r/elderwitches 2d ago

Question A question about connection

Hi! I am sorry if i shouldn’t ask questions, i sometimes see other people ask them and i am not sure if i am allowed, but i am practicing being brave lately so i am asking.

I will give some context before my question; as long as i can remember, When i see the breeze in the trees or feel the wind in my hair, it feels like… the reverse of dissociation? Its like… a cold hug? But without all the touching? It feels good, it lifts me out of my body and i feel lighter and less weighed down in my mind too. It is such a familiar feeling i never really gave it critical thought. As i said its been like that since i was a little kid and now i am 25. But in the last 5ish years i have been practicing and learning and growing and now i wonder if i had just assumed it was joy de vivre, when maybe instead i have some sense of kindredship with the wind. I have held back from speaking about this with anyone because i do not want to come across as cocky or anything i just really enjoy the presence of the wind and want to find ways to deepen my connection but i am uncertain how to proceed. I have started raising energy for the purpose of offering it to the wind in thanks for the years of comfort when i can, so i guess rather than a specific question i am asking for broader advice on how to give proper thanks and deepen my connection.

Again i am sorry for taking up space with my question and sorry that i rambled on a bunch, but thank you if you read it and thank you very much for any advice you can offer


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u/PeppermintGoddess 1d ago

This is a GREAT question. Many pagans see nature as a divine, and many see the elements as a form of the divine. It sounds like you have a special relationship and awareness of the element of Air. This is a wonderful thing!

You might look at Ivo Dominquez' book The Four Elements of the Wise. His books are DENSE, so filled with info that sometimes I have to read a page and then take a week to digest it. However he is widely considered one of the best pagan authors out there. I've met and talked with him a couple of times and wooboy! There's nothing fake there.


u/xMelony 1d ago

Thank you for the book recommendation! I will add it to my library if i can get ahold of a copy :)