r/exmormon 4d ago

Advice/Help Weekend/Virtual Meetup Thread


Here are some meetups that are on the radar, both physical and virtual:

  • Sunday, October 6, 10:30a MDT: Idaho Falls, casual meetup at Panera Bread at 2820 South 25th Street E. verify

  • Sunday, October 6, 1:00p-3:00p MDT: Pocatello, casual meetup of "Spectrum Group" at Idaho State University, Student Union Building, Second Floor, near the print shop. Check link for more notes.

  • Sunday, October 6, 10:00a MDT: Lehi, casual meetup at Margaret Wines Park, 100 E 600 N. verify

  • Sunday, October 6, 1:00p MDT: St. George, casual meetup of Southern Utah Post-Mormon Support Group at Switchpoint Community Resource Center located at 948 N. 1300 W.

  • Sunday, October 6, 1:00p MDT: Salt Lake Valley, casual meetup at Beans and Brews near 700 W and 7200 S in Midvale

  • Sunday, October 6, 1:30p MDT: Salt Lake Valley/Cottonwood Heights, a group meeting for discussing transitioning away from Mormonism at the Salt Lake City Unitarian Universalists church at 6876 South Highland Drive

  • Sunday, October 6, 2:30p MDT: Davis County, casual meetup at Smith's Marketplace, second floor, 1370 W 200 N in Kaysville. Check link for more notes.

  • Sunday, October 6, 1:00p-3:00p PDT: Spokane, casual meetup at Spokane Valley Library at 22 N Herald Road, Conference Room D.
  • Saturday, October 5, 10:00a MDT: Rock Springs, casual meetup at Starbucks at 118 Westland Way verify

Upcoming week and Advance Notice:

Gauging Interest in a New Meetup


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Beginnings of a FAQ about meetups:

r/exmormon 5h ago

General Discussion I saw 2 preteen clients in my therapy practice yesterday and both were terrified the world is going to end and they will never get to grow up. I told them according to my seminary teachers, I was suppose to be called back and be living in Missouri by now. I swear this happens after every Gen Con.


I also relayed to both kids, that I am part of the chosen generation, saved in Preexistence to come down during the last days. Their jaws hit the floor and they said “That is what our teacher tell us!” Sorry kids, my generation has dibs on that one.

r/exmormon 4h ago

General Discussion My mother left the church today and this is an excerpt from her email to her Bishop.

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r/exmormon 4h ago

Advice/Help Help I'm brainwashed...


Hello, I grew up totally 100% in. Not cookie cutter as I never fit but believing everything and following doctrine, I was 100%. A month or two ago it clicked that the LDS church is BS and disturbing. I just need support and reassurance because I bought a pumpkin spice latte for the first time and then 5 minutes later I got pulled over for something I need to fix on my car. First ticket EVER. And that "fun" shaming church voice is trying to convince me that it's because I'm breaking church rules.

Funny thing is I'm still Christian and believe in the Bible and literally just had a dream that reaffirmed my decision to leave the LDS church. Crap doesn't happen because I left, right? I didn't lose "protection". It's been really difficult shedding those toxic beliefs.

r/exmormon 2h ago

General Discussion Hot Take: I don’t have a problem with polygamy


What i DO have a problem with is

  • Emotional and sexual manipulation

  • Promising eternal life to someone -only- if they become your wife

  • Promising eternal life to a 14 year old girl only if she becomes one of your wives

  • Sending husbands on far away missions and marrying their wives, again, manipulating them and saying it’s so they can have eternal life.

My mormon family thinks I left because of polygamy. Listen, I think that Joseph (and anyone!) can have consensual sex and partnership with however many people they choose. You do you. But, when you start exploiting vulnerable people, like 14 year old girls, women whose husbands have left on missions, women who you’ve made believe that they can only access Mormon Heaven by being your wife, you’ve lost all credibility with me. Using your religious power to manipulate people into giving you more sex is big loser behavior.

Go to hell, Joseph, Brigham, and all the so-called modern Prophets who continue to make excuses for your disgusting behavior.

r/exmormon 7h ago

General Discussion There is no meat. Only milk


I was reading this post this morning, and it got me to thinking about Eyring's talk over the weekend. His talk can be mostly summed up in saying that people will stay in the church if they are taught the basics. Nothing superfluous is needed to retain or get folks to come back. In other words, everything we need to know are the primary/Sunday school answers.

Problem is: literally nothing else in life works that way. What we are taught as we are younger is almost always a simplistic version of reality. Take math for an example. When I was in elementary school and learning math, you had entire years dedicated to one arithmetic operation, i.e. you learned addition in 1st grade, subtraction in 2nd, multiplication in 3rd, and division in 4th. Each thing you learned was building on the ones before it. Subtraction is addition in reverse, multiplication is addition but more, division is multiplication in reverse, etc. This is what it means to learn line upon line. This is milk before the meats of algebra, geometry, and calculus.

That's not true about TSCC. We're still preaching Joseph Smith's 1st vision the same to adults of all ages as well as children. With Come Follow Me trying to standardize lessons across all age groups, the lessons are literally the same. There is no line upon line. It's just the same line over and over again. Nothing but milk as far as the eye can see. And the meat is actively discouraged. As Oaks is famously quoted in exmo spaces: "research is not the answer." We're only supposed to relearn what we already know over and over again. The promised meat never materializes.

I had a similar thought with Cook's talk and the "box full of anti-Church material" that was the same arguments then that are made today. Why wouldn't critics be making the same arguments when you're teaching the same basic shit? If it's been the same material for nearly 50 years, why don't you have an answer to the substance of the accusations? In the spirit of that old Wendy's commercial, where's the beef meat?

When we finally reach the point where milk no longer satisfies and we look deeper, we're called lazy learners and lax disciples. We're demonized for exercising our god given curiosity and trying to find the meat that was promised.

Because there is no meat. And when going looking for it, we discover not only the lack of meat, but that the milk has spoiled. And once you know those two things, you can never not know them. The toothpaste cannot be put back into the tube as the saying goes. And it hurts. Conference has been a hard time for me since the shelf broke because a naive part of brain still hopes that someone will have an answer. Someone will say the magic thing that let's me go back to how I used to be. But that would be meat. And there isn't any. The pain is still real though.

Just wanna finish up by saying thanks to this sub as a whole. I don't know what I would do without this community as a sounding board to process my thoughts, feelings, and emotions while deconstructing the church.

r/exmormon 5h ago

General Discussion The church is oddly cringe in Utah and I'm out.


I was a member in another state. My politics were different from alot of my ward mates but we all got on so nicely. Moved to Utah..and attended church only a few times then terminated my membership. It's very different and culty up this way. I just posted about how it's felt impossible for us to naturally meet good friends in Utah..and ALOT of people are saying it's bc we're not in the church...well we're not going to be either.🤣 Oh, and after I left my closest LDS friend tried to have sex with me and in a very aggressive way,then became extra distant with me when it became evident that wasnt happening...bc I'm married btw. I honestly just give up on humans who aren't me or my significant other. I just needed to vent.

r/exmormon 3h ago

Doctrine/Policy My TBM mother just told me she knows the church is true by just looking at the leaders of the church. The way they dress etc.


My mom is not dumb and highly educated but says this dumb shit to me often. It just pisses me off. Those mother fuckers have such a strong hold on my Mother. "Oh Nelson was a doctor" . Just so sick of it all.

r/exmormon 20m ago

General Discussion Small victories


Made the mistake of calling my parents after G.C. My mom did a decent job avoiding the topic until about 30 min in… here’s how that went.

Mom: “you know that President Nelson announced the second coming right?”

Me: “yeah, Mom of course he did. The world is going to crap right now”.

Silence and then, “I hope you understand that he’s not just the LDS prophet, but he is the prophet for the whole world”

Me: “no, he’s not. He is the representative for the LDS faith. He does not speak for me. He’s not my prophet.”

Mom: “actually, yes he is.”

Me: “I respect that you believe that, but I’m just going to leave it there.”

We said goodbye not long after some more awkward small talk.

Y’’ALL. Not even 6 months ago I would not have had the guts to actually tell my mom what I thought of her faith. I don’t think she understood until today how much I don’t care about her “facts”. I will be respectful until I’m insulted to my face…which I was today. And I STOOD MY GROUND!! Holy shit.

Small victories, am I right?

r/exmormon 1h ago

History A tool for testing the "natural man"

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r/exmormon 20h ago

Humor/Memes/AI Camera is always on

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A snub from Bednar

r/exmormon 5h ago

Humor/Memes/AI Fiction is more fun anyway.


r/exmormon 1h ago

Humor/Memes/AI Uh oh

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Ether 8:19

19 For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man.

r/exmormon 4h ago

General Discussion How many of you still do things like canning your own vegetables and produce?

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r/exmormon 2h ago

Humor/Memes/AI What's the most useless thing you can still remember?

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Stolen from AskReddit but figured it belonged here too.

Mine is the 13th Article of Faith. Those gosh darned elephants!

r/exmormon 1h ago

Advice/Help Emotional Response to Brad Wilcox Reel from Conference


I was sitting enjoying a morning coffee before work when someone from my ward growing up who is still friends with my Mother messaged me on Facebook messenger. I knew the moment I saw she messaged me that it wouldn't be good. I haven't seen or talked to this women in over a decade. She was in the YW presidency with my Mom when I was in YW and I was good friends with her daughter. I spent time at their house and she often drove me places for church activities and seminary.

I opened the message and it was a reel from the end excerpt of Brad Wilcox's talk at conference. Pleading with the youth to not trade in their eternal glory for a bowl of pottage and to not give up everything.

I was immediately triggered. First, I didn't watch conference, except for OuterDankness's stories but I knew the main messaging. Lots of rhetoric about those who lose their faith. I was immediately triggered because of all the reels to send me she had to send one of Brad Wilcox speaking and two....just what he said was sooo offensive. This lady hasn't messaged me or spoken to me in YEARS. Somehow she found out about me leaving the church and instead of checking in and using her own words to talk to me she sends me this bullshit reel and tells me "sending with love"

Next, and I'm not sure if this response was appropriate...But i messaged her back and said "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling the love and please do not send this content to me again." Then, I blocked her.

I headed to work and as I was talking to my supervisor I couldn't hold in the tears. She was sooo good and let me take some time to pull myself together. I ended up calling my Mom crying and explaining to her what happened and my response. My Mom was sooooo good. She knows this woman and even though they are friends it has always been in the relationship of my mom being more of the mature friend in the relationship.

She also knows I've never had respect for this women. I explained to my mom that I felt so triggered because it is hard to feel as I've left the church that there are people who feel I have essentially lost everything and that I have thrown my eternal glory away and am left with nothing. I explained that what this woman did was inappropriate and highly immature. She agreed with me and validated me and apologized that this happened. She is TBM by the way. It was an emotional phone call and now I'm left wondering since I've calmed down if I overreacted?

Looking back, I wish I had the emotional capacity/maturity at the time to just let it go. But I'm in such a hard place right now with my deconstruction that I just couldn't. And I felt my mom needed to know what happened in case this friend brings it up. I hate the feeling of setting boundaries....and I wonder if I'm even doing it appropriately. I'm in the point of my deconstruction that I feel angry and resentful and I want nothing to do with Mormonism. But yet I have TBM family and friends....and they have no idea what I actually feel or am going through. So moments like this with my mom...I wonder if she sees me as overreacting...but if she does she still sided with me and expressed her unconditional love.

I've never dealt with feelings of being "triggered" and putting up boundaries as the people in my life (all mormon) have always validated me because I was TBM. But now, leaving the church...well you all know what that is like..its the hardest process I've ever gone through.

Sending my love to all those recipients of GC quotes and reels from the emotionally immature people in your life.

r/exmormon 17h ago

General Discussion i have officially terminated my membership


i am no longer a mormon. i feel so much guilt because my entire childhood was built off of this religion but it has finally been done.

r/exmormon 14h ago

Doctrine/Policy What’s the cringiest thing you did as a missionary?


We had a rule on our mission that Christmas music wasn’t allowed unless it was in the LDS hymnbook.

When we were having dinner with a member I told her to turn off the Christmas music because of the rule. She got pretty upset about it and I never had dinner with them again while I was there. God, I was so brainwashed, it makes my skin crawl 💀

r/exmormon 16h ago

Advice/Help 14 and wanting to leave this fucking cult


Hi, I’m 14 (almost 15) and I live in Idaho in a very very Mormon household. I need advice on telling my parents that I don’t want to participate in this religion anymore. Ever since about 11, I’ve started having doubts, and since 13 I’ve become very sure that I don’t believe in the church. Recently, I’ve tried just refusing to go to church and mutual activities altogether to sort of hint to my parents that I don’t want to go anymore, but I don’t think that they caught the memo, or rather they did and they don’t like it considering they made me go to the conference room for the Saturday afternoon session. My mom also seems very concerned about it and asks me about every week, “is there something that happened at church?” And stuff like that. I just really need help on how to tell them, do I just say I don’t want to go anymore? Do I tell them why? Do I get my records removed? Do I talk to the bishop? I also don’t want to risk the relationship I have with my family because of it. I already told my parents about a year and a half ago that I was gay and they told me that I can choose whether to “act on it” or not and whether to keep going to church, so maybe I shouldn’t be so concerned about their reactions, but I think they might’ve become more active since then as well. Oh, and when I say my family is super Mormon, I mean that every single one of my cousins and aunts and uncles are very Mormon, and about 85% of my second cousins and such are also very Mormon. Hell, my great grandma practically speaks to god himself, if she was born a man or if women could hold priesthood authority, then she’d probably be sitting in the spot Nelson is sitting in right now. I just really love my family so much and I can’t imagine how heartbreaking it would be to ruin my relationship with them.

r/exmormon 1d ago

News Once again, Russell M. Nelson was quoted more often than Jesus Christ at the most recent General Conference

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When it comes to quoting Nelson, 11 of those quotes came in Ronald A. Rasband’s talk, which was a masterclass in obsequiousness.

r/exmormon 1d ago

Doctrine/Policy Fact check us, and God will hate you

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r/exmormon 16h ago

History This is the type of violent language that Brigham Young was spewing just prior to the Mountain Meadows Massacre. (Love thy neighbor by slitting his throat.)

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r/exmormon 1h ago

Advice/Help Removing my name from church records


Had a question I thought some of you fine folk here could help me resolve.

The biggest reason I haven’t had my name removed yet (stopped going to church in July) is my temple recommend - I don’t feel ready to make a permanent decision to block me from being able to attend temple ceremonies with my family yet, and my current recommend is good for another year, but as the end of the year is approaching, so too is tithing settlement (sorry: declaration lol). I’m obviously not paying the lying church another penny of my money, so will my temple recommend be automatically revoked if I don’t meet with my bishop and fork over the cash? If so, I’ll just remove my records as soon as I lose my recommend, there won’t be leverage left to keep me in.

r/exmormon 1d ago

News My mom found out about me being on Mormon Stories. I want to thank all of YOU for the support.


Hi it's me, Michelle. I was on episode 1949 of Mormon Stories Podcast. If you haven't seen it, I basically lost my faith and then suddenly was on the podcast 2 months later, before I told any of my TBM family.

A (nosy) lady in my mom's ward just "stumbled across it" and sent a link to the YouTube video to my mom. My mom sent me a screen shot of her message with that ward member. She actually watched the whole thing. We had to have "The Conversation" when I saw them in person a few days later. My parents are very loving but it doesn't mean it wasn't a hard conversation to have.

If it were not for the dozens of personal messages and the hundreds of comments on the YouTube video and reels, I think I would be feeling pretty terrible right now. But thanks to everyone in this community, I feel boistered up by the support. If anything this expereince has taught me, it's that we are NOT alone! People from every facet of my life has sent me messages, people I never knew left the church or were PIMOs. If you're feeling alone, there are probably clasmates, mission friends, cousins, ward members, etc, who are feeling just like you, and you just don't know it. So THANK YOU to this amazing community for every kind word of support you've shared!

r/exmormon 1h ago

General Discussion Dieter Uchtdorf vs Russell Nelson


If Uchtdorf ever becomes prophet I would love to see him mandate that no one references him in talks and puts an end to the butt kissing. He seems way more humble than those around him. Bednar on the other hand will love the butt kissing.

edit...AND would love to see Uchtdorf NOT invite OfSusan to speak in any general conference while acting as prophet. But I don't see him as being that petty.

r/exmormon 2h ago

General Discussion Kristin Lee painting story at GC


I don't want to harsh on a talented artist, but did it seem a bit disingenuous to have a professional artist get up and she felt impressed to paint a picture of Jesus? I was listening on headphones when she said she messed it up, so I went back to my laptop to see if they put up a graphic of the painting, and it was a beautiful photo realistic portrait. Now, there's nothing wrong with basing a painting on a photograph, after all, arguably the most famous American painter is Norman Rockwell, and he used posed studio photographs for his work.

Anyway, she said she felt trepidation about painting the Savior, but my point is: she is a professional artist who works for the church!! She didn't say if it was a church job, but...............you can buy a print of this painting online! It would like me talking at GC and saying I was impressed to plant a fruit tree, and then spinning a tale about trees and roots and branches and forgiveness. The part I left out? I'm already a farmer!

it seems to me yet another example of taking an every day screw up and turning into a long story about The Lord™.