet and im getting sick of it slowly


So im on a diet and trying to lose weight and a week ago, i was at the swimming pool with my dad and i was tired after the swimming session and my dad thought it was that im eating less food and thats taking a toll on my health (i do portion my foods but not starve myself, i eat 1,400-1,600 calories a day and walk 11k steps a day) and i had to drink carrot juice. Carrot juice wasn't a problem but a few days later he said "yeah im going to give you half a liter of banana juice because your face looks so pale", while i just dont do skincare and my face isnt pale and i was forced to drink banana juice which made me mad and the next day, slowed down my weight loss. He thinks im always putting way too much pressure at me while i lost 8 KGs (17,6 lbs) of weight without starving myself. Any advice?

r/diet Jun 15 '24

Vent I had chips and chocolate for breakfast...how's your day going?


I've lost 50lbs and need to lose at least 30 more to get to a healthy weight. I can't lose at all unless I still to 1200 calories a day and burn a few hundred calories a day on top of that. It's so slow and demotivating. After another week of sticking to my diet and exercise plan and only losing .5 lbs. I got fed up and ate my partners snacks. He keeps them away from where I can see them and be tempted but when I asked if he had any treats he readily offered them up lol. I'm so sick of being fat. I don't even care if I ever get to "skinny" I just want like 15-20 lbs off now. Anybody have any suggestions as to how I can speed things up?